scaleway.instance.v1 package


scaleway.instance.v1.api module

class scaleway.instance.v1.api.InstanceV1API(client: Client, *, bypass_validation: bool = False)

Bases: API

This API allows you to manage your Instances.

apply_block_migration(*, validation_key: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_id: Optional[str] = None, snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None) None

Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS (Scaleway Block Storage). To be used, the call to this endpoint must be preceded by a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint. To migrate all resources mentioned in the migration plan, the validation_key returned in the plan must be provided. :param validation_key: A value to be retrieved from a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint, to confirm that the volume and/or snapshots specified in said plan should be migrated. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_id: The volume to migrate, along with potentially other resources, according to the migration plan generated with a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set. :param snapshot_id: The snapshot to migrate, along with potentially other resources, according to the migration plan generated with a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set.


result = api.apply_block_migration(
attach_server_volume(*, server_id: str, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType] = None, boot: Optional[bool] = None) AttachServerVolumeResponse
  • server_id

  • volume_id

  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

  • volume_type

  • boot




result = api.attach_server_volume(
check_block_migration_organization_quotas(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None) None
  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

  • organization


result = api.check_block_migration_organization_quotas()
create_image(*, root_volume: str, arch: Arch, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeTemplate]] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None) CreateImageResponse

Create an Instance image. Create an Instance image from the specified snapshot ID. :param root_volume: UUID of the snapshot. :param arch: Architecture of the image. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the image. :param extra_volumes: Additional volumes of the image. :param organization: Organization ID of the image. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID of the image. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the image. :param public: True to create a public image. :return: CreateImageResponse


result = api.create_image(
create_ip(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, server: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[IpType] = None) CreateIpResponse

Reserve a flexible IP. Reserve a flexible IP and attach it to the specified Instance. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: Organization ID in which the IP is reserved. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID in which the IP is reserved. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the IP. :param server: UUID of the Instance you want to attach the IP to. :param type_: IP type to reserve (either ‘routed_ipv4’ or ‘routed_ipv6’, use of ‘nat’ is deprecated). :return: CreateIpResponse


result = api.create_ip()
create_placement_group(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode] = None, policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType] = None) CreatePlacementGroupResponse

Create a placement group. Create a new placement group in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the placement group. :param organization: Organization ID of the placement group. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID of the placement group. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the placement group. :param policy_mode: Operating mode of the placement group. :param policy_type: Policy type of the placement group. :return: CreatePlacementGroupResponse


result = api.create_placement_group()
create_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_network_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ip_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ipam_ip_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None) CreatePrivateNICResponse

Create a private NIC connecting an Instance to a Private Network. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to. :param private_network_id: UUID of the private network where the private NIC will be attached. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Private NIC tags. :param ip_ids: Ip_ids defined from IPAM. :param ipam_ip_ids: UUID of IPAM ips, to be attached to the instance in the requested private network. :return: CreatePrivateNICResponse


result = api.create_private_nic(
create_security_group(*, description: str, stateful: bool, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization_default: Optional[bool] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, enable_default_security: Optional[bool] = None) CreateSecurityGroupResponse

Create a security group. Create a security group with a specified name and description. :param description: Description of the security group. :param stateful: Whether the security group is stateful or not. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param organization: Organization ID the security group belongs to. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID the security group belong to. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the security group. :param organization_default: Defines whether this security group becomes the default security group for new Instances. One-Of (‘default_identifier’): at most one of ‘organization_default’, ‘project_default’ could be set. :param project_default: Whether this security group becomes the default security group for new Instances. One-Of (‘default_identifier’): at most one of ‘organization_default’, ‘project_default’ could be set. :param inbound_default_policy: Default policy for inbound rules. :param outbound_default_policy: Default policy for outbound rules. :param enable_default_security: True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable. :return: CreateSecurityGroupResponse


result = api.create_security_group(
create_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol, direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection, action: SecurityGroupRuleAction, ip_range: str, position: int, editable: bool, zone: Optional[str] = None, dest_port_from: Optional[int] = None, dest_port_to: Optional[int] = None) CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse

Create rule. Create a rule in the specified security group ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param protocol: :param direction: :param action: :param ip_range: :param position: Position of this rule in the security group rules list. :param editable: Indicates if this rule is editable (will be ignored). :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param dest_port_from: Beginning of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive). :param dest_port_to: End of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive). :return: CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse


result = api.create_security_group_rule(
create_snapshot(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, volume_id: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[SnapshotVolumeType] = None, bucket: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, size: Optional[int] = None) CreateSnapshotResponse

Create a snapshot from a specified volume or from a QCOW2 file. Create a snapshot from a specified volume or from a QCOW2 file in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the snapshot. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume. :param tags: Tags of the snapshot. :param organization: Organization ID of the snapshot. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID of the snapshot. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param volume_type: Overrides the volume_type of the snapshot. If omitted, the volume type of the original volume will be used. :param bucket: Bucket name for snapshot imports. :param key: Object key for snapshot imports. :param size: Imported snapshot size, must be a multiple of 512. :return: CreateSnapshotResponse


result = api.create_snapshot()
create_volume(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, base_snapshot: Optional[str] = None) CreateVolumeResponse

Create a volume. Create a volume of a specified type in an Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Volume name. :param organization: Volume Organization ID. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Volume Project ID. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Volume tags. :param volume_type: Volume type. :param size: Volume disk size, must be a multiple of 512. One-Of (‘from’): at most one of ‘size’, ‘base_snapshot’ could be set. :param base_snapshot: ID of the snapshot on which this volume will be based. One-Of (‘from’): at most one of ‘size’, ‘base_snapshot’ could be set. :return: CreateVolumeResponse


result = api.create_volume()
delete_image(*, image_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete an Instance image. Delete the image with the specified ID. :param image_id: UUID of the image you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_image(
delete_ip(*, ip: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a flexible IP. Delete the IP with the specified ID. :param ip: ID or address of the IP to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_ip(
delete_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_placement_group(
delete_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_nic_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a private NIC. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param private_nic_id: Private NIC unique ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_private_nic(
delete_security_group(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a security group. Delete a security group with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_security_group(
delete_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, security_group_rule_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete rule. Delete a security group rule with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: :param security_group_rule_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_security_group_rule(
delete_server(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete an Instance. Delete the Instance with the specified ID. :param server_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_server(
delete_server_user_data(*, server_id: str, key: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete user data. Delete the specified key from an Instance’s user data. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance. :param key: Key of the user data to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_server_user_data(
delete_snapshot(*, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a snapshot. Delete the snapshot with the specified ID. :param snapshot_id: UUID of the snapshot you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_snapshot(
delete_volume(*, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a volume. Delete the volume with the specified ID. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_volume(
detach_server_volume(*, server_id: str, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) DetachServerVolumeResponse
  • server_id

  • volume_id

  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.




result = api.detach_server_volume(
export_snapshot(*, bucket: str, key: str, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) ExportSnapshotResponse

Export a snapshot. Export a snapshot to a specified Object Storage bucket in the same region. :param bucket: Object Storage bucket name. :param key: Object key. :param snapshot_id: Snapshot ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ExportSnapshotResponse


result = api.export_snapshot(
get_dashboard(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None) GetDashboardResponse
  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

  • organization

  • project




result = api.get_dashboard()
get_image(*, image_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetImageResponse

Get an Instance image. Get details of an image with the specified ID. :param image_id: UUID of the image you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetImageResponse


result = api.get_image(
get_ip(*, ip: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetIpResponse

Get a flexible IP. Get details of an IP with the specified ID or address. :param ip: IP ID or address to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetIpResponse


result = api.get_ip(
get_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetPlacementGroupResponse

Get a placement group. Get the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetPlacementGroupResponse


result = api.get_placement_group(
get_placement_group_servers(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetPlacementGroupServersResponse

Get placement group servers. Get all Instances belonging to the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetPlacementGroupServersResponse


result = api.get_placement_group_servers(
get_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_nic_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetPrivateNICResponse

Get a private NIC. Get private NIC properties. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param private_nic_id: Private NIC unique ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetPrivateNICResponse


result = api.get_private_nic(
get_security_group(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetSecurityGroupResponse

Get a security group. Get the details of a security group with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetSecurityGroupResponse


result = api.get_security_group(
get_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, security_group_rule_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse

Get rule. Get details of a security group rule with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: :param security_group_rule_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse


result = api.get_security_group_rule(
get_server(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetServerResponse

Get an Instance. Get the details of a specified Instance. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetServerResponse


result = api.get_server(
get_server_types_availability(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse

Get availability. Get availability for all Instance types. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse


result = api.get_server_types_availability()
get_snapshot(*, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetSnapshotResponse

Get a snapshot. Get details of a snapshot with the specified ID. :param snapshot_id: UUID of the snapshot you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetSnapshotResponse


result = api.get_snapshot(
get_volume(*, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetVolumeResponse

Get a volume. Get details of a volume with the specified ID. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetVolumeResponse


result = api.get_volume(
list_default_security_group_rules(*, zone: Optional[str] = None) ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse

Get default rules. Lists the default rules applied to all the security groups. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse


result = api.list_default_security_group_rules()
list_images(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None) ListImagesResponse

List Instance images. List all existing Instance images. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: :param per_page: :param page: :param name: :param public: :param arch: :param project: :param tags: :return: ListImagesResponse


result = api.list_images()
list_images_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None) List[Image]

