scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1 package
scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.api module
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.api.EdgeServicesV1Alpha1API(client: Client, *, bypass_validation: bool = False)
- check_domain(*, fqdn: str, cname: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None) CheckDomainResponse
- Parameters:
fqdn –
cname –
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.check_domain( fqdn="example", cname="example", )
- check_lb_origin(*, lb: Optional[ScalewayLb] = None) CheckLbOriginResponse
- Parameters:
lb –
- Returns:
result = api.check_lb_origin()
- check_pem_chain(*, fqdn: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secret: Optional[CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain] = None, raw: Optional[str] = None) CheckPEMChainResponse
- Parameters:
fqdn –
project_id –
secret –
One-Of (‘chain’): at most one of ‘secret’, ‘raw’ could be set. :param raw: One-Of (‘chain’): at most one of ‘secret’, ‘raw’ could be set. :return:
result = api.check_pem_chain( fqdn="example", )
- create_backend_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig] = None, scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig] = None) BackendStage
Create backend stage. Create a new backend stage. You must specify either a scaleway_s3 (for a Scaleway Object Storage bucket) or scaleway_lb (for a Scaleway Load Balancer) field to configure the origin. :param project_id: Project ID in which the backend stage will be created. :param scaleway_s3: Scaleway Object Storage origin bucket (S3) linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :param scaleway_lb: Scaleway Load Balancer origin linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_backend_stage()
- create_cache_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fallback_ttl: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) CacheStage
Create cache stage. Create a new cache stage. You must specify the fallback_ttl field to customize the TTL of the cache. :param project_id: Project ID in which the cache stage will be created. :param fallback_ttl: Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the cache stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_cache_stage()
- create_dns_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fqdns: Optional[List[str]] = None, tls_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) DNSStage
Create DNS stage. Create a new DNS stage. You must specify the fqdns field to customize the domain endpoint, using a domain you already own. :param project_id: Project ID in which the DNS stage will be created. :param fqdns: Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format to attach to the stage. :param tls_stage_id: TLS stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_dns_stage()
- create_pipeline(*, name: str, description: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, dns_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) Pipeline
Create pipeline. Create a new pipeline. You must specify a dns_stage_id to form a stage-chain that goes all the way to the backend stage (origin), so the HTTP request will be processed according to the stages you created. :param name: Name of the pipeline. :param description: Description of the pipeline. :param project_id: Project ID in which the pipeline will be created. :param dns_stage_id: DNS stage ID the pipeline will be attached to. One-Of (‘head’): at most one of ‘dns_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_pipeline( name="example", description="example", )
- create_purge_request(*, pipeline_id: str, assets: Optional[List[str]] = None, all: Optional[bool] = None) PurgeRequest
Create purge request. Create a new purge request. You must specify either the all field (to purge all content) or a list of assets (to define the precise assets to purge). :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID in which the purge request will be created. :param assets: List of asserts to purge. One-Of (‘target’): at most one of ‘assets’, ‘all’ could be set. :param all: Defines whether to purge all content. One-Of (‘target’): at most one of ‘assets’, ‘all’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_purge_request( pipeline_id="example", )
- create_tls_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secrets: Optional[List[TLSSecret]] = None, managed_certificate: Optional[bool] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) TLSStage
Create TLS stage. Create a new TLS stage. You must specify either the secrets or managed_certificate fields to customize the SSL/TLS certificate of your endpoint. Choose secrets if you are using a pre-existing certificate held in Scaleway Secret Manager, or managed_certificate to let Scaleway generate and manage a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your customized endpoint. :param project_id: Project ID in which the TLS stage will be created. :param secrets: Secret (from Scaleway Secret Manager) containing your custom certificate. :param managed_certificate: True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_tls_stage()
- delete_backend_stage(*, backend_stage_id: str) None
Delete backend stage. Delete an existing backend stage, specified by its backend_stage_id. Deleting a backend stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param backend_stage_id: ID of the backend stage to delete.
result = api.delete_backend_stage( backend_stage_id="example", )
- delete_cache_stage(*, cache_stage_id: str) None
Delete cache stage. Delete an existing cache stage, specified by its cache_stage_id. Deleting a cache stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param cache_stage_id: ID of the cache stage to delete.
result = api.delete_cache_stage( cache_stage_id="example", )
- delete_current_plan(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None) None
- Parameters:
project_id –
result = api.delete_current_plan()
- delete_dns_stage(*, dns_stage_id: str) None
Delete DNS stage. Delete an existing DNS stage, specified by its dns_stage_id. Deleting a DNS stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param dns_stage_id: ID of the DNS stage to delete.
result = api.delete_dns_stage( dns_stage_id="example", )
- delete_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str) None
Delete pipeline. Delete an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Deleting a pipeline is permanent, and cannot be undone. Note that all stages linked to the pipeline are also deleted. :param pipeline_id: ID of the pipeline to delete.
result = api.delete_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- delete_tls_stage(*, tls_stage_id: str) None
Delete TLS stage. Delete an existing TLS stage, specified by its tls_stage_id. Deleting a TLS stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param tls_stage_id: ID of the TLS stage to delete.
result = api.delete_tls_stage( tls_stage_id="example", )
- get_backend_stage(*, backend_stage_id: str) BackendStage
Get backend stage. Retrieve information about an existing backend stage, specified by its backend_stage_id. Its full details, including scaleway_s3 or scaleway_lb, are returned in the response object. :param backend_stage_id: ID of the requested backend stage. :return:
result = api.get_backend_stage( backend_stage_id="example", )
- get_billing(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None) GetBillingResponse
Gives information on the currently selected Edge Services subscription plan, resource usage and associated billing information for this calendar month (including whether consumption falls within or exceeds the currently selected subscription plan.). :param project_id: :return:
result = api.get_billing()
- get_cache_stage(*, cache_stage_id: str) CacheStage
Get cache stage. Retrieve information about an existing cache stage, specified by its cache_stage_id. Its full details, including Time To Live (TTL), are returned in the response object. :param cache_stage_id: ID of the requested cache stage. :return:
result = api.get_cache_stage( cache_stage_id="example", )
- get_current_plan(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None) Plan
- Parameters:
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.get_current_plan()
- get_dns_stage(*, dns_stage_id: str) DNSStage
Get DNS stage. Retrieve information about an existing DNS stage, specified by its dns_stage_id. Its full details, including FQDNs, are returned in the response object. :param dns_stage_id: ID of the requested DNS stage. :return:
result = api.get_dns_stage( dns_stage_id="example", )
- get_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str) Pipeline
Get pipeline. Retrieve information about an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Its full details, including errors, are returned in the response object. :param pipeline_id: ID of the requested pipeline. :return:
result = api.get_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- get_purge_request(*, purge_request_id: str) PurgeRequest
Get purge request. Retrieve information about a purge request, specified by its purge_request_id. Its full details, including status and target, are returned in the response object. :param purge_request_id: ID of the requested purge request. :return:
result = api.get_purge_request( purge_request_id="example", )
- get_tls_stage(*, tls_stage_id: str) TLSStage
Get TLS stage. Retrieve information about an existing TLS stage, specified by its tls_stage_id. Its full details, including secrets and certificate expiration date are returned in the response object. :param tls_stage_id: ID of the requested TLS stage. :return:
result = api.get_tls_stage( tls_stage_id="example", )
- list_backend_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket_name: Optional[str] = None, bucket_region: Optional[str] = None, lb_id: Optional[str] = None) ListBackendStagesResponse
List backend stages. List all backend stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the backend stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of backend stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of backend stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only backend stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only backend stages from this Project will be returned. :param bucket_name: Bucket name to filter for, only backend stages from this Bucket will be returned. :param bucket_region: Bucket region to filter for, only backend stages with buckets in this region will be returned. :param lb_id: Load Balancer ID to filter for, only backend stages with this Load Balancer will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_backend_stages()
- list_backend_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket_name: Optional[str] = None, bucket_region: Optional[str] = None, lb_id: Optional[str] = None) List[BackendStage]
List backend stages. List all backend stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the backend stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of backend stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of backend stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only backend stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only backend stages from this Project will be returned. :param bucket_name: Bucket name to filter for, only backend stages from this Bucket will be returned. :param bucket_region: Bucket region to filter for, only backend stages with buckets in this region will be returned. :param lb_id: Load Balancer ID to filter for, only backend stages with this Load Balancer will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_backend_stages_all()
- list_cache_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) ListCacheStagesResponse
List cache stages. List all cache stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the cache stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of cache stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of cache stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only cache stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only cache stages from this Project will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_cache_stages()
- list_cache_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) List[CacheStage]
List cache stages. List all cache stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the cache stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of cache stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of cache stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only cache stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only cache stages from this Project will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_cache_stages_all()
- list_dns_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fqdn: Optional[str] = None) ListDNSStagesResponse
List DNS stages. List all DNS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the DNS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of DNS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of DNS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this Project will be returned. :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name to filter for (in the format, only DNS stages with this FQDN will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_dns_stages()
- list_dns_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fqdn: Optional[str] = None) List[DNSStage]
List DNS stages. List all DNS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the DNS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of DNS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of DNS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this Project will be returned. :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name to filter for (in the format, only DNS stages with this FQDN will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_dns_stages_all()