List Instance images. List all existing Instance images. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: :param per_page: :param page: :param name: :param public: :param arch: :param project: :param tags: :return: List[Image]


result = api.list_images_all()
list_ips(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, type_: Optional[str] = None) ListIpsResponse

List all flexible IPs. List all flexible IPs in a specified zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param project: Project ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param organization: Organization ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param tags: Filter IPs with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter on the IP address (Works as a LIKE operation on the IP address). :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param type_: Filter on the IP Mobility IP type (whose value should be either ‘routed_ipv4’, ‘routed_ipv6’ or ‘nat’). :return: ListIpsResponse


result = api.list_ips()
list_ips_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, type_: Optional[str] = None) List[Ip]

List all flexible IPs. List all flexible IPs in a specified zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param project: Project ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param organization: Organization ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param tags: Filter IPs with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter on the IP address (Works as a LIKE operation on the IP address). :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param type_: Filter on the IP Mobility IP type (whose value should be either ‘routed_ipv4’, ‘routed_ipv6’ or ‘nat’). :return: List[Ip]


result = api.list_ips_all()
list_placement_groups(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ListPlacementGroupsResponse

List placement groups. List all placement groups in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only placement groups of this Organization ID. :param project: List only placement groups of this Project ID. :param tags: List placement groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter placement groups by name (for eg. “cluster1” will return “cluster100” and “cluster1” but not “foo”). :return: ListPlacementGroupsResponse


result = api.list_placement_groups()
list_placement_groups_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) List[PlacementGroup]

List placement groups. List all placement groups in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only placement groups of this Organization ID. :param project: List only placement groups of this Project ID. :param tags: List placement groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter placement groups by name (for eg. “cluster1” will return “cluster100” and “cluster1” but not “foo”). :return: List[PlacementGroup]


result = api.list_placement_groups_all()
list_private_ni_cs(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListPrivateNICsResponse

List all private NICs. List all private NICs of a specified Instance. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Private NIC tags. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: ListPrivateNICsResponse


result = api.list_private_ni_cs(
list_private_ni_cs_all(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) List[PrivateNIC]

List all private NICs. List all private NICs of a specified Instance. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Private NIC tags. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: List[PrivateNIC]


result = api.list_private_ni_cs_all(
list_security_group_rules(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse

List rules. List the rules of the a specified security group ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse


result = api.list_security_group_rules(
list_security_group_rules_all(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) List[SecurityGroupRule]

List rules. List the rules of the a specified security group ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: List[SecurityGroupRule]


result = api.list_security_group_rules_all(
list_security_groups(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListSecurityGroupsResponse

List security groups. List all existing security groups. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param organization: Security group Organization ID. :param project: Security group Project ID. :param tags: List security groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param project_default: Filter security groups with this value for project_default. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: ListSecurityGroupsResponse


result = api.list_security_groups()
list_security_groups_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) List[SecurityGroup]

List security groups. List all existing security groups. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param organization: Security group Organization ID. :param project: Security group Project ID. :param tags: List security groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param project_default: Filter security groups with this value for project_default. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: List[SecurityGroup]


result = api.list_security_groups_all()
list_server_actions(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) ListServerActionsResponse

List Instance actions. List all actions (e.g. power on, power off, reboot) that can currently be performed on an Instance. :param server_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ListServerActionsResponse


result = api.list_server_actions(
list_server_user_data(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) ListServerUserDataResponse

List user data. List all user data keys registered on a specified Instance. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ListServerUserDataResponse


result = api.list_server_user_data(
list_servers(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, private_ip: Optional[str] = None, without_ip: Optional[bool] = None, with_ip: Optional[str] = None, commercial_type: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[ServerState] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_network: Optional[str] = None, order: Optional[ListServersRequestOrder] = None, private_networks: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_nic_mac_address: Optional[str] = None, servers: Optional[List[str]] = None) ListServersResponse

List all Instances. List all Instances in a specified Availability Zone, e.g. fr-par-1. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only Instances of this Organization ID. :param project: List only Instances of this Project ID. :param name: Filter Instances by name (eg. “server1” will return “server100” and “server1” but not “foo”). :param private_ip: List Instances by private_ip. :param without_ip: List Instances that are not attached to a public IP. :param with_ip: List Instances by IP (both private_ip and public_ip are supported). :param commercial_type: List Instances of this commercial type. :param state: List Instances in this state. :param tags: List Instances with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param private_network: List Instances in this Private Network. :param order: Define the order of the returned servers. :param private_networks: List Instances from the given Private Networks (use commas to separate them). :param private_nic_mac_address: List Instances associated with the given private NIC MAC address. :param servers: List Instances from these server ids (use commas to separate them). :return: ListServersResponse


result = api.list_servers()
list_servers_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, private_ip: Optional[str] = None, without_ip: Optional[bool] = None, with_ip: Optional[str] = None, commercial_type: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[ServerState] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_network: Optional[str] = None, order: Optional[ListServersRequestOrder] = None, private_networks: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_nic_mac_address: Optional[str] = None, servers: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Server]

List all Instances. List all Instances in a specified Availability Zone, e.g. fr-par-1. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only Instances of this Organization ID. :param project: List only Instances of this Project ID. :param name: Filter Instances by name (eg. “server1” will return “server100” and “server1” but not “foo”). :param private_ip: List Instances by private_ip. :param without_ip: List Instances that are not attached to a public IP. :param with_ip: List Instances by IP (both private_ip and public_ip are supported). :param commercial_type: List Instances of this commercial type. :param state: List Instances in this state. :param tags: List Instances with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param private_network: List Instances in this Private Network. :param order: Define the order of the returned servers. :param private_networks: List Instances from the given Private Networks (use commas to separate them). :param private_nic_mac_address: List Instances associated with the given private NIC MAC address. :param servers: List Instances from these server ids (use commas to separate them). :return: List[Server]


result = api.list_servers_all()
list_servers_types(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListServersTypesResponse

List Instance types. List available Instance types and their technical details. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: :param page: :return: ListServersTypesResponse


result = api.list_servers_types()
list_snapshots(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None, base_volume_id: Optional[str] = None) ListSnapshotsResponse

List snapshots. List all snapshots of an Organization in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: List snapshots only for this Organization ID. :param project: List snapshots only for this Project ID. :param per_page: Number of snapshots returned per page (positive integer lower or equal to 100). :param page: Page to be returned. :param name: List snapshots of the requested name. :param tags: List snapshots that have the requested tag. :param base_volume_id: List snapshots originating only from this volume. :return: ListSnapshotsResponse


result = api.list_snapshots()
list_snapshots_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None, base_volume_id: Optional[str] = None) List[Snapshot]

List snapshots. List all snapshots of an Organization in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: List snapshots only for this Organization ID. :param project: List snapshots only for this Project ID. :param per_page: Number of snapshots returned per page (positive integer lower or equal to 100). :param page: Page to be returned. :param name: List snapshots of the requested name. :param tags: List snapshots that have the requested tag. :param base_volume_id: List snapshots originating only from this volume. :return: List[Snapshot]


result = api.list_snapshots_all()
list_volumes(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ListVolumesResponse

List volumes. List volumes in the specified Availability Zone. You can filter the output by volume type. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_type: Filter by volume type. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: Filter volume by Organization ID. :param project: Filter volume by Project ID. :param tags: Filter volumes with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter volume by name (for eg. “vol” will return “myvolume” but not “data”). :return: ListVolumesResponse


result = api.list_volumes()
list_volumes_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) List[Volume]

List volumes. List volumes in the specified Availability Zone. You can filter the output by volume type. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_type: Filter by volume type. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: Filter volume by Organization ID. :param project: Filter volume by Project ID. :param tags: Filter volumes with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter volume by name (for eg. “vol” will return “myvolume” but not “data”). :return: List[Volume]


result = api.list_volumes_all()
list_volumes_types(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListVolumesTypesResponse

List volume types. List all volume types and their technical details. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: :param page: :return: ListVolumesTypesResponse


result = api.list_volumes_types()
plan_block_migration(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_id: Optional[str] = None, snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None) MigrationPlan

Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan. Given a volume or snapshot, returns the migration plan but does not perform the actual migration. To perform the migration, you have to call the [Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS](#path-volumes-migrate-a-volume-andor-snapshots-to-sbs-scaleway-block-storage) endpoint afterward. The endpoint returns the resources that should be migrated together: - the volume and any snapshots created from the volume, if the call was made to plan a volume migration. - the base volume of the snapshot (if the volume is not deleted) and its related snapshots, if the call was made to plan a snapshot migration. The endpoint also returns the validation_key, which must be provided to the [Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS](#path-volumes-migrate-a-volume-andor-snapshots-to-sbs-scaleway-block-storage) endpoint to confirm that all resources listed in the plan should be migrated. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_id: The volume for which the migration plan will be generated. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set. :param snapshot_id: The snapshot for which the migration plan will be generated. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set. :return: MigrationPlan


result = api.plan_block_migration()
server_action(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, action: Optional[ServerAction] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, volumes: Optional[Dict[str, ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate]] = None, disable_ipv6: Optional[bool] = None) ServerActionResponse

Perform action. Perform an action on an Instance. Available actions are: * poweron: Start a stopped Instance. * poweroff: Fully stop the Instance and release the hypervisor slot. * stop_in_place: Stop the Instance, but keep the slot on the hypervisor. * reboot: Stop the instance and restart it. * backup: Create an image with all the volumes of an Instance. * terminate: Delete the Instance along with its attached volumes, except for SBS volumes. * enable_routed_ip: Migrate the Instance to the new network stack.