- list_pipelines(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, has_backend_stage_lb: Optional[bool] = None) ListPipelinesResponse
List pipelines. List all pipelines, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the pipelines returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of pipelines in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of pipelines to return per page. :param name: Pipeline name to filter for, only pipelines with this string within their name will be returned. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Organization will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Project will be returned. :param has_backend_stage_lb: Filter on backend stage, only pipelines with a Load Balancer origin will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_pipelines()
- list_pipelines_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, has_backend_stage_lb: Optional[bool] = None) List[Pipeline]
List pipelines. List all pipelines, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the pipelines returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of pipelines in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of pipelines to return per page. :param name: Pipeline name to filter for, only pipelines with this string within their name will be returned. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Organization will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Project will be returned. :param has_backend_stage_lb: Filter on backend stage, only pipelines with a Load Balancer origin will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_pipelines_all()
- list_pipelines_with_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) ListPipelinesWithStagesResponse
- Parameters:
order_by –
page –
page_size –
name –
organization_id –
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.list_pipelines_with_stages()
- list_pipelines_with_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) List[PipelineStages]
- Parameters:
order_by –
page –
page_size –
name –
organization_id –
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.list_pipelines_with_stages_all()
- list_plans() ListPlansResponse
- Returns:
result = api.list_plans()
- list_purge_requests(*, order_by: Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None) ListPurgeRequestsResponse
List purge requests. List all purge requests, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. This enables you to retrieve a history of all previously-made purge requests. By default, the purge requests returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of purge requests in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of purge requests to return per page. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only purge requests from this pipeline will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_purge_requests()
- list_purge_requests_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None) List[PurgeRequest]
List purge requests. List all purge requests, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. This enables you to retrieve a history of all previously-made purge requests. By default, the purge requests returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of purge requests in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of purge requests to return per page. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only purge requests from this pipeline will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_purge_requests_all()
- list_tls_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_region: Optional[str] = None) ListTLSStagesResponse
List TLS stages. List all TLS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the TLS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of TLS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of TLS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this Project will be returned. :param secret_id: Secret ID to filter for, only TLS stages with this Secret ID will be returned. :param secret_region: Secret region to filter for, only TLS stages with a Secret in this region will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_tls_stages()
- list_tls_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_region: Optional[str] = None) List[TLSStage]
List TLS stages. List all TLS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the TLS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of TLS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of TLS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this Project will be returned. :param secret_id: Secret ID to filter for, only TLS stages with this Secret ID will be returned. :param secret_region: Secret region to filter for, only TLS stages with a Secret in this region will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_tls_stages_all()
- select_plan(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, plan_name: Optional[PlanName] = None) Plan
- Parameters:
project_id –
plan_name –
- Returns:
result = api.select_plan()
- update_backend_stage(*, backend_stage_id: str, scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig] = None, scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig] = None) BackendStage
Update backend stage. Update the parameters of an existing backend stage, specified by its backend_stage_id. :param backend_stage_id: ID of the backend stage to update. :param scaleway_s3: Scaleway Object Storage origin bucket (S3) linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :param scaleway_lb: Scaleway Load Balancer origin linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_backend_stage( backend_stage_id="example", )
- update_cache_stage(*, cache_stage_id: str, fallback_ttl: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) CacheStage
Update cache stage. Update the parameters of an existing cache stage, specified by its cache_stage_id. Parameters which can be updated include the fallback_ttl and backend_stage_id. :param cache_stage_id: ID of the cache stage to update. :param fallback_ttl: Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the cache stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_cache_stage( cache_stage_id="example", )
- update_dns_stage(*, dns_stage_id: str, fqdns: Optional[List[str]] = None, tls_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) DNSStage
Update DNS stage. Update the parameters of an existing DNS stage, specified by its dns_stage_id. :param dns_stage_id: ID of the DNS stage to update. :param fqdns: Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format attached to the stage. :param tls_stage_id: TLS stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_dns_stage( dns_stage_id="example", )
- update_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, dns_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) Pipeline
Update pipeline. Update the parameters of an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Parameters which can be updated include the name, description and dns_stage_id. :param pipeline_id: ID of the pipeline to update. :param name: Name of the pipeline. :param description: Description of the pipeline. :param dns_stage_id: DNS stage ID the pipeline will be attached to. One-Of (‘head’): at most one of ‘dns_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- update_tls_stage(*, tls_stage_id: str, tls_secrets_config: Optional[TLSSecretsConfig] = None, managed_certificate: Optional[bool] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) TLSStage
Update TLS stage. Update the parameters of an existing TLS stage, specified by its tls_stage_id. Both tls_secrets_config and managed_certificate parameters can be updated. :param tls_stage_id: ID of the TLS stage to update. :param tls_secrets_config: Secret (from Scaleway Secret-Manager) containing your custom certificate. :param managed_certificate: True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_tls_stage( tls_stage_id="example", )
- wait_for_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[Pipeline, bool]] = None) Pipeline
Get pipeline. Retrieve information about an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Its full details, including errors, are returned in the response object. :param pipeline_id: ID of the requested pipeline. :return:
result = api.get_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- wait_for_purge_request(*, purge_request_id: str, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[PurgeRequest, bool]] = None) PurgeRequest
Get purge request. Retrieve information about a purge request, specified by its purge_request_id. Its full details, including status and target, are returned in the response object. :param purge_request_id: ID of the requested purge request. :return:
result = api.get_purge_request( purge_request_id="example", )
scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.content module
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.content.PIPELINE_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[PipelineStatus] = [<PipelineStatus.PENDING: 'pending'>]
Lists transient statutes of the enum
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.content.PURGE_REQUEST_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[PurgeRequestStatus] = [<PurgeRequestStatus.PENDING: 'pending'>]
Lists transient statutes of the enum
scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling module
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CheckDomainRequest(request: CheckDomainRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CheckLbOriginRequest(request: CheckLbOriginRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CheckPEMChainRequest(request: CheckPEMChainRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain(request: CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateBackendStageRequest(request: CreateBackendStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateCacheStageRequest(request: CreateCacheStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateDNSStageRequest(request: CreateDNSStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreatePipelineRequest(request: CreatePipelineRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreatePurgeRequestRequest(request: CreatePurgeRequestRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateTLSStageRequest(request: CreateTLSStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_ScalewayLb(request: ScalewayLb, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_ScalewayLbBackendConfig(request: ScalewayLbBackendConfig, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_ScalewayS3BackendConfig(request: ScalewayS3BackendConfig, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_SelectPlanRequest(request: SelectPlanRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_TLSSecret(request: TLSSecret, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_TLSSecretsConfig(request: TLSSecretsConfig, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateBackendStageRequest(request: UpdateBackendStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateCacheStageRequest(request: UpdateCacheStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateDNSStageRequest(request: UpdateDNSStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdatePipelineRequest(request: UpdatePipelineRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateTLSStageRequest(request: UpdateTLSStageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_BackendStage(data: Any) BackendStage
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_CacheStage(data: Any) CacheStage
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_CheckDomainResponse(data: Any) CheckDomainResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_CheckLbOriginResponse(data: Any) CheckLbOriginResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_CheckPEMChainResponse(data: Any) CheckPEMChainResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetBillingResponse(data: Any) GetBillingResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListBackendStagesResponse(data: Any) ListBackendStagesResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListCacheStagesResponse(data: Any) ListCacheStagesResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListDNSStagesResponse(data: Any) ListDNSStagesResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListPipelinesResponse(data: Any) ListPipelinesResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListPipelinesWithStagesResponse(data: Any) ListPipelinesWithStagesResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListPlansResponse(data: Any) ListPlansResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListPurgeRequestsResponse(data: Any) ListPurgeRequestsResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListTLSStagesResponse(data: Any) ListTLSStagesResponse
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_PipelineError(data: Any) PipelineError
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_PipelineStages(data: Any) PipelineStages
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_PlanDetails(data: Any) PlanDetails
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_PurgeRequest(data: Any) PurgeRequest
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ScalewayLb(data: Any) ScalewayLb
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ScalewayLbBackendConfig(data: Any) ScalewayLbBackendConfig
- scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ScalewayS3BackendConfig(data: Any) ScalewayS3BackendConfig
scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types module
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.BackendStage(id: 'str', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', scaleway_s3: 'Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]', scaleway_lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the backend stage was created.
- id: str
ID of the backend stage.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the backend stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the backend stage.
- scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]
- scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the backend stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CacheStage(id: 'str', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', fallback_ttl: 'Optional[str]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the cache stage was created.
- fallback_ttl: Optional[str]
Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached.
- id: str
ID of the cache stage.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the cache stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the cache stage.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the cache stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckDomainRequest(fqdn: 'str', cname: 'str', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- cname: str
- fqdn: str
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckDomainResponse(is_valid: 'bool')
- is_valid: bool
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckLbOriginRequest(lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLb]')
- lb: Optional[ScalewayLb]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckLbOriginResponse(is_valid: 'bool', error_type: 'LbOriginError')
- error_type: LbOriginError
- is_valid: bool
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckPEMChainRequest(fqdn: 'str', project_id: 'Optional[str]', secret: 'Optional[CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain]', raw: 'Optional[str]')
- fqdn: str
- project_id: Optional[str]
- raw: Optional[str]
- secret: Optional[CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain(secret_id: 'str', secret_region: 'str')
- secret_id: str
- secret_region: str
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CheckPEMChainResponse(is_valid: 'bool')
- is_valid: bool
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CreateBackendStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', scaleway_s3: 'Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]', scaleway_lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the backend stage will be created.
- scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]
- scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CreateCacheStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', fallback_ttl: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- fallback_ttl: Optional[str]
Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the cache stage will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CreateDNSStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', fqdns: 'Optional[List[str]]', tls_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- fqdns: Optional[List[str]]
Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format to attach to the stage.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the DNS stage will be created.
- tls_stage_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CreatePipelineRequest(name: 'str', description: 'str', project_id: 'Optional[str]', dns_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- description: str
Description of the pipeline.
- dns_stage_id: Optional[str]
- name: str
Name of the pipeline.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the pipeline will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CreatePurgeRequestRequest(pipeline_id: 'str', assets: 'Optional[List[str]]', all: 'Optional[bool]')
- all: Optional[bool]
- assets: Optional[List[str]]
- pipeline_id: str
Pipeline ID in which the purge request will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.CreateTLSStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', secrets: 'Optional[List[TLSSecret]]', managed_certificate: 'Optional[bool]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- managed_certificate: Optional[bool]
True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the TLS stage will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DNSStage(id: 'str', fqdns: 'List[str]', type_: 'DNSStageType', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', tls_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the DNS stage was created.
- fqdns: List[str]
List of Fully Qualified Domain Names attached to the stage.
- id: str
ID of the DNS stage.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the DNS stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the DNS stage.
- tls_stage_id: Optional[str]
- type_: DNSStageType
Type of the stage.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the DNS stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DNSStageType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- AUTO = 'auto'
- CUSTOM = 'custom'
- MANAGED = 'managed'
- UNKNOWN_TYPE = 'unknown_type'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DeleteBackendStageRequest(backend_stage_id: 'str')
- backend_stage_id: str
ID of the backend stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DeleteCacheStageRequest(cache_stage_id: 'str')
- cache_stage_id: str
ID of the cache stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DeleteCurrentPlanRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DeleteDNSStageRequest(dns_stage_id: 'str')
- dns_stage_id: str
ID of the DNS stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DeletePipelineRequest(pipeline_id: 'str')
- pipeline_id: str
ID of the pipeline to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.DeleteTLSStageRequest(tls_stage_id: 'str')
- tls_stage_id: str
ID of the TLS stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetBackendStageRequest(backend_stage_id: 'str')
- backend_stage_id: str
ID of the requested backend stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetBillingRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetBillingResponse(pipeline_number: 'int', current_plan_cache_usage: 'int', extra_cache_usage: 'int', current_plan: 'Optional[PlanDetails]', plan_cost: 'Optional[Money]', extra_pipelines_cost: 'Optional[Money]', extra_cache_cost: 'Optional[Money]', total_cost: 'Optional[Money]')
- current_plan: Optional[PlanDetails]
Information on the currently-selected, active Edge Services subscription plan.
- current_plan_cache_usage: int
Total amount of data egressed from the cache in gigabytes from the beginning of the month, for the active subscription plan.
- extra_cache_cost: Optional[Money]
Cost to date (this month) of the data egressed from the cache that is not included in the subscription plans.
- extra_cache_usage: int
Total amount of extra data egressed from cache in gigabytes from the beginning of the month, not included in the subscription plans.
- extra_pipelines_cost: Optional[Money]
Cost to date (this month) of pipelines not included in the subscription plans.
- pipeline_number: int
Total number of pipelines currently configured.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetCacheStageRequest(cache_stage_id: 'str')
- cache_stage_id: str
ID of the requested cache stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetCurrentPlanRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetDNSStageRequest(dns_stage_id: 'str')
- dns_stage_id: str
ID of the requested DNS stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetPipelineRequest(pipeline_id: 'str')
- pipeline_id: str
ID of the requested pipeline.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetPurgeRequestRequest(purge_request_id: 'str')
- purge_request_id: str
ID of the requested purge request.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.GetTLSStageRequest(tls_stage_id: 'str')
- tls_stage_id: str
ID of the requested TLS stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.LbOriginError(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CONNECTION_REFUSED = 'connection_refused'
- TIMEOUT = 'timeout'
- TLS_ERROR = 'tls_error'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListBackendStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', bucket_name: 'Optional[str]', bucket_region: 'Optional[str]', lb_id: 'Optional[str]')
- bucket_name: Optional[str]
Bucket name to filter for, only backend stages from this Bucket will be returned.
- bucket_region: Optional[str]
Bucket region to filter for, only backend stages with buckets in this region will be returned.
- lb_id: Optional[str]
Load Balancer ID to filter for, only backend stages with this Load Balancer will be returned.
- order_by: Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of backend stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of backend stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only backend stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only backend stages from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListBackendStagesResponse(stages: 'List[BackendStage]', total_count: 'int')
- stages: List[BackendStage]
Paginated list of backend stages.
- total_count: int
Count of all backend stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListCacheStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- order_by: Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of cache stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of cache stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only cache stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only cache stages from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListCacheStagesResponse(stages: 'List[CacheStage]', total_count: 'int')
- stages: List[CacheStage]
Paginated list of cache stages.
- total_count: int
Count of all cache stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListDNSStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', fqdn: 'Optional[str]')
- fqdn: Optional[str]
Fully Qualified Domain Name to filter for (in the format, only DNS stages with this FQDN will be returned.
- order_by: Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of DNS stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of DNS stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListDNSStagesResponse(stages: 'List[DNSStage]', total_count: 'int')
- total_count: int
Count of all DNS stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPipelinesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', has_backend_stage_lb: 'Optional[bool]')
- has_backend_stage_lb: Optional[bool]
Filter on backend stage, only pipelines with a Load Balancer origin will be returned.
- name: Optional[str]
Pipeline name to filter for, only pipelines with this string within their name will be returned.
- order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of pipelines in the response.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
Organization ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Organization will be returned.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of pipelines to return per page.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- NAME_ASC = 'name_asc'
- NAME_DESC = 'name_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPipelinesResponse(pipelines: 'List[Pipeline]', total_count: 'int')
- total_count: int
Count of all pipelines matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPipelinesWithStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- name: Optional[str]
- order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy]
- organization_id: Optional[str]
- page: Optional[int]
- page_size: Optional[int]
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- NAME_ASC = 'name_asc'
- NAME_DESC = 'name_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPipelinesWithStagesResponse(pipelines: 'List[PipelineStages]', total_count: 'int')
- pipelines: List[PipelineStages]
- total_count: int
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPlansResponse(total_count: 'int', plans: 'List[PlanDetails]')
- plans: List[PlanDetails]
- total_count: int
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPurgeRequestsRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]')
- order_by: Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of purge requests in the response.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
Organization ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of purge requests to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only purge requests from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListPurgeRequestsResponse(purge_requests: 'List[PurgeRequest]', total_count: 'int')
- purge_requests: List[PurgeRequest]
Paginated list of purge requests.