The terminate action will result in the deletion of l_ssd, b_ssd and scratch volumes types, sbs_volume volumes type will only be detached. If you want to preserve your volumes, you should detach them before the Instance deletion or terminate action.

The backup action can be done with: * No volumes key in the body: an image is created with snapshots of all the server volumes, except for the scratch volumes types. * volumes key in the body with a dictionary as value, in this dictionary volumes UUID as keys and empty dictionaries as values : an image is created with the snapshots of the volumes in volumes key. scratch volumes types can’t be shapshotted. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param action: Action to perform on the Instance. :param name: Name of the backup you want to create. This field should only be specified when performing a backup action. :param volumes: For each volume UUID, the snapshot parameters of the volume. This field should only be specified when performing a backup action. :param disable_ipv6: Disable IPv6 on the Instance while performing migration to routed IPs. This field should only be specified when performing a enable_routed_ip action. :return: ServerActionResponse


result = api.server_action(
set_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, name: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode] = None, policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) SetPlacementGroupResponse

Set placement group. Set all parameters of the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: :param name: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: :param policy_mode: :param policy_type: :param project: :param tags: :return: SetPlacementGroupResponse


result = api.set_placement_group(
set_placement_group_servers(*, placement_group_id: str, servers: List[str], zone: Optional[str] = None) SetPlacementGroupServersResponse

Set placement group servers. Set all Instances belonging to the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to set. :param servers: An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: SetPlacementGroupServersResponse


result = api.set_placement_group_servers(
set_security_group_rules(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, rules: Optional[List[SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule]] = None) SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse

Update all the rules of a security group. Replaces the existing rules of the security group with the rules provided. This endpoint supports the update of existing rules, creation of new rules and deletion of existing rules when they are not passed in the request. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group to update the rules on. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param rules: List of rules to update in the security group. :return: SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse


result = api.set_security_group_rules(
update_image(*, image_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, arch: Optional[Arch] = None, extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeImageUpdateTemplate]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None) UpdateImageResponse

Update image. Update the properties of an image. :param image_id: UUID of the image. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the image. :param arch: Architecture of the image. :param extra_volumes: Additional snapshots of the image, with extra_volumeKey being the position of the snapshot in the image. :param tags: Tags of the image. :param public: True to set the image as public. :return: UpdateImageResponse


result = api.update_image(
update_ip(*, ip: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, reverse: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[IpType] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, server: Optional[str] = None) UpdateIpResponse

Update a flexible IP. Update a flexible IP in the specified zone with the specified ID. :param ip: IP ID or IP address. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param reverse: Reverse domain name. :param type_: Convert a ‘nat’ IP to a ‘routed_ipv4’. :param tags: An array of keywords you want to tag this IP with. :param server: :return: UpdateIpResponse


result = api.update_ip(
update_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode] = None, policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType] = None) UpdatePlacementGroupResponse

Update a placement group. Update one or more parameter of the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the placement group. :param tags: Tags of the placement group. :param policy_mode: Operating mode of the placement group. :param policy_type: Policy type of the placement group. :return: UpdatePlacementGroupResponse


result = api.update_placement_group(
update_placement_group_servers(*, placement_group_id: str, servers: List[str], zone: Optional[str] = None) UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse

Update placement group servers. Update all Instances belonging to the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to update. :param servers: An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse


result = api.update_placement_group_servers(
update_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_nic_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) PrivateNIC

Update a private NIC. Update one or more parameter(s) of a specified private NIC. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to. :param private_nic_id: Private NIC unique ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Tags used to select private NIC/s. :return: PrivateNIC


result = api.update_private_nic(
update_security_group(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, enable_default_security: Optional[bool] = None, inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization_default: Optional[bool] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, stateful: Optional[bool] = None) UpdateSecurityGroupResponse

Update a security group. Update the properties of security group. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param description: Description of the security group. :param enable_default_security: True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable. :param inbound_default_policy: Default inbound policy. :param tags: Tags of the security group. :param organization_default: Please use project_default instead. :param project_default: True use this security group for future Instances created in this project. :param outbound_default_policy: Default outbound policy. :param stateful: True to set the security group as stateful. :return: UpdateSecurityGroupResponse


result = api.update_security_group(
update_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, security_group_rule_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, protocol: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleProtocol] = None, direction: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleDirection] = None, action: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleAction] = None, ip_range: Optional[str] = None, dest_port_from: Optional[int] = None, dest_port_to: Optional[int] = None, position: Optional[int] = None) UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse

Update security group rule. Update the properties of a rule from a specified security group. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param security_group_rule_id: UUID of the rule. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param protocol: Protocol family this rule applies to. :param direction: Direction the rule applies to. :param action: Action to apply when the rule matches a packet. :param ip_range: Range of IP addresses these rules apply to. :param dest_port_from: Beginning of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter. :param dest_port_to: End of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter. :param position: Position of this rule in the security group rules list. :return: UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse


result = api.update_security_group_rule(
update_snapshot(*, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) UpdateSnapshotResponse

Update a snapshot. Update the properties of a snapshot. :param snapshot_id: UUID of the snapshot. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the snapshot. :param tags: Tags of the snapshot. :return: UpdateSnapshotResponse


result = api.update_snapshot(
update_volume(*, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, size: Optional[int] = None) UpdateVolumeResponse

Update a volume. Replace the name and/or size properties of a volume specified by its ID, with the specified value(s). Any volume name can be changed, however only b_ssd volumes can currently be increased in size. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Volume name. :param tags: Tags of the volume. :param size: Volume disk size, must be a multiple of 512. :return: UpdateVolumeResponse


result = api.update_volume(

scaleway.instance.v1.content module

scaleway.instance.v1.content.IMAGE_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[ImageState] = [<ImageState.CREATING: 'creating'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum ImageState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.IP_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[IpState] = [<IpState.PENDING: 'pending'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum IpState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.PRIVATE_NIC_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[PrivateNICState] = [<PrivateNICState.SYNCING: 'syncing'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum PrivateNICState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.SECURITY_GROUP_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[SecurityGroupState] = [<SecurityGroupState.SYNCING: 'syncing'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum SecurityGroupState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.SERVER_IP_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[ServerIpState] = [<ServerIpState.PENDING: 'pending'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum ServerIpState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.SERVER_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[ServerState] = [<ServerState.STARTING: 'starting'>, <ServerState.STOPPING: 'stopping'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum ServerState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.SNAPSHOT_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[SnapshotState] = [<SnapshotState.SNAPSHOTTING: 'snapshotting'>, <SnapshotState.IMPORTING: 'importing'>, <SnapshotState.EXPORTING: 'exporting'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum SnapshotState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.TASK_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[TaskStatus] = [<TaskStatus.PENDING: 'pending'>, <TaskStatus.STARTED: 'started'>, <TaskStatus.RETRY: 'retry'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum TaskStatus.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.VOLUME_SERVER_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[VolumeServerState] = [<VolumeServerState.SNAPSHOTTING: 'snapshotting'>, <VolumeServerState.FETCHING: 'fetching'>, <VolumeServerState.RESIZING: 'resizing'>, <VolumeServerState.SAVING: 'saving'>, <VolumeServerState.HOTSYNCING: 'hotsyncing'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum VolumeServerState.

scaleway.instance.v1.content.VOLUME_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[VolumeState] = [<VolumeState.SNAPSHOTTING: 'snapshotting'>, <VolumeState.FETCHING: 'fetching'>, <VolumeState.RESIZING: 'resizing'>, <VolumeState.SAVING: 'saving'>, <VolumeState.HOTSYNCING: 'hotsyncing'>]

Lists transient statutes of the enum VolumeState.

scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling module

scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ApplyBlockMigrationRequest(request: ApplyBlockMigrationRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_AttachServerVolumeRequest(request: AttachServerVolumeRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_Bootscript(request: Bootscript, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CheckBlockMigrationOrganizationQuotasRequest(request: CheckBlockMigrationOrganizationQuotasRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateImageRequest(request: CreateImageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateIpRequest(request: CreateIpRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreatePlacementGroupRequest(request: CreatePlacementGroupRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreatePrivateNICRequest(request: CreatePrivateNICRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateSecurityGroupRequest(request: CreateSecurityGroupRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest(request: CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateServerRequest(request: CreateServerRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateSnapshotRequest(request: CreateSnapshotRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_CreateVolumeRequest(request: CreateVolumeRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_DetachServerVolumeRequest(request: DetachServerVolumeRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ExportSnapshotRequest(request: ExportSnapshotRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_Image(request: Image, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_PlacementGroup(request: PlacementGroup, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_PlanBlockMigrationRequest(request: PlanBlockMigrationRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_PrivateNIC(request: PrivateNIC, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SecurityGroupSummary(request: SecurityGroupSummary, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SecurityGroupTemplate(request: SecurityGroupTemplate, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerActionRequest(request: ServerActionRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate(request: ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerIp(request: ServerIp, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerIpv6(request: ServerIpv6, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerLocation(request: ServerLocation, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerMaintenance(request: ServerMaintenance, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_ServerSummary(request: ServerSummary, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SetImageRequest(request: SetImageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SetPlacementGroupRequest(request: SetPlacementGroupRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SetPlacementGroupServersRequest(request: SetPlacementGroupServersRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SetSecurityGroupRulesRequest(request: SetSecurityGroupRulesRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule(request: SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_SnapshotBaseVolume(request: SnapshotBaseVolume, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateImageRequest(request: UpdateImageRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateIpRequest(request: UpdateIpRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdatePlacementGroupRequest(request: UpdatePlacementGroupRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdatePlacementGroupServersRequest(request: UpdatePlacementGroupServersRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdatePrivateNICRequest(request: UpdatePrivateNICRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateSecurityGroupRequest(request: UpdateSecurityGroupRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateSecurityGroupRuleRequest(request: UpdateSecurityGroupRuleRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateServerRequest(request: UpdateServerRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateSnapshotRequest(request: UpdateSnapshotRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateVolumeRequest(request: UpdateVolumeRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_Volume(request: Volume, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_VolumeImageUpdateTemplate(request: VolumeImageUpdateTemplate, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_VolumeServerTemplate(request: VolumeServerTemplate, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_VolumeSummary(request: VolumeSummary, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal_VolumeTemplate(request: VolumeTemplate, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal__SetSecurityGroupRequest(request: _SetSecurityGroupRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal__SetSecurityGroupRuleRequest(request: _SetSecurityGroupRuleRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal__SetServerRequest(request: _SetServerRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.marshal__SetSnapshotRequest(request: _SetSnapshotRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_AttachServerVolumeResponse(data: Any) AttachServerVolumeResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Bootscript(data: Any) Bootscript
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateImageResponse(data: Any) CreateImageResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateIpResponse(data: Any) CreateIpResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreatePlacementGroupResponse(data: Any) CreatePlacementGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreatePrivateNICResponse(data: Any) CreatePrivateNICResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateSecurityGroupResponse(data: Any) CreateSecurityGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse(data: Any) CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateServerResponse(data: Any) CreateServerResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateSnapshotResponse(data: Any) CreateSnapshotResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateVolumeResponse(data: Any) CreateVolumeResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Dashboard(data: Any) Dashboard
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_DetachServerVolumeResponse(data: Any) DetachServerVolumeResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ExportSnapshotResponse(data: Any) ExportSnapshotResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetDashboardResponse(data: Any) GetDashboardResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetImageResponse(data: Any) GetImageResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetIpResponse(data: Any) GetIpResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetPlacementGroupResponse(data: Any) GetPlacementGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetPlacementGroupServersResponse(data: Any) GetPlacementGroupServersResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetPrivateNICResponse(data: Any) GetPrivateNICResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetSecurityGroupResponse(data: Any) GetSecurityGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse(data: Any) GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetServerResponse(data: Any) GetServerResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse(data: Any) GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability(data: Any) GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetSnapshotResponse(data: Any) GetSnapshotResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_GetVolumeResponse(data: Any) GetVolumeResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Image(data: Any) Image
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Ip(data: Any) Ip
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListImagesResponse(data: Any) ListImagesResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListIpsResponse(data: Any) ListIpsResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListPlacementGroupsResponse(data: Any) ListPlacementGroupsResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListPrivateNICsResponse(data: Any) ListPrivateNICsResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse(data: Any) ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListSecurityGroupsResponse(data: Any) ListSecurityGroupsResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListServerActionsResponse(data: Any) ListServerActionsResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListServerUserDataResponse(data: Any) ListServerUserDataResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListServersResponse(data: Any) ListServersResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListServersTypesResponse(data: Any) ListServersTypesResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListSnapshotsResponse(data: Any) ListSnapshotsResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListVolumesResponse(data: Any) ListVolumesResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListVolumesTypesResponse(data: Any) ListVolumesTypesResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_MigrationPlan(data: Any) MigrationPlan
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_PlacementGroup(data: Any) PlacementGroup
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_PlacementGroupServer(data: Any) PlacementGroupServer
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_PrivateNIC(data: Any) PrivateNIC
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SecurityGroup(data: Any) SecurityGroup
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SecurityGroupRule(data: Any) SecurityGroupRule
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SecurityGroupSummary(data: Any) SecurityGroupSummary
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Server(data: Any) Server
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerActionResponse(data: Any) ServerActionResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerIp(data: Any) ServerIp
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerIpv6(data: Any) ServerIpv6
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerLocation(data: Any) ServerLocation
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerMaintenance(data: Any) ServerMaintenance
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerSummary(data: Any) ServerSummary
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerType(data: Any) ServerType
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerTypeCapabilities(data: Any) ServerTypeCapabilities
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerTypeNetwork(data: Any) ServerTypeNetwork
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerTypeNetworkInterface(data: Any) ServerTypeNetworkInterface
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes(data: Any) ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType(data: Any) ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SetPlacementGroupResponse(data: Any) SetPlacementGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SetPlacementGroupServersResponse(data: Any) SetPlacementGroupServersResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse(data: Any) SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Snapshot(data: Any) Snapshot
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_SnapshotBaseVolume(data: Any) SnapshotBaseVolume
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Task(data: Any) Task
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateImageResponse(data: Any) UpdateImageResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateIpResponse(data: Any) UpdateIpResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdatePlacementGroupResponse(data: Any) UpdatePlacementGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse(data: Any) UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateSecurityGroupResponse(data: Any) UpdateSecurityGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse(data: Any) UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateServerResponse(data: Any) UpdateServerResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateSnapshotResponse(data: Any) UpdateSnapshotResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_UpdateVolumeResponse(data: Any) UpdateVolumeResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_Volume(data: Any) Volume
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_VolumeServer(data: Any) VolumeServer
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_VolumeSummary(data: Any) VolumeSummary
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_VolumeType(data: Any) VolumeType
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_VolumeTypeCapabilities(data: Any) VolumeTypeCapabilities
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal_VolumeTypeConstraints(data: Any) VolumeTypeConstraints
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal__SetImageResponse(data: Any) _SetImageResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal__SetSecurityGroupResponse(data: Any) _SetSecurityGroupResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal__SetSecurityGroupRuleResponse(data: Any) _SetSecurityGroupRuleResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal__SetServerResponse(data: Any) _SetServerResponse
scaleway.instance.v1.marshalling.unmarshal__SetSnapshotResponse(data: Any) _SetSnapshotResponse

scaleway.instance.v1.types module

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ApplyBlockMigrationRequest(validation_key: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_id: 'Optional[str]', snapshot_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: Optional[str]
validation_key: str

A value to be retrieved from a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint, to confirm that the volume and/or snapshots specified in said plan should be migrated.

volume_id: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Arch(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ARM = 'arm'
ARM64 = 'arm64'
UNKNOWN_ARCH = 'unknown_arch'
X86_64 = 'x86_64'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.AttachServerVolumeRequest(server_id: 'str', volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_type: 'Optional[AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType]', boot: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

boot: Optional[bool]
server_id: str
volume_id: str
volume_type: Optional[AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
SBS_VOLUME = 'sbs_volume'
UNKNOWN_VOLUME_TYPE = 'unknown_volume_type'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.AttachServerVolumeResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.BootType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

BOOTSCRIPT = 'bootscript'
LOCAL = 'local'
RESCUE = 'rescue'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Bootscript(architecture: 'Arch', bootcmdargs: 'str', default: 'bool', dtb: 'str', id: 'str', initrd: 'str', kernel: 'str', organization: 'str', public: 'bool', title: 'str', project: 'str', zone: 'Zone')

Bases: object

architecture: Arch
bootcmdargs: str
default: bool
dtb: str
id: str
initrd: str
kernel: str
organization: str
project: str
public: bool
title: str
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CheckBlockMigrationOrganizationQuotasRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

organization: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateImageRequest(root_volume: 'str', arch: 'Arch', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', extra_volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeTemplate]]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', public: 'Optional[bool]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

arch: Arch

Architecture of the image.

extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeTemplate]]

Additional volumes of the image.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the image.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
public: Optional[bool]

True to create a public image.

root_volume: str

UUID of the snapshot.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the image.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateImageResponse(image: 'Optional[Image]')

Bases: object

image: Optional[Image]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateIpRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', server: 'Optional[str]', type_: 'Optional[IpType]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
server: Optional[str]

UUID of the Instance you want to attach the IP to.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the IP.

type_: Optional[IpType]

IP type to reserve (either ‘routed_ipv4’ or ‘routed_ipv6’, use of ‘nat’ is deprecated).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateIpResponse(ip: 'Optional[Ip]')

Bases: object

ip: Optional[Ip]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreatePlacementGroupRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', policy_mode: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]', policy_type: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the placement group.

organization: Optional[str]
policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]

Operating mode of the placement group.

policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]

Policy type of the placement group.

project: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the placement group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreatePlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreatePrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_network_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', ip_ids: 'Optional[List[str]]', ipam_ip_ids: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

ip_ids: Optional[List[str]]

Ip_ids defined from IPAM.

ipam_ip_ids: Optional[List[str]]

UUID of IPAM ips, to be attached to the instance in the requested private network.

private_network_id: str

UUID of the private network where the private NIC will be attached.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Private NIC tags.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreatePrivateNICResponse(private_nic: 'Optional[PrivateNIC]')