- total_count: int
Count of all purge requests matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListTLSStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', secret_id: 'Optional[str]', secret_region: 'Optional[str]')
- order_by: Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of TLS stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of TLS stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this Project will be returned.
- secret_id: Optional[str]
Secret ID to filter for, only TLS stages with this Secret ID will be returned.
- secret_region: Optional[str]
Secret region to filter for, only TLS stages with a Secret in this region will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ListTLSStagesResponse(stages: 'List[TLSStage]', total_count: 'int')
- total_count: int
Count of all TLS stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.Pipeline(id: 'str', name: 'str', description: 'str', status: 'PipelineStatus', errors: 'List[PipelineError]', project_id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', dns_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the pipeline was created.
- description: str
Description of the pipeline.
- dns_stage_id: Optional[str]
- errors: List[PipelineError]
Errors of the pipeline.
- id: str
ID of the pipeline.
- name: str
Name of the pipeline.
- organization_id: str
Organization ID of the pipeline.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the pipeline.
- status: PipelineStatus
Status of the pipeline.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the pipeline was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineError(stage: 'PipelineErrorStage', code: 'PipelineErrorCode', severity: 'PipelineErrorSeverity', message: 'str', type_: 'PipelineErrorType')
- code: PipelineErrorCode
- message: str
- severity: PipelineErrorSeverity
- stage: PipelineErrorStage
- type_: PipelineErrorType
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineErrorCode(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DNS_CNAME_DONT_EXIST = 'dns_cname_dont_exist'
- DNS_CNAME_RESOLVE = 'dns_cname_resolve'
- DNS_DOMAIN_DONT_EXIST = 'dns_domain_dont_exist'
- DNS_FORBIDDEN_ROOT_DOMAIN = 'dns_forbidden_root_domain'
- DNS_FORBIDDEN_SCW_CLOUD = 'dns_forbidden_scw_cloud'
- DNS_FQDN_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'dns_fqdn_already_exists'
- DNS_FQDN_ALREADY_IN_USE = 'dns_fqdn_already_in_use'
- DNS_INVALID_FORMAT = 'dns_invalid_format'
- DNS_INVALID_TLD = 'dns_invalid_tld'
- TLS_CERT_DELETED = 'tls_cert_deleted'
- TLS_CERT_DISABLED = 'tls_cert_disabled'
- TLS_CERT_EXPIRED = 'tls_cert_expired'
- TLS_CERT_INVALID_FORMAT = 'tls_cert_invalid_format'
- TLS_CERT_MISSING = 'tls_cert_missing'
- TLS_CHAIN_ORDER = 'tls_chain_order'
- TLS_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT = 'tls_key_invalid_format'
- TLS_KEY_MISSING = 'tls_key_missing'
- TLS_KEY_TOO_MANY = 'tls_key_too_many'
- TLS_MANAGED_DOMAIN_RATE_LIMIT = 'tls_managed_domain_rate_limit'
- TLS_MANAGED_INTERNAL = 'tls_managed_internal'
- TLS_PAIR_MISMATCH = 'tls_pair_mismatch'
- TLS_ROOT_INCONSISTENT = 'tls_root_inconsistent'
- TLS_ROOT_INCORRECT = 'tls_root_incorrect'
- TLS_ROOT_MISSING = 'tls_root_missing'
- TLS_SAN_MISMATCH = 'tls_san_mismatch'
- TLS_SELF_SIGNED = 'tls_self_signed'
- UNKNOWN_CODE = 'unknown_code'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineErrorSeverity(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CRITICAL = 'critical'
- UNKNOWN_SEVERITY = 'unknown_severity'
- WARNING = 'warning'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineErrorStage(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- BACKEND = 'backend'
- CACHE = 'cache'
- DNS = 'dns'
- TLS = 'tls'
- UNKNOWN_STAGE = 'unknown_stage'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineErrorType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CONFIG = 'config'
- RUNTIME = 'runtime'
- UNKNOWN_TYPE = 'unknown_type'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineStages(dns_stages: 'List[DNSStage]', tls_stages: 'List[TLSStage]', cache_stages: 'List[CacheStage]', backend_stages: 'List[BackendStage]', pipeline: 'Optional[Pipeline]')
- backend_stages: List[BackendStage]
- cache_stages: List[CacheStage]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PipelineStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- ERROR = 'error'
- PENDING = 'pending'
- READY = 'ready'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- WARNING = 'warning'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.Plan(plan_name: 'PlanName')
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PlanDetails(plan_name: 'PlanName', package_gb: 'int', pipeline_limit: 'int')
- package_gb: int
Amount of egress data from cache included in subscription plan.
- pipeline_limit: int
Number of pipelines included in subscription plan.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PlanName(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- ADVANCED = 'advanced'
- PROFESSIONAL = 'professional'
- STARTER = 'starter'
- UNKNOWN_NAME = 'unknown_name'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PurgeRequest(id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'str', status: 'PurgeRequestStatus', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', assets: 'Optional[List[str]]', all: 'Optional[bool]')
- all: Optional[bool]
- assets: Optional[List[str]]
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the purge request was created.
- id: str
ID of the purge request.
- pipeline_id: str
Pipeline ID the purge request belongs to.
- status: PurgeRequestStatus
Status of the purge request.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the purge request was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.PurgeRequestStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DONE = 'done'
- ERROR = 'error'
- PENDING = 'pending'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ScalewayLb(id: 'str', zone: 'Zone', frontend_id: 'str', is_ssl: 'Optional[bool]', domain_name: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_name: Optional[str]
Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format to use in HTTP requests sent towards your Load Balancer.
- frontend_id: str
ID of the frontend linked to the Load Balancer.
- id: str
ID of the Load Balancer.
- is_ssl: Optional[bool]
Defines whether the Load Balancer’s frontend handles SSL connections.
- zone: str
Zone of the Load Balancer.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ScalewayLbBackendConfig(lbs: 'List[ScalewayLb]')
- lbs: List[ScalewayLb]
Load Balancer information.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.ScalewayS3BackendConfig(bucket_name: 'Optional[str]', bucket_region: 'Optional[str]', is_website: 'Optional[bool]')
- bucket_name: Optional[str]
Name of the Bucket.
- bucket_region: Optional[str]
Region of the Bucket.
- is_website: Optional[bool]
Defines whether the bucket website feature is enabled.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.SelectPlanRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', plan_name: 'Optional[PlanName]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.TLSSecret(secret_id: 'str', region: 'Region')
- region: str
Region of the Secret.
- secret_id: str
ID of the Secret.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.TLSSecretsConfig(tls_secrets: 'List[TLSSecret]')
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.TLSStage(id: 'str', secrets: 'List[TLSSecret]', managed_certificate: 'bool', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', certificate_expires_at: 'Optional[datetime]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- certificate_expires_at: Optional[datetime]
Expiration date of the certificate.
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the TLS stage was created.
- id: str
ID of the TLS stage.
- managed_certificate: bool
True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the TLS stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the TLS stage.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the TLS stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.UpdateBackendStageRequest(backend_stage_id: 'str', scaleway_s3: 'Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]', scaleway_lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]')
- backend_stage_id: str
ID of the backend stage to update.
- scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]
- scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.UpdateCacheStageRequest(cache_stage_id: 'str', fallback_ttl: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: str
ID of the cache stage to update.
- fallback_ttl: Optional[str]
Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.UpdateDNSStageRequest(dns_stage_id: 'str', fqdns: 'Optional[List[str]]', tls_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- dns_stage_id: str
ID of the DNS stage to update.
- fqdns: Optional[List[str]]
Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format attached to the stage.
- tls_stage_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.UpdatePipelineRequest(pipeline_id: 'str', name: 'Optional[str]', description: 'Optional[str]', dns_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- description: Optional[str]
Description of the pipeline.
- dns_stage_id: Optional[str]
- name: Optional[str]
Name of the pipeline.
- pipeline_id: str
ID of the pipeline to update.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.types.UpdateTLSStageRequest(tls_stage_id: 'str', tls_secrets_config: 'Optional[TLSSecretsConfig]', managed_certificate: 'Optional[bool]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- managed_certificate: Optional[bool]
True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint.