Bases: object

private_nic: Optional[PrivateNIC]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateSecurityGroupRequest(description: 'str', stateful: 'bool', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', inbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', outbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', enable_default_security: 'Optional[bool]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', organization_default: 'Optional[bool]', project_default: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

description: str

Description of the security group.

enable_default_security: Optional[bool]

True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable.

inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default policy for inbound rules.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the security group.

organization: Optional[str]
organization_default: Optional[bool]
outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default policy for outbound rules.

project: Optional[str]
project_default: Optional[bool]
stateful: bool

Whether the security group is stateful or not.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateSecurityGroupResponse(security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', protocol: 'SecurityGroupRuleProtocol', direction: 'SecurityGroupRuleDirection', action: 'SecurityGroupRuleAction', ip_range: 'str', position: 'int', editable: 'bool', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

action: SecurityGroupRuleAction
dest_port_from: Optional[int]

Beginning of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive).

dest_port_to: Optional[int]

End of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive).

direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection
editable: bool

Indicates if this rule is editable (will be ignored).

ip_range: str
position: int

Position of this rule in the security group rules list.

protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol
security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse(rule: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rule: Optional[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateServerRequest(commercial_type: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', dynamic_ip_required: 'Optional[bool]', routed_ip_enabled: 'Optional[bool]', image: 'Optional[str]', volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]', enable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]', public_ip: 'Optional[str]', public_ips: 'Optional[List[str]]', boot_type: 'Optional[BootType]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', security_group: 'Optional[str]', placement_group: 'Optional[str]', admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: Optional[str]

The public_key value of this key is used to encrypt the admin password.

boot_type: Optional[BootType]

Boot type to use.

commercial_type: str

Define the Instance commercial type (i.e. GP1-S).

dynamic_ip_required: Optional[bool]

Define if a dynamic IPv4 is required for the Instance.

enable_ipv6: Optional[bool]

True if IPv6 is enabled on the server (deprecated and always False when routed_ip_enabled is True).

image: Optional[str]

Instance image ID or label.

name: Optional[str]

Instance name.

organization: Optional[str]
placement_group: Optional[str]

Placement group ID if Instance must be part of a placement group.

project: Optional[str]
public_ip: Optional[str]

ID of the reserved IP to attach to the Instance.

public_ips: Optional[List[str]]

A list of reserved IP IDs to attach to the Instance.

routed_ip_enabled: Optional[bool]

If true, configure the Instance so it uses the new routed IP mode.

security_group: Optional[str]

Security group ID.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Instance tags.

volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]

Volumes attached to the server.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateServerResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateSnapshotRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', volume_id: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', volume_type: 'Optional[SnapshotVolumeType]', bucket: 'Optional[str]', key: 'Optional[str]', size: 'Optional[int]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

bucket: Optional[str]

Bucket name for snapshot imports.

key: Optional[str]

Object key for snapshot imports.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the snapshot.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
size: Optional[int]

Imported snapshot size, must be a multiple of 512.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the snapshot.

volume_id: Optional[str]

UUID of the volume.

volume_type: Optional[SnapshotVolumeType]

Overrides the volume_type of the snapshot.

If omitted, the volume type of the original volume will be used.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateSnapshotResponse(snapshot: 'Optional[Snapshot]', task: 'Optional[Task]')

Bases: object

snapshot: Optional[Snapshot]
task: Optional[Task]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateVolumeRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', volume_type: 'Optional[VolumeVolumeType]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', size: 'Optional[int]', base_snapshot: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_snapshot: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]

Volume name.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
size: Optional[int]
tags: Optional[List[str]]

Volume tags.

volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType]

Volume type.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.CreateVolumeResponse(volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

volume: Optional[Volume]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Dashboard(volumes_count: 'int', running_servers_count: 'int', servers_by_types: 'Dict[str, int]', images_count: 'int', snapshots_count: 'int', servers_count: 'int', ips_count: 'int', security_groups_count: 'int', ips_unused: 'int', volumes_l_ssd_count: 'int', volumes_l_ssd_total_size: 'int', private_nics_count: 'int', placement_groups_count: 'int', volumes_b_ssd_count: 'Optional[int]', volumes_b_ssd_total_size: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

images_count: int
ips_count: int
ips_unused: int
placement_groups_count: int
private_nics_count: int
running_servers_count: int
security_groups_count: int
servers_by_types: Dict[str, int]
servers_count: int
snapshots_count: int
volumes_b_ssd_count: Optional[int]
volumes_b_ssd_total_size: Optional[int]
volumes_count: int
volumes_l_ssd_count: int
volumes_l_ssd_total_size: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteImageRequest(image_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

image_id: str

UUID of the image you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteIpRequest(ip: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

ip: str

ID or address of the IP to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeletePlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeletePrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_nic_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

private_nic_id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteSecurityGroupRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', security_group_rule_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str
security_group_rule_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteServerRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteServerUserDataRequest(server_id: 'str', key: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

key: str

Key of the user data to delete.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteSnapshotRequest(snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: str

UUID of the snapshot you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DeleteVolumeRequest(volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

volume_id: str

UUID of the volume you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DetachServerVolumeRequest(server_id: 'str', volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str
volume_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.DetachServerVolumeResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ExportSnapshotRequest(bucket: 'str', key: 'str', snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

bucket: str

Object Storage bucket name.

key: str

Object key.

snapshot_id: str

Snapshot ID.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ExportSnapshotResponse(task: 'Optional[Task]')

Bases: object

task: Optional[Task]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetDashboardRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetDashboardResponse(dashboard: 'Optional[Dashboard]')

Bases: object

dashboard: Optional[Dashboard]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetImageRequest(image_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

image_id: str

UUID of the image you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetImageResponse(image: 'Optional[Image]')

Bases: object

image: Optional[Image]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetIpRequest(ip: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

ip: str

IP ID or address to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetIpResponse(ip: 'Optional[Ip]')

Bases: object

ip: Optional[Ip]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetPlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetPlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetPlacementGroupServersRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetPlacementGroupServersResponse(servers: 'List[PlacementGroupServer]')

Bases: object

servers: List[PlacementGroupServer]

Instances attached to the placement group.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetPrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_nic_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

private_nic_id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetPrivateNICResponse(private_nic: 'Optional[PrivateNIC]')

Bases: object

private_nic: Optional[PrivateNIC]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetSecurityGroupRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetSecurityGroupResponse(security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', security_group_rule_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str
security_group_rule_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse(rule: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rule: Optional[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetServerRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetServerResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetServerTypesAvailabilityRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse(servers: 'Dict[str, GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability]', total_count: 'int')

Bases: object

servers: Dict[str, GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability]

Map of server types.

total_count: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability(availability: 'ServerTypesAvailability')

Bases: object

availability: ServerTypesAvailability
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetSnapshotRequest(snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: str

UUID of the snapshot you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetSnapshotResponse(snapshot: 'Optional[Snapshot]')

Bases: object

snapshot: Optional[Snapshot]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetVolumeRequest(volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

volume_id: str

UUID of the volume you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.GetVolumeResponse(volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

volume: Optional[Volume]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Image(id: 'str', name: 'str', arch: 'Arch', extra_volumes: 'Dict[str, Volume]', from_server: 'str', organization: 'str', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', default_bootscript: 'Optional[Bootscript]', public: 'bool', state: 'ImageState', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', zone: 'Zone', root_volume: 'Optional[VolumeSummary]')

Bases: object

arch: Arch
creation_date: Optional[datetime]
default_bootscript: Optional[Bootscript]
extra_volumes: Dict[str, Volume]
from_server: str
id: str
modification_date: Optional[datetime]
name: str
organization: str
project: str
public: bool
root_volume: Optional[VolumeSummary]
state: ImageState
tags: List[str]
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ImageState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
CREATING = 'creating'
ERROR = 'error'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Ip(id: 'str', address: 'str', organization: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', project: 'str', type_: 'IpType', state: 'IpState', prefix: 'str', ipam_id: 'str', zone: 'Zone', reverse: 'Optional[str]', server: 'Optional[ServerSummary]')

Bases: object

address: str
id: str
ipam_id: str
organization: str
prefix: str
project: str
reverse: Optional[str]
server: Optional[ServerSummary]
state: IpState
tags: List[str]
type_: IpType
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.IpState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ATTACHED = 'attached'
DETACHED = 'detached'
ERROR = 'error'
PENDING = 'pending'
UNKNOWN_STATE = 'unknown_state'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.IpType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

NAT = 'nat'
ROUTED_IPV4 = 'routed_ipv4'
ROUTED_IPV6 = 'routed_ipv6'
UNKNOWN_IPTYPE = 'unknown_iptype'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListDefaultSecurityGroupRulesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListImagesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', public: 'Optional[bool]', arch: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

arch: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
organization: Optional[str]
page: Optional[int]
per_page: Optional[int]
project: Optional[str]
public: Optional[bool]
tags: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListImagesResponse(total_count: 'int', images: 'List[Image]')

Bases: object

images: List[Image]

List of images.

total_count: int

Total number of images.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListIpsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', name: 'Optional[str]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', type_: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Filter on the IP address (Works as a LIKE operation on the IP address).

organization: Optional[str]

Organization ID in which the IPs are reserved.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

Project ID in which the IPs are reserved.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Filter IPs with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

type_: Optional[str]

Filter on the IP Mobility IP type (whose value should be either ‘routed_ipv4’, ‘routed_ipv6’ or ‘nat’).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListIpsResponse(total_count: 'int', ips: 'List[Ip]')

Bases: object

ips: List[Ip]

List of ips.

total_count: int

Total number of ips.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListPlacementGroupsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', name: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Filter placement groups by name (for eg. “cluster1” will return “cluster100” and “cluster1” but not “foo”).

organization: Optional[str]

List only placement groups of this Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

List only placement groups of this Project ID.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

List placement groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListPlacementGroupsResponse(total_count: 'int', placement_groups: 'List[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_groups: List[PlacementGroup]

List of placement groups.

total_count: int

Total number of placement groups.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListPrivateNICsRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Private NIC tags.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListPrivateNICsResponse(private_nics: 'List[PrivateNIC]', total_count: 'int')

Bases: object

private_nics: List[PrivateNIC]
total_count: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListSecurityGroupRulesRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse(total_count: 'int', rules: 'List[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rules: List[SecurityGroupRule]

List of security rules.

total_count: int

Total number of security groups.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListSecurityGroupsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', project_default: 'Optional[bool]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the security group.

organization: Optional[str]

Security group Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

Security group Project ID.

project_default: Optional[bool]

Filter security groups with this value for project_default.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

List security groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListSecurityGroupsResponse(total_count: 'int', security_groups: 'List[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_groups: List[SecurityGroup]

List of security groups.

total_count: int

Total number of security groups.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServerActionsRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServerActionsResponse(actions: 'List[ServerAction]')

Bases: object

actions: List[ServerAction]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServerUserDataRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServerUserDataResponse(user_data: 'List[str]')

Bases: object

user_data: List[str]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServersRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', name: 'Optional[str]', private_ip: 'Optional[str]', without_ip: 'Optional[bool]', with_ip: 'Optional[str]', commercial_type: 'Optional[str]', state: 'Optional[ServerState]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', private_network: 'Optional[str]', order: 'Optional[ListServersRequestOrder]', private_networks: 'Optional[List[str]]', private_nic_mac_address: 'Optional[str]', servers: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

commercial_type: Optional[str]

List Instances of this commercial type.

name: Optional[str]

Filter Instances by name (eg. “server1” will return “server100” and “server1” but not “foo”).

order: Optional[ListServersRequestOrder]

Define the order of the returned servers.

organization: Optional[str]

List only Instances of this Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

private_ip: Optional[str]

List Instances by private_ip.

private_network: Optional[str]

List Instances in this Private Network.

private_networks: Optional[List[str]]

List Instances from the given Private Networks (use commas to separate them).

private_nic_mac_address: Optional[str]

List Instances associated with the given private NIC MAC address.

project: Optional[str]

List only Instances of this Project ID.

servers: Optional[List[str]]

List Instances from these server ids (use commas to separate them).

state: Optional[ServerState]

List Instances in this state.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

List Instances with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

with_ip: Optional[str]

List Instances by IP (both private_ip and public_ip are supported).

without_ip: Optional[bool]

List Instances that are not attached to a public IP.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServersRequestOrder(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

CREATION_DATE_ASC = 'creation_date_asc'
CREATION_DATE_DESC = 'creation_date_desc'
MODIFICATION_DATE_ASC = 'modification_date_asc'
MODIFICATION_DATE_DESC = 'modification_date_desc'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServersResponse(total_count: 'int', servers: 'List[Server]')

Bases: object

servers: List[Server]

List of Instances.

total_count: int

Total number of Instances.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServersTypesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]
per_page: Optional[int]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListServersTypesResponse(total_count: 'int', servers: 'Dict[str, ServerType]')

Bases: object

servers: Dict[str, ServerType]

List of Instance types.

total_count: int

Total number of Instance types.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListSnapshotsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[str]', base_volume_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_volume_id: Optional[str]

List snapshots originating only from this volume.

name: Optional[str]

List snapshots of the requested name.

organization: Optional[str]

List snapshots only for this Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

Page to be returned.

per_page: Optional[int]

Number of snapshots returned per page (positive integer lower or equal to 100).

project: Optional[str]

List snapshots only for this Project ID.

tags: Optional[str]

List snapshots that have the requested tag.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse(total_count: 'int', snapshots: 'List[Snapshot]')

Bases: object

snapshots: List[Snapshot]

List of snapshots.

total_count: int

Total number of snapshots.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListVolumesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_type: 'Optional[VolumeVolumeType]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', name: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Filter volume by name (for eg. “vol” will return “myvolume” but not “data”).

organization: Optional[str]

Filter volume by Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

Filter volume by Project ID.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Filter volumes with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType]

Filter by volume type.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListVolumesResponse(total_count: 'int', volumes: 'List[Volume]')

Bases: object

total_count: int

Total number of volumes.

volumes: List[Volume]

List of volumes.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListVolumesTypesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]
per_page: Optional[int]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ListVolumesTypesResponse(total_count: 'int', volumes: 'Dict[str, VolumeType]')

Bases: object

total_count: int

Total number of volume types.

volumes: Dict[str, VolumeType]

Map of volume types.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.MigrationPlan(snapshots: 'List[Snapshot]', validation_key: 'str', volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

snapshots: List[Snapshot]

A list of snapshots which will be migrated to SBS together and with the volume, if present.

validation_key: str

A value to be passed to the call to the [Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS](#path-volumes-migrate-a-volume-andor-snapshots-to-sbs-scaleway-block-storage) endpoint, to confirm that the execution of the plan is being requested.

volume: Optional[Volume]

A volume which will be migrated to SBS together with the snapshots, if present.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PlacementGroup(id: 'str', name: 'str', organization: 'str', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', policy_mode: 'PlacementGroupPolicyMode', policy_type: 'PlacementGroupPolicyType', policy_respected: 'bool', zone: 'Zone')

Bases: object

id: str

Placement group unique ID.

name: str

Placement group name.

organization: str

Placement group Organization ID.

policy_mode: PlacementGroupPolicyMode

Select the failure mode when the placement cannot be respected, either optional or enforced.

policy_respected: bool

Returns true if the policy is respected, false otherwise.

policy_type: PlacementGroupPolicyType

Select the behavior of the placement group, either low_latency (group) or max_availability (spread).

project: str

Placement group Project ID.

tags: List[str]

Placement group tags.

zone: str

Zone in which the placement group is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PlacementGroupPolicyMode(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ENFORCED = 'enforced'
OPTIONAL = 'optional'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PlacementGroupPolicyType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

LOW_LATENCY = 'low_latency'
MAX_AVAILABILITY = 'max_availability'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PlacementGroupServer(id: 'str', name: 'str', policy_respected: 'bool')

Bases: object

id: str

Instance UUID.

name: str

Instance name.

policy_respected: bool

Defines whether the placement group policy is respected (either 1 or 0).

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PlanBlockMigrationRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_id: 'Optional[str]', snapshot_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: Optional[str]
volume_id: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PrivateNIC(id: 'str', server_id: 'str', private_network_id: 'str', mac_address: 'str', state: 'PrivateNICState', tags: 'List[str]')

Bases: object

id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

mac_address: str

Private NIC MAC address.

private_network_id: str

Private Network the private NIC is attached to.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

state: PrivateNICState

Private NIC state.

tags: List[str]

Private NIC tags.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.PrivateNICState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
SYNCING = 'syncing'
SYNCING_ERROR = 'syncing_error'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroup(id: 'str', name: 'str', description: 'str', enable_default_security: 'bool', inbound_default_policy: 'SecurityGroupPolicy', outbound_default_policy: 'SecurityGroupPolicy', organization: 'str', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', project_default: 'bool', servers: 'List[ServerSummary]', stateful: 'bool', state: 'SecurityGroupState', zone: 'Zone', organization_default: 'Optional[bool]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]')

Bases: object

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Security group creation date.

description: str

Security group description.

enable_default_security: bool

True if SMTP is blocked on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable.

id: str

Security group unique ID.

inbound_default_policy: SecurityGroupPolicy

Default inbound policy.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Security group modification date.

name: str

Security group name.

organization: str

Security group Organization ID.

organization_default: Optional[bool]

True if it is your default security group for this Organization ID.

outbound_default_policy: SecurityGroupPolicy

Default outbound policy.

project: str

Security group Project ID.

project_default: bool

True if it is your default security group for this Project ID.

servers: List[ServerSummary]

List of Instances attached to this security group.

state: SecurityGroupState

Security group state.

stateful: bool

Defines whether the security group is stateful.

tags: List[str]

Security group tags.

zone: str

Zone in which the security group is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupPolicy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ACCEPT = 'accept'
DROP = 'drop'
UNKNOWN_POLICY = 'unknown_policy'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupRule(id: 'str', protocol: 'SecurityGroupRuleProtocol', direction: 'SecurityGroupRuleDirection', action: 'SecurityGroupRuleAction', ip_range: 'str', position: 'int', editable: 'bool', zone: 'Zone', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

action: SecurityGroupRuleAction
dest_port_from: Optional[int]
dest_port_to: Optional[int]
direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection
editable: bool
id: str
ip_range: str
position: int
protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupRuleAction(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ACCEPT = 'accept'
DROP = 'drop'
UNKNOWN_ACTION = 'unknown_action'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupRuleDirection(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