- tls_secrets_config: Optional[TLSSecretsConfig]
Secret (from Scaleway Secret-Manager) containing your custom certificate.
- tls_stage_id: str
ID of the TLS stage to update.
Module contents
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.BackendStage(id: 'str', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', scaleway_s3: 'Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]', scaleway_lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the backend stage was created.
- id: str
ID of the backend stage.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the backend stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the backend stage.
- scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]
- scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the backend stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CacheStage(id: 'str', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', fallback_ttl: 'Optional[str]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the cache stage was created.
- fallback_ttl: Optional[str]
Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached.
- id: str
ID of the cache stage.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the cache stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the cache stage.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the cache stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckDomainRequest(fqdn: 'str', cname: 'str', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- cname: str
- fqdn: str
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckDomainResponse(is_valid: 'bool')
- is_valid: bool
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckLbOriginRequest(lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLb]')
- lb: Optional[ScalewayLb]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckLbOriginResponse(is_valid: 'bool', error_type: 'LbOriginError')
- error_type: LbOriginError
- is_valid: bool
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckPEMChainRequest(fqdn: 'str', project_id: 'Optional[str]', secret: 'Optional[CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain]', raw: 'Optional[str]')
- fqdn: str
- project_id: Optional[str]
- raw: Optional[str]
- secret: Optional[CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain(secret_id: 'str', secret_region: 'str')
- secret_id: str
- secret_region: str
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CheckPEMChainResponse(is_valid: 'bool')
- is_valid: bool
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CreateBackendStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', scaleway_s3: 'Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]', scaleway_lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the backend stage will be created.
- scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]
- scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CreateCacheStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', fallback_ttl: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- fallback_ttl: Optional[str]
Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the cache stage will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CreateDNSStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', fqdns: 'Optional[List[str]]', tls_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- fqdns: Optional[List[str]]
Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format to attach to the stage.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the DNS stage will be created.
- tls_stage_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CreatePipelineRequest(name: 'str', description: 'str', project_id: 'Optional[str]', dns_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- description: str
Description of the pipeline.
- dns_stage_id: Optional[str]
- name: str
Name of the pipeline.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the pipeline will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CreatePurgeRequestRequest(pipeline_id: 'str', assets: 'Optional[List[str]]', all: 'Optional[bool]')
- all: Optional[bool]
- assets: Optional[List[str]]
- pipeline_id: str
Pipeline ID in which the purge request will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.CreateTLSStageRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', secrets: 'Optional[List[TLSSecret]]', managed_certificate: 'Optional[bool]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- managed_certificate: Optional[bool]
True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID in which the TLS stage will be created.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DNSStage(id: 'str', fqdns: 'List[str]', type_: 'DNSStageType', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', tls_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the DNS stage was created.
- fqdns: List[str]
List of Fully Qualified Domain Names attached to the stage.
- id: str
ID of the DNS stage.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the DNS stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the DNS stage.
- tls_stage_id: Optional[str]
- type_: DNSStageType
Type of the stage.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the DNS stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DNSStageType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- AUTO = 'auto'
- CUSTOM = 'custom'
- MANAGED = 'managed'
- UNKNOWN_TYPE = 'unknown_type'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DeleteBackendStageRequest(backend_stage_id: 'str')
- backend_stage_id: str
ID of the backend stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DeleteCacheStageRequest(cache_stage_id: 'str')
- cache_stage_id: str
ID of the cache stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DeleteCurrentPlanRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DeleteDNSStageRequest(dns_stage_id: 'str')
- dns_stage_id: str
ID of the DNS stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DeletePipelineRequest(pipeline_id: 'str')
- pipeline_id: str
ID of the pipeline to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.DeleteTLSStageRequest(tls_stage_id: 'str')
- tls_stage_id: str
ID of the TLS stage to delete.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.EdgeServicesV1Alpha1API(client: Client, *, bypass_validation: bool = False)
- check_domain(*, fqdn: str, cname: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None) CheckDomainResponse
- Parameters:
fqdn –
cname –
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.check_domain( fqdn="example", cname="example", )
- check_lb_origin(*, lb: Optional[ScalewayLb] = None) CheckLbOriginResponse
- Parameters:
lb –
- Returns:
result = api.check_lb_origin()
- check_pem_chain(*, fqdn: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secret: Optional[CheckPEMChainRequestSecretChain] = None, raw: Optional[str] = None) CheckPEMChainResponse
- Parameters:
fqdn –
project_id –
secret –
One-Of (‘chain’): at most one of ‘secret’, ‘raw’ could be set. :param raw: One-Of (‘chain’): at most one of ‘secret’, ‘raw’ could be set. :return:
result = api.check_pem_chain( fqdn="example", )
- create_backend_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig] = None, scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig] = None) BackendStage
Create backend stage. Create a new backend stage. You must specify either a scaleway_s3 (for a Scaleway Object Storage bucket) or scaleway_lb (for a Scaleway Load Balancer) field to configure the origin. :param project_id: Project ID in which the backend stage will be created. :param scaleway_s3: Scaleway Object Storage origin bucket (S3) linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :param scaleway_lb: Scaleway Load Balancer origin linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_backend_stage()
- create_cache_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fallback_ttl: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) CacheStage
Create cache stage. Create a new cache stage. You must specify the fallback_ttl field to customize the TTL of the cache. :param project_id: Project ID in which the cache stage will be created. :param fallback_ttl: Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the cache stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_cache_stage()
- create_dns_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fqdns: Optional[List[str]] = None, tls_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) DNSStage
Create DNS stage. Create a new DNS stage. You must specify the fqdns field to customize the domain endpoint, using a domain you already own. :param project_id: Project ID in which the DNS stage will be created. :param fqdns: Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format to attach to the stage. :param tls_stage_id: TLS stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_dns_stage()
- create_pipeline(*, name: str, description: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, dns_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) Pipeline
Create pipeline. Create a new pipeline. You must specify a dns_stage_id to form a stage-chain that goes all the way to the backend stage (origin), so the HTTP request will be processed according to the stages you created. :param name: Name of the pipeline. :param description: Description of the pipeline. :param project_id: Project ID in which the pipeline will be created. :param dns_stage_id: DNS stage ID the pipeline will be attached to. One-Of (‘head’): at most one of ‘dns_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_pipeline( name="example", description="example", )
- create_purge_request(*, pipeline_id: str, assets: Optional[List[str]] = None, all: Optional[bool] = None) PurgeRequest
Create purge request. Create a new purge request. You must specify either the all field (to purge all content) or a list of assets (to define the precise assets to purge). :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID in which the purge request will be created. :param assets: List of asserts to purge. One-Of (‘target’): at most one of ‘assets’, ‘all’ could be set. :param all: Defines whether to purge all content. One-Of (‘target’): at most one of ‘assets’, ‘all’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_purge_request( pipeline_id="example", )
- create_tls_stage(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secrets: Optional[List[TLSSecret]] = None, managed_certificate: Optional[bool] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) TLSStage
Create TLS stage. Create a new TLS stage. You must specify either the secrets or managed_certificate fields to customize the SSL/TLS certificate of your endpoint. Choose secrets if you are using a pre-existing certificate held in Scaleway Secret Manager, or managed_certificate to let Scaleway generate and manage a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your customized endpoint. :param project_id: Project ID in which the TLS stage will be created. :param secrets: Secret (from Scaleway Secret Manager) containing your custom certificate. :param managed_certificate: True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.create_tls_stage()
- delete_backend_stage(*, backend_stage_id: str) None
Delete backend stage. Delete an existing backend stage, specified by its backend_stage_id. Deleting a backend stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param backend_stage_id: ID of the backend stage to delete.
result = api.delete_backend_stage( backend_stage_id="example", )
- delete_cache_stage(*, cache_stage_id: str) None
Delete cache stage. Delete an existing cache stage, specified by its cache_stage_id. Deleting a cache stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param cache_stage_id: ID of the cache stage to delete.
result = api.delete_cache_stage( cache_stage_id="example", )
- delete_current_plan(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None) None
- Parameters:
project_id –
result = api.delete_current_plan()
- delete_dns_stage(*, dns_stage_id: str) None
Delete DNS stage. Delete an existing DNS stage, specified by its dns_stage_id. Deleting a DNS stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param dns_stage_id: ID of the DNS stage to delete.