INBOUND = 'inbound'
OUTBOUND = 'outbound'
UNKNOWN_DIRECTION = 'unknown_direction'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupRuleProtocol(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ANY = 'any'
ICMP = 'icmp'
TCP = 'tcp'
UDP = 'udp'
UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = 'unknown_protocol'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
SYNCING = 'syncing'
SYNCING_ERROR = 'syncing_error'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupSummary(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SecurityGroupTemplate(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Server(id: 'str', name: 'str', organization: 'str', project: 'str', allowed_actions: 'List[ServerAction]', tags: 'List[str]', commercial_type: 'str', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', dynamic_ip_required: 'bool', hostname: 'str', protected: 'bool', routed_ip_enabled: 'Optional[bool]', enable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]', image: 'Optional[Image]', private_ip: 'Optional[str]', public_ip: 'Optional[ServerIp]', public_ips: 'List[ServerIp]', mac_address: 'str', state: 'ServerState', boot_type: 'BootType', volumes: 'Dict[str, VolumeServer]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', location: 'Optional[ServerLocation]', ipv6: 'Optional[ServerIpv6]', maintenances: 'List[ServerMaintenance]', state_detail: 'str', arch: 'Arch', private_nics: 'List[PrivateNIC]', zone: 'Zone', security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroupSummary]', placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]', admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: 'Optional[str]', admin_password_encrypted_value: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

admin_password_encrypted_value: Optional[str]

This value is reset when admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id is set to an empty string.

admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: Optional[str]

The public_key value of this key is used to encrypt the admin password. When set to an empty string, reset this value and admin_password_encrypted_value to an empty string so a new password may be generated.

allowed_actions: List[ServerAction]

List of allowed actions on the Instance.

arch: Arch

Instance architecture.

boot_type: BootType

Instance boot type.

commercial_type: str

Instance commercial type (eg. GP1-M).

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Instance creation date.

dynamic_ip_required: bool

True if a dynamic IPv4 is required.

enable_ipv6: Optional[bool]

True if IPv6 is enabled (deprecated and always False when routed_ip_enabled is True).

hostname: str

Instance host name.

id: str

Instance unique ID.

image: Optional[Image]

Information about the Instance image.

ipv6: Optional[ServerIpv6]

Instance IPv6 address (deprecated when routed_ip_enabled is True).

location: Optional[ServerLocation]

Instance location.

mac_address: str

The server’s MAC address.

maintenances: List[ServerMaintenance]

Instance planned maintenance.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Instance modification date.

name: str

Instance name.

organization: str

Instance Organization ID.

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]

Instance placement group.

private_ip: Optional[str]

Private IP address of the Instance (deprecated and always null when routed_ip_enabled is True).

private_nics: List[PrivateNIC]

Instance private NICs.

project: str

Instance Project ID.

protected: bool

Defines whether the Instance protection option is activated.

public_ip: Optional[ServerIp]

Information about the public IP (deprecated in favor of public_ips).

public_ips: List[ServerIp]

Information about all the public IPs attached to the server.

routed_ip_enabled: Optional[bool]

True to configure the instance so it uses the routed IP mode. Use of routed_ip_enabled as False is deprecated.

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroupSummary]

Instance security group.

state: ServerState

Instance state.

state_detail: str

Detailed information about the Instance state.

tags: List[str]

Tags associated with the Instance.

volumes: Dict[str, VolumeServer]

Instance volumes.

zone: str

Zone in which the Instance is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerAction(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

BACKUP = 'backup'
ENABLE_ROUTED_IP = 'enable_routed_ip'
POWEROFF = 'poweroff'
POWERON = 'poweron'
REBOOT = 'reboot'
STOP_IN_PLACE = 'stop_in_place'
TERMINATE = 'terminate'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerActionRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', action: 'Optional[ServerAction]', name: 'Optional[str]', volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate]]', disable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

action: Optional[ServerAction]

Action to perform on the Instance.

disable_ipv6: Optional[bool]

Disable IPv6 on the Instance while performing migration to routed IPs.

This field should only be specified when performing a enable_routed_ip action.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the backup you want to create.

This field should only be specified when performing a backup action.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

volumes: Optional[Dict[str, ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate]]

For each volume UUID, the snapshot parameters of the volume.

This field should only be specified when performing a backup action.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate(volume_type: 'SnapshotVolumeType')

Bases: object

volume_type: SnapshotVolumeType

Overrides the volume_type of the snapshot for this volume.

If omitted, the volume type of the original volume will be used.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerActionResponse(task: 'Optional[Task]')

Bases: object

task: Optional[Task]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerIp(id: 'str', address: 'str', gateway: 'str', netmask: 'str', family: 'ServerIpIpFamily', dynamic: 'bool', provisioning_mode: 'ServerIpProvisioningMode', tags: 'List[str]', ipam_id: 'str', state: 'ServerIpState')

Bases: object

address: str

Instance’s public IP-Address.

dynamic: bool

True if the IP address is dynamic.

family: ServerIpIpFamily

IP address family (inet or inet6).

gateway: str

Gateway’s IP address.

id: str

Unique ID of the IP address.

ipam_id: str

The ip_id of an IPAM ip if the ip is created from IPAM, null if not.

netmask: str

CIDR netmask.

provisioning_mode: ServerIpProvisioningMode

Information about this address provisioning mode.

state: ServerIpState

IP address state.

tags: List[str]

Tags associated with the IP.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerIpIpFamily(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

INET = 'inet'
INET6 = 'inet6'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerIpProvisioningMode(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

DHCP = 'dhcp'
MANUAL = 'manual'
SLAAC = 'slaac'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerIpState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ATTACHED = 'attached'
DETACHED = 'detached'
ERROR = 'error'
PENDING = 'pending'
UNKNOWN_STATE = 'unknown_state'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerIpv6(address: 'str', gateway: 'str', netmask: 'str')

Bases: object

address: str

Instance IPv6 IP-Address.

gateway: str

IPv6 IP-addresses gateway.

netmask: str

IPv6 IP-addresses CIDR netmask.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerLocation(cluster_id: 'str', hypervisor_id: 'str', node_id: 'str', platform_id: 'str', zone_id: 'str')

Bases: object

cluster_id: str
hypervisor_id: str
node_id: str
platform_id: str
zone_id: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerMaintenance(reason: 'str', start_date: 'Optional[datetime]')

Bases: object

reason: str
start_date: Optional[datetime]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

LOCKED = 'locked'
RUNNING = 'running'
STARTING = 'starting'
STOPPED = 'stopped'
STOPPED_IN_PLACE = 'stopped_in_place'
STOPPING = 'stopping'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerSummary(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerType(monthly_price: 'Optional[float]', hourly_price: 'float', alt_names: 'List[str]', ncpus: 'int', ram: 'int', arch: 'Arch', baremetal: 'bool', per_volume_constraint: 'Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType]', volumes_constraint: 'Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]', gpu: 'Optional[int]', network: 'Optional[ServerTypeNetwork]', capabilities: 'Optional[ServerTypeCapabilities]', scratch_storage_max_size: 'Optional[int]', block_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

alt_names: List[str]

Alternative Instance name, if any.

arch: Arch

CPU architecture.

baremetal: bool

True if it is a baremetal Instance.

block_bandwidth: Optional[int]

The maximum bandwidth allocated to block storage access (in bytes per second).

capabilities: Optional[ServerTypeCapabilities]


gpu: Optional[int]

Number of GPU.

hourly_price: float

Hourly price in Euro.

monthly_price: Optional[float]

Estimated monthly price, for a 30 days month, in Euro.

ncpus: int

Number of CPU.

network: Optional[ServerTypeNetwork]

Network available for the Instance.

per_volume_constraint: Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType]

Additional volume constraints.

ram: int

Available RAM in bytes.

scratch_storage_max_size: Optional[int]

Maximum available scratch storage.

volumes_constraint: Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]

Initial volume constraints.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerTypeCapabilities(boot_types: 'List[BootType]', block_storage: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

block_storage: Optional[bool]

Defines whether the Instance supports block storage.

boot_types: List[BootType]

List of supported boot types.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerTypeNetwork(interfaces: 'List[ServerTypeNetworkInterface]', ipv6_support: 'bool', sum_internal_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]', sum_internet_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

interfaces: List[ServerTypeNetworkInterface]

List of available network interfaces.

ipv6_support: bool

True if IPv6 is enabled.

sum_internal_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Total maximum internal bandwidth in bits per seconds.

sum_internet_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Total maximum internet bandwidth in bits per seconds.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerTypeNetworkInterface(internal_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]', internet_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

internal_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Maximum internal bandwidth in bits per seconds.

internet_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Maximum internet bandwidth in bits per seconds.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes(min_size: 'int', max_size: 'int')

Bases: object

max_size: int

Maximum volume size in bytes.

min_size: int

Minimum volume size in bytes.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType(l_ssd: 'Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]')

Bases: object

l_ssd: Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]