result = api.delete_dns_stage( dns_stage_id="example", )
- delete_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str) None
Delete pipeline. Delete an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Deleting a pipeline is permanent, and cannot be undone. Note that all stages linked to the pipeline are also deleted. :param pipeline_id: ID of the pipeline to delete.
result = api.delete_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- delete_tls_stage(*, tls_stage_id: str) None
Delete TLS stage. Delete an existing TLS stage, specified by its tls_stage_id. Deleting a TLS stage is permanent, and cannot be undone. :param tls_stage_id: ID of the TLS stage to delete.
result = api.delete_tls_stage( tls_stage_id="example", )
- get_backend_stage(*, backend_stage_id: str) BackendStage
Get backend stage. Retrieve information about an existing backend stage, specified by its backend_stage_id. Its full details, including scaleway_s3 or scaleway_lb, are returned in the response object. :param backend_stage_id: ID of the requested backend stage. :return:
result = api.get_backend_stage( backend_stage_id="example", )
- get_billing(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None) GetBillingResponse
Gives information on the currently selected Edge Services subscription plan, resource usage and associated billing information for this calendar month (including whether consumption falls within or exceeds the currently selected subscription plan.). :param project_id: :return:
result = api.get_billing()
- get_cache_stage(*, cache_stage_id: str) CacheStage
Get cache stage. Retrieve information about an existing cache stage, specified by its cache_stage_id. Its full details, including Time To Live (TTL), are returned in the response object. :param cache_stage_id: ID of the requested cache stage. :return:
result = api.get_cache_stage( cache_stage_id="example", )
- get_current_plan(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None) Plan
- Parameters:
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.get_current_plan()
- get_dns_stage(*, dns_stage_id: str) DNSStage
Get DNS stage. Retrieve information about an existing DNS stage, specified by its dns_stage_id. Its full details, including FQDNs, are returned in the response object. :param dns_stage_id: ID of the requested DNS stage. :return:
result = api.get_dns_stage( dns_stage_id="example", )
- get_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str) Pipeline
Get pipeline. Retrieve information about an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Its full details, including errors, are returned in the response object. :param pipeline_id: ID of the requested pipeline. :return:
result = api.get_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- get_purge_request(*, purge_request_id: str) PurgeRequest
Get purge request. Retrieve information about a purge request, specified by its purge_request_id. Its full details, including status and target, are returned in the response object. :param purge_request_id: ID of the requested purge request. :return:
result = api.get_purge_request( purge_request_id="example", )
- get_tls_stage(*, tls_stage_id: str) TLSStage
Get TLS stage. Retrieve information about an existing TLS stage, specified by its tls_stage_id. Its full details, including secrets and certificate expiration date are returned in the response object. :param tls_stage_id: ID of the requested TLS stage. :return:
result = api.get_tls_stage( tls_stage_id="example", )
- list_backend_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket_name: Optional[str] = None, bucket_region: Optional[str] = None, lb_id: Optional[str] = None) ListBackendStagesResponse
List backend stages. List all backend stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the backend stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of backend stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of backend stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only backend stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only backend stages from this Project will be returned. :param bucket_name: Bucket name to filter for, only backend stages from this Bucket will be returned. :param bucket_region: Bucket region to filter for, only backend stages with buckets in this region will be returned. :param lb_id: Load Balancer ID to filter for, only backend stages with this Load Balancer will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_backend_stages()
- list_backend_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket_name: Optional[str] = None, bucket_region: Optional[str] = None, lb_id: Optional[str] = None) List[BackendStage]
List backend stages. List all backend stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the backend stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of backend stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of backend stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only backend stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only backend stages from this Project will be returned. :param bucket_name: Bucket name to filter for, only backend stages from this Bucket will be returned. :param bucket_region: Bucket region to filter for, only backend stages with buckets in this region will be returned. :param lb_id: Load Balancer ID to filter for, only backend stages with this Load Balancer will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_backend_stages_all()
- list_cache_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) ListCacheStagesResponse
List cache stages. List all cache stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the cache stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of cache stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of cache stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only cache stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only cache stages from this Project will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_cache_stages()
- list_cache_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) List[CacheStage]
List cache stages. List all cache stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the cache stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of cache stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of cache stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only cache stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only cache stages from this Project will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_cache_stages_all()
- list_dns_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fqdn: Optional[str] = None) ListDNSStagesResponse
List DNS stages. List all DNS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the DNS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of DNS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of DNS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this Project will be returned. :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name to filter for (in the format, only DNS stages with this FQDN will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_dns_stages()
- list_dns_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, fqdn: Optional[str] = None) List[DNSStage]
List DNS stages. List all DNS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the DNS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of DNS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of DNS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this Project will be returned. :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name to filter for (in the format, only DNS stages with this FQDN will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_dns_stages_all()
- list_pipelines(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, has_backend_stage_lb: Optional[bool] = None) ListPipelinesResponse
List pipelines. List all pipelines, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the pipelines returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of pipelines in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of pipelines to return per page. :param name: Pipeline name to filter for, only pipelines with this string within their name will be returned. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Organization will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Project will be returned. :param has_backend_stage_lb: Filter on backend stage, only pipelines with a Load Balancer origin will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_pipelines()
- list_pipelines_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, has_backend_stage_lb: Optional[bool] = None) List[Pipeline]
List pipelines. List all pipelines, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the pipelines returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of pipelines in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of pipelines to return per page. :param name: Pipeline name to filter for, only pipelines with this string within their name will be returned. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Organization will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Project will be returned. :param has_backend_stage_lb: Filter on backend stage, only pipelines with a Load Balancer origin will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_pipelines_all()
- list_pipelines_with_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) ListPipelinesWithStagesResponse
- Parameters:
order_by –
page –
page_size –
name –
organization_id –
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.list_pipelines_with_stages()
- list_pipelines_with_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) List[PipelineStages]
- Parameters:
order_by –
page –
page_size –
name –
organization_id –
project_id –
- Returns:
result = api.list_pipelines_with_stages_all()
- list_plans() ListPlansResponse
- Returns:
result = api.list_plans()
- list_purge_requests(*, order_by: Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None) ListPurgeRequestsResponse
List purge requests. List all purge requests, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. This enables you to retrieve a history of all previously-made purge requests. By default, the purge requests returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of purge requests in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of purge requests to return per page. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only purge requests from this pipeline will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_purge_requests()
- list_purge_requests_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None) List[PurgeRequest]
List purge requests. List all purge requests, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. This enables you to retrieve a history of all previously-made purge requests. By default, the purge requests returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of purge requests in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of purge requests to return per page. :param organization_id: Organization ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only purge requests from this pipeline will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_purge_requests_all()
- list_tls_stages(*, order_by: Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_region: Optional[str] = None) ListTLSStagesResponse
List TLS stages. List all TLS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the TLS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of TLS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of TLS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this Project will be returned. :param secret_id: Secret ID to filter for, only TLS stages with this Secret ID will be returned. :param secret_region: Secret region to filter for, only TLS stages with a Secret in this region will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_tls_stages()
- list_tls_stages_all(*, order_by: Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_region: Optional[str] = None) List[TLSStage]
List TLS stages. List all TLS stages, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the TLS stages returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. :param order_by: Sort order of TLS stages in the response. :param page: Page number to return, from the paginated results. :param page_size: Number of TLS stages to return per page. :param pipeline_id: Pipeline ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this pipeline will be returned. :param project_id: Project ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this Project will be returned. :param secret_id: Secret ID to filter for, only TLS stages with this Secret ID will be returned. :param secret_region: Secret region to filter for, only TLS stages with a Secret in this region will be returned. :return:
result = api.list_tls_stages_all()
- select_plan(*, project_id: Optional[str] = None, plan_name: Optional[PlanName] = None) Plan
- Parameters:
project_id –
plan_name –
- Returns:
result = api.select_plan()
- update_backend_stage(*, backend_stage_id: str, scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig] = None, scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig] = None) BackendStage
Update backend stage. Update the parameters of an existing backend stage, specified by its backend_stage_id. :param backend_stage_id: ID of the backend stage to update. :param scaleway_s3: Scaleway Object Storage origin bucket (S3) linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :param scaleway_lb: Scaleway Load Balancer origin linked to the backend stage. One-Of (‘backend_config’): at most one of ‘scaleway_s3’, ‘scaleway_lb’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_backend_stage( backend_stage_id="example", )
- update_cache_stage(*, cache_stage_id: str, fallback_ttl: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) CacheStage
Update cache stage. Update the parameters of an existing cache stage, specified by its cache_stage_id. Parameters which can be updated include the fallback_ttl and backend_stage_id. :param cache_stage_id: ID of the cache stage to update. :param fallback_ttl: Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the cache stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_cache_stage( cache_stage_id="example", )
- update_dns_stage(*, dns_stage_id: str, fqdns: Optional[List[str]] = None, tls_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) DNSStage
Update DNS stage. Update the parameters of an existing DNS stage, specified by its dns_stage_id. :param dns_stage_id: ID of the DNS stage to update. :param fqdns: Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format attached to the stage. :param tls_stage_id: TLS stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the DNS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘tls_stage_id’, ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_dns_stage( dns_stage_id="example", )
- update_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, dns_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) Pipeline
Update pipeline. Update the parameters of an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Parameters which can be updated include the name, description and dns_stage_id. :param pipeline_id: ID of the pipeline to update. :param name: Name of the pipeline. :param description: Description of the pipeline. :param dns_stage_id: DNS stage ID the pipeline will be attached to. One-Of (‘head’): at most one of ‘dns_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- update_tls_stage(*, tls_stage_id: str, tls_secrets_config: Optional[TLSSecretsConfig] = None, managed_certificate: Optional[bool] = None, cache_stage_id: Optional[str] = None, backend_stage_id: Optional[str] = None) TLSStage
Update TLS stage. Update the parameters of an existing TLS stage, specified by its tls_stage_id. Both tls_secrets_config and managed_certificate parameters can be updated. :param tls_stage_id: ID of the TLS stage to update. :param tls_secrets_config: Secret (from Scaleway Secret-Manager) containing your custom certificate. :param managed_certificate: True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint. :param cache_stage_id: Cache stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :param backend_stage_id: Backend stage ID the TLS stage will be linked to. One-Of (‘next’): at most one of ‘cache_stage_id’, ‘backend_stage_id’ could be set. :return:
result = api.update_tls_stage( tls_stage_id="example", )
- wait_for_pipeline(*, pipeline_id: str, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[Pipeline, bool]] = None) Pipeline
Get pipeline. Retrieve information about an existing pipeline, specified by its pipeline_id. Its full details, including errors, are returned in the response object. :param pipeline_id: ID of the requested pipeline. :return:
result = api.get_pipeline( pipeline_id="example", )
- wait_for_purge_request(*, purge_request_id: str, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[PurgeRequest, bool]] = None) PurgeRequest
Get purge request. Retrieve information about a purge request, specified by its purge_request_id. Its full details, including status and target, are returned in the response object. :param purge_request_id: ID of the requested purge request. :return:
result = api.get_purge_request( purge_request_id="example", )
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetBackendStageRequest(backend_stage_id: 'str')
- backend_stage_id: str
ID of the requested backend stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetBillingRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetBillingResponse(pipeline_number: 'int', current_plan_cache_usage: 'int', extra_cache_usage: 'int', current_plan: 'Optional[PlanDetails]', plan_cost: 'Optional[Money]', extra_pipelines_cost: 'Optional[Money]', extra_cache_cost: 'Optional[Money]', total_cost: 'Optional[Money]')
- current_plan: Optional[PlanDetails]
Information on the currently-selected, active Edge Services subscription plan.
- current_plan_cache_usage: int
Total amount of data egressed from the cache in gigabytes from the beginning of the month, for the active subscription plan.
- extra_cache_cost: Optional[Money]
Cost to date (this month) of the data egressed from the cache that is not included in the subscription plans.
- extra_cache_usage: int
Total amount of extra data egressed from cache in gigabytes from the beginning of the month, not included in the subscription plans.
- extra_pipelines_cost: Optional[Money]
Cost to date (this month) of pipelines not included in the subscription plans.
- pipeline_number: int
Total number of pipelines currently configured.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetCacheStageRequest(cache_stage_id: 'str')
- cache_stage_id: str
ID of the requested cache stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetCurrentPlanRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetDNSStageRequest(dns_stage_id: 'str')
- dns_stage_id: str
ID of the requested DNS stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetPipelineRequest(pipeline_id: 'str')
- pipeline_id: str
ID of the requested pipeline.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetPurgeRequestRequest(purge_request_id: 'str')
- purge_request_id: str
ID of the requested purge request.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.GetTLSStageRequest(tls_stage_id: 'str')
- tls_stage_id: str
ID of the requested TLS stage.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.LbOriginError(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CONNECTION_REFUSED = 'connection_refused'
- TIMEOUT = 'timeout'
- TLS_ERROR = 'tls_error'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListBackendStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', bucket_name: 'Optional[str]', bucket_region: 'Optional[str]', lb_id: 'Optional[str]')
- bucket_name: Optional[str]
Bucket name to filter for, only backend stages from this Bucket will be returned.
- bucket_region: Optional[str]
Bucket region to filter for, only backend stages with buckets in this region will be returned.
- lb_id: Optional[str]
Load Balancer ID to filter for, only backend stages with this Load Balancer will be returned.
- order_by: Optional[ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of backend stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of backend stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only backend stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only backend stages from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListBackendStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListBackendStagesResponse(stages: 'List[BackendStage]', total_count: 'int')
- stages: List[BackendStage]
Paginated list of backend stages.
- total_count: int
Count of all backend stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListCacheStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- order_by: Optional[ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of cache stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of cache stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only cache stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only cache stages from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListCacheStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListCacheStagesResponse(stages: 'List[CacheStage]', total_count: 'int')
- stages: List[CacheStage]
Paginated list of cache stages.
- total_count: int
Count of all cache stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListDNSStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', fqdn: 'Optional[str]')
- fqdn: Optional[str]
Fully Qualified Domain Name to filter for (in the format, only DNS stages with this FQDN will be returned.
- order_by: Optional[ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of DNS stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of DNS stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only DNS stages from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListDNSStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListDNSStagesResponse(stages: 'List[DNSStage]', total_count: 'int')
- total_count: int
Count of all DNS stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPipelinesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', has_backend_stage_lb: 'Optional[bool]')
- has_backend_stage_lb: Optional[bool]
Filter on backend stage, only pipelines with a Load Balancer origin will be returned.
- name: Optional[str]
Pipeline name to filter for, only pipelines with this string within their name will be returned.
- order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of pipelines in the response.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
Organization ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Organization will be returned.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of pipelines to return per page.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only pipelines from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPipelinesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- NAME_ASC = 'name_asc'
- NAME_DESC = 'name_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPipelinesResponse(pipelines: 'List[Pipeline]', total_count: 'int')
- total_count: int
Count of all pipelines matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPipelinesWithStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- name: Optional[str]
- order_by: Optional[ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy]
- organization_id: Optional[str]
- page: Optional[int]
- page_size: Optional[int]
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPipelinesWithStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- NAME_ASC = 'name_asc'
- NAME_DESC = 'name_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPipelinesWithStagesResponse(pipelines: 'List[PipelineStages]', total_count: 'int')
- pipelines: List[PipelineStages]
- total_count: int
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPlansResponse(total_count: 'int', plans: 'List[PlanDetails]')
- plans: List[PlanDetails]
- total_count: int
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPurgeRequestsRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]')
- order_by: Optional[ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of purge requests in the response.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
Organization ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of purge requests to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only purge requests from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only purge requests from this Project will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPurgeRequestsRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListPurgeRequestsResponse(purge_requests: 'List[PurgeRequest]', total_count: 'int')
- purge_requests: List[PurgeRequest]
Paginated list of purge requests.
- total_count: int
Count of all purge requests matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListTLSStagesRequest(order_by: 'Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', secret_id: 'Optional[str]', secret_region: 'Optional[str]')
- order_by: Optional[ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy]
Sort order of TLS stages in the response.
- page: Optional[int]
Page number to return, from the paginated results.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Number of TLS stages to return per page.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this pipeline will be returned.
- project_id: Optional[str]
Project ID to filter for, only TLS stages from this Project will be returned.
- secret_id: Optional[str]
Secret ID to filter for, only TLS stages with this Secret ID will be returned.
- secret_region: Optional[str]
Secret region to filter for, only TLS stages with a Secret in this region will be returned.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListTLSStagesRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ListTLSStagesResponse(stages: 'List[TLSStage]', total_count: 'int')
- total_count: int
Count of all TLS stages matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.Pipeline(id: 'str', name: 'str', description: 'str', status: 'PipelineStatus', errors: 'List[PipelineError]', project_id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', dns_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the pipeline was created.
- description: str
Description of the pipeline.
- dns_stage_id: Optional[str]
- errors: List[PipelineError]
Errors of the pipeline.
- id: str
ID of the pipeline.
- name: str
Name of the pipeline.
- organization_id: str
Organization ID of the pipeline.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the pipeline.
- status: PipelineStatus
Status of the pipeline.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the pipeline was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineError(stage: 'PipelineErrorStage', code: 'PipelineErrorCode', severity: 'PipelineErrorSeverity', message: 'str', type_: 'PipelineErrorType')
- code: PipelineErrorCode
- message: str
- severity: PipelineErrorSeverity
- stage: PipelineErrorStage
- type_: PipelineErrorType
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineErrorCode(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DNS_CNAME_DONT_EXIST = 'dns_cname_dont_exist'
- DNS_CNAME_RESOLVE = 'dns_cname_resolve'
- DNS_DOMAIN_DONT_EXIST = 'dns_domain_dont_exist'
- DNS_FORBIDDEN_ROOT_DOMAIN = 'dns_forbidden_root_domain'
- DNS_FORBIDDEN_SCW_CLOUD = 'dns_forbidden_scw_cloud'
- DNS_FQDN_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'dns_fqdn_already_exists'
- DNS_FQDN_ALREADY_IN_USE = 'dns_fqdn_already_in_use'
- DNS_INVALID_FORMAT = 'dns_invalid_format'
- DNS_INVALID_TLD = 'dns_invalid_tld'
- TLS_CERT_DELETED = 'tls_cert_deleted'
- TLS_CERT_DISABLED = 'tls_cert_disabled'
- TLS_CERT_EXPIRED = 'tls_cert_expired'
- TLS_CERT_INVALID_FORMAT = 'tls_cert_invalid_format'
- TLS_CERT_MISSING = 'tls_cert_missing'
- TLS_CHAIN_ORDER = 'tls_chain_order'
- TLS_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT = 'tls_key_invalid_format'
- TLS_KEY_MISSING = 'tls_key_missing'
- TLS_KEY_TOO_MANY = 'tls_key_too_many'
- TLS_MANAGED_DOMAIN_RATE_LIMIT = 'tls_managed_domain_rate_limit'
- TLS_MANAGED_INTERNAL = 'tls_managed_internal'
- TLS_PAIR_MISMATCH = 'tls_pair_mismatch'
- TLS_ROOT_INCONSISTENT = 'tls_root_inconsistent'
- TLS_ROOT_INCORRECT = 'tls_root_incorrect'
- TLS_ROOT_MISSING = 'tls_root_missing'
- TLS_SAN_MISMATCH = 'tls_san_mismatch'
- TLS_SELF_SIGNED = 'tls_self_signed'
- UNKNOWN_CODE = 'unknown_code'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineErrorSeverity(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CRITICAL = 'critical'
- UNKNOWN_SEVERITY = 'unknown_severity'
- WARNING = 'warning'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineErrorStage(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- BACKEND = 'backend'
- CACHE = 'cache'
- DNS = 'dns'
- TLS = 'tls'
- UNKNOWN_STAGE = 'unknown_stage'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineErrorType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CONFIG = 'config'
- RUNTIME = 'runtime'
- UNKNOWN_TYPE = 'unknown_type'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineStages(dns_stages: 'List[DNSStage]', tls_stages: 'List[TLSStage]', cache_stages: 'List[CacheStage]', backend_stages: 'List[BackendStage]', pipeline: 'Optional[Pipeline]')
- backend_stages: List[BackendStage]
- cache_stages: List[CacheStage]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PipelineStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- ERROR = 'error'
- PENDING = 'pending'
- READY = 'ready'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- WARNING = 'warning'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.Plan(plan_name: 'PlanName')
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PlanDetails(plan_name: 'PlanName', package_gb: 'int', pipeline_limit: 'int')
- package_gb: int
Amount of egress data from cache included in subscription plan.
- pipeline_limit: int
Number of pipelines included in subscription plan.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PlanName(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- ADVANCED = 'advanced'
- PROFESSIONAL = 'professional'
- STARTER = 'starter'
- UNKNOWN_NAME = 'unknown_name'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PurgeRequest(id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'str', status: 'PurgeRequestStatus', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', assets: 'Optional[List[str]]', all: 'Optional[bool]')
- all: Optional[bool]
- assets: Optional[List[str]]
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the purge request was created.
- id: str
ID of the purge request.
- pipeline_id: str
Pipeline ID the purge request belongs to.
- status: PurgeRequestStatus
Status of the purge request.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the purge request was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.PurgeRequestStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DONE = 'done'
- ERROR = 'error'
- PENDING = 'pending'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ScalewayLb(id: 'str', zone: 'Zone', frontend_id: 'str', is_ssl: 'Optional[bool]', domain_name: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_name: Optional[str]
Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format to use in HTTP requests sent towards your Load Balancer.
- frontend_id: str
ID of the frontend linked to the Load Balancer.
- id: str
ID of the Load Balancer.
- is_ssl: Optional[bool]
Defines whether the Load Balancer’s frontend handles SSL connections.
- zone: str
Zone of the Load Balancer.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ScalewayLbBackendConfig(lbs: 'List[ScalewayLb]')
- lbs: List[ScalewayLb]
Load Balancer information.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.ScalewayS3BackendConfig(bucket_name: 'Optional[str]', bucket_region: 'Optional[str]', is_website: 'Optional[bool]')
- bucket_name: Optional[str]
Name of the Bucket.
- bucket_region: Optional[str]
Region of the Bucket.
- is_website: Optional[bool]
Defines whether the bucket website feature is enabled.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.SelectPlanRequest(project_id: 'Optional[str]', plan_name: 'Optional[PlanName]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.TLSSecret(secret_id: 'str', region: 'Region')
- region: str
Region of the Secret.
- secret_id: str
ID of the Secret.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.TLSSecretsConfig(tls_secrets: 'List[TLSSecret]')
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.TLSStage(id: 'str', secrets: 'List[TLSSecret]', managed_certificate: 'bool', project_id: 'str', pipeline_id: 'Optional[str]', certificate_expires_at: 'Optional[datetime]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- certificate_expires_at: Optional[datetime]
Expiration date of the certificate.
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the TLS stage was created.
- id: str
ID of the TLS stage.
- managed_certificate: bool
True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint.
- pipeline_id: Optional[str]
Pipeline ID the TLS stage belongs to.
- project_id: str
Project ID of the TLS stage.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date the TLS stage was last updated.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.UpdateBackendStageRequest(backend_stage_id: 'str', scaleway_s3: 'Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]', scaleway_lb: 'Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]')
- backend_stage_id: str
ID of the backend stage to update.
- scaleway_lb: Optional[ScalewayLbBackendConfig]
- scaleway_s3: Optional[ScalewayS3BackendConfig]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.UpdateCacheStageRequest(cache_stage_id: 'str', fallback_ttl: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: str
ID of the cache stage to update.
- fallback_ttl: Optional[str]
Time To Live (TTL) in seconds. Defines how long content is cached.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.UpdateDNSStageRequest(dns_stage_id: 'str', fqdns: 'Optional[List[str]]', tls_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- dns_stage_id: str
ID of the DNS stage to update.
- fqdns: Optional[List[str]]
Fully Qualified Domain Name (in the format attached to the stage.
- tls_stage_id: Optional[str]
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.UpdatePipelineRequest(pipeline_id: 'str', name: 'Optional[str]', description: 'Optional[str]', dns_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- description: Optional[str]
Description of the pipeline.
- dns_stage_id: Optional[str]
- name: Optional[str]
Name of the pipeline.
- pipeline_id: str
ID of the pipeline to update.
- class scaleway.edge_services.v1alpha1.UpdateTLSStageRequest(tls_stage_id: 'str', tls_secrets_config: 'Optional[TLSSecretsConfig]', managed_certificate: 'Optional[bool]', cache_stage_id: 'Optional[str]', backend_stage_id: 'Optional[str]')
- backend_stage_id: Optional[str]
- cache_stage_id: Optional[str]
- managed_certificate: Optional[bool]
True when Scaleway generates and manages a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the TLS stage/custom endpoint.
- tls_secrets_config: Optional[TLSSecretsConfig]
Secret (from Scaleway Secret-Manager) containing your custom certificate.
- tls_stage_id: str
ID of the TLS stage to update.