Local SSD volumes.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.ServerTypesAvailability(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
SCARCE = 'scarce'
SHORTAGE = 'shortage'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetImageRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', id: 'str', name: 'str', arch: 'Optional[Arch]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', from_server: 'str', public: 'bool', default_bootscript: 'Optional[Bootscript]', extra_volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, Volume]]', organization: 'Optional[str]', root_volume: 'Optional[VolumeSummary]', state: 'Optional[ImageState]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

arch: Optional[Arch]
creation_date: Optional[datetime]
default_bootscript: Optional[Bootscript]
extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, Volume]]
from_server: str
id: str
modification_date: Optional[datetime]
name: str
organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
public: bool
root_volume: Optional[VolumeSummary]
state: Optional[ImageState]
tags: Optional[List[str]]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetPlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', name: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', policy_mode: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]', policy_type: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

name: str
organization: Optional[str]
placement_group_id: str
policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]
policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]
project: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[List[str]]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetPlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetPlacementGroupServersRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', servers: 'List[str]', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to set.

servers: List[str]

An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetPlacementGroupServersResponse(servers: 'List[PlacementGroupServer]')

Bases: object

servers: List[PlacementGroupServer]

Instances attached to the placement group.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetSecurityGroupRulesRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', rules: 'Optional[List[SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule]]')

Bases: object

rules: Optional[List[SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule]]

List of rules to update in the security group.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group to update the rules on.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule(action: 'SecurityGroupRuleAction', protocol: 'SecurityGroupRuleProtocol', direction: 'SecurityGroupRuleDirection', ip_range: 'str', position: 'int', id: 'Optional[str]', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]', editable: 'Optional[bool]', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

action: SecurityGroupRuleAction

Action to apply when the rule matches a packet.

dest_port_from: Optional[int]

Beginning of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). This value will be set to null if protocol is ICMP or ANY.

dest_port_to: Optional[int]

End of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). This value will be set to null if protocol is ICMP or ANY, or if it is equal to dest_port_from.

direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection

Direction the rule applies to.

editable: Optional[bool]

Indicates if this rule is editable. Rules with the value false will be ignored.

id: Optional[str]

UUID of the security rule to update. If no value is provided, a new rule will be created.

ip_range: str

Range of IP addresses these rules apply to.

position: int

Position of this rule in the security group rules list. If several rules are passed with the same position, the resulting order is undefined.

protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol

Protocol family this rule applies to.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone of the rule. This field is ignored.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse(rules: 'List[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rules: List[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Snapshot(id: 'str', name: 'str', organization: 'str', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', size: 'int', state: 'SnapshotState', zone: 'Zone', base_volume: 'Optional[SnapshotBaseVolume]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', error_reason: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_volume: Optional[SnapshotBaseVolume]

Volume on which the snapshot is based on.

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Snapshot creation date.

error_reason: Optional[str]

Reason for the failed snapshot import.

id: str

Snapshot ID.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Snapshot modification date.

name: str

Snapshot name.

organization: str

Snapshot Organization ID.

project: str

Snapshot Project ID.

size: int

Snapshot size.

state: SnapshotState

Snapshot state.

tags: List[str]

Snapshot tags.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Snapshot volume type.

zone: str

Snapshot zone.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SnapshotBaseVolume(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str

Volume ID on which the snapshot is based.

name: str

Volume name on which the snapshot is based on.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SnapshotState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
ERROR = 'error'
EXPORTING = 'exporting'
IMPORTING = 'importing'
INVALID_DATA = 'invalid_data'
SNAPSHOTTING = 'snapshotting'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.SnapshotVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
UNIFIED = 'unified'
UNKNOWN_VOLUME_TYPE = 'unknown_volume_type'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Task(id: 'str', description: 'str', progress: 'int', status: 'TaskStatus', href_from: 'str', href_result: 'str', zone: 'Zone', started_at: 'Optional[datetime]', terminated_at: 'Optional[datetime]')

Bases: object

description: str

Description of the task.

href_from: str
href_result: str
id: str

Unique ID of the task.

progress: int

Progress of the task in percent.

started_at: Optional[datetime]

Task start date.

status: TaskStatus

Task status.

terminated_at: Optional[datetime]

Task end date.

zone: str

Zone in which the task is excecuted.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.TaskStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

FAILURE = 'failure'
PENDING = 'pending'
RETRY = 'retry'
STARTED = 'started'
SUCCESS = 'success'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateImageRequest(image_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', arch: 'Optional[Arch]', extra_volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeImageUpdateTemplate]]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', public: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

arch: Optional[Arch]

Architecture of the image.

extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeImageUpdateTemplate]]

Additional snapshots of the image, with extra_volumeKey being the position of the snapshot in the image.

image_id: str

UUID of the image.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the image.

public: Optional[bool]

True to set the image as public.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the image.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateImageResponse(image: 'Optional[Image]')

Bases: object

image: Optional[Image]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateIpRequest(ip: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', reverse: 'Optional[str]', type_: 'Optional[IpType]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', server: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

ip: str

IP ID or IP address.

reverse: Optional[str]

Reverse domain name.

server: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[List[str]]

An array of keywords you want to tag this IP with.

type_: Optional[IpType]

Convert a ‘nat’ IP to a ‘routed_ipv4’.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateIpResponse(ip: 'Optional[Ip]')

Bases: object

ip: Optional[Ip]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdatePlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', policy_mode: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]', policy_type: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the placement group.

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group.

policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]

Operating mode of the placement group.

policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]

Policy type of the placement group.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the placement group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdatePlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdatePlacementGroupServersRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', servers: 'List[str]', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to update.

servers: List[str]

An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse(servers: 'List[PlacementGroupServer]')

Bases: object

servers: List[PlacementGroupServer]

Instances attached to the placement group.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdatePrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_nic_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

private_nic_id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags used to select private NIC/s.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateSecurityGroupRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', description: 'Optional[str]', enable_default_security: 'Optional[bool]', inbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', organization_default: 'Optional[bool]', project_default: 'Optional[bool]', outbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', stateful: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

description: Optional[str]

Description of the security group.

enable_default_security: Optional[bool]

True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable.

inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default inbound policy.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the security group.

organization_default: Optional[bool]

Please use project_default instead.

outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default outbound policy.

project_default: Optional[bool]

True use this security group for future Instances created in this project.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

stateful: Optional[bool]

True to set the security group as stateful.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateSecurityGroupResponse(security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', security_group_rule_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', protocol: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRuleProtocol]', direction: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRuleDirection]', action: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRuleAction]', ip_range: 'Optional[str]', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]', position: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

action: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleAction]

Action to apply when the rule matches a packet.

dest_port_from: Optional[int]

Beginning of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter.

dest_port_to: Optional[int]

End of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter.

direction: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleDirection]

Direction the rule applies to.

ip_range: Optional[str]

Range of IP addresses these rules apply to.

position: Optional[int]

Position of this rule in the security group rules list.

protocol: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleProtocol]

Protocol family this rule applies to.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

security_group_rule_id: str

UUID of the rule.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse(rule: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rule: Optional[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateServerRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', boot_type: 'Optional[BootType]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]', dynamic_ip_required: 'Optional[bool]', routed_ip_enabled: 'Optional[bool]', public_ips: 'Optional[List[str]]', enable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]', protected: 'Optional[bool]', security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroupTemplate]', placement_group: 'Optional[str]', private_nics: 'Optional[List[str]]', commercial_type: 'Optional[str]', admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: Optional[str]

The public_key value of this key is used to encrypt the admin password. When set to an empty string, reset this value and admin_password_encrypted_value to an empty string so a new password may be generated.

boot_type: Optional[BootType]
commercial_type: Optional[str]

Warning: This field has some restrictions:

  • Cannot be changed if the Instance is not in stopped state.

  • Cannot be changed if the Instance is in a placement group.

  • Cannot be changed from/to a Windows offer to/from a Linux offer.

  • Local storage requirements of the target commercial_types must be fulfilled (i.e. if an Instance has 80GB of local storage, it can be changed into a GP1-XS, which has a maximum of 150GB, but it cannot be changed into a DEV1-S, which has only 20GB).

dynamic_ip_required: Optional[bool]
enable_ipv6: Optional[bool]
name: Optional[str]

Name of the Instance.

placement_group: Optional[str]

Placement group ID if Instance must be part of a placement group.

private_nics: Optional[List[str]]

Instance private NICs.

protected: Optional[bool]
public_ips: Optional[List[str]]

A list of reserved IP IDs to attach to the Instance.

routed_ip_enabled: Optional[bool]

True to configure the instance so it uses the new routed IP mode (once this is set to True you cannot set it back to False).

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroupTemplate]
server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the Instance.

volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateServerResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateSnapshotRequest(snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the snapshot.

snapshot_id: str

UUID of the snapshot.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the snapshot.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateSnapshotResponse(snapshot: 'Optional[Snapshot]')

Bases: object

snapshot: Optional[Snapshot]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateVolumeRequest(volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', size: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Volume name.

size: Optional[int]

Volume disk size, must be a multiple of 512.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the volume.

volume_id: str

UUID of the volume.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.UpdateVolumeResponse(volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

volume: Optional[Volume]
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.Volume(id: 'str', name: 'str', size: 'int', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', organization: 'str', project: 'str', export_uri: 'Optional[str]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', tags: 'List[str]', state: 'VolumeState', zone: 'Zone', server: 'Optional[ServerSummary]')

Bases: object

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Volume creation date.

export_uri: Optional[str]

Show the volume NBD export URI.

id: str

Volume unique ID.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Volume modification date.

name: str

Volume name.

organization: str

Volume Organization ID.

project: str

Volume Project ID.

server: Optional[ServerSummary]

Instance attached to the volume.

size: int

Volume disk size.

state: VolumeState

Volume state.

tags: List[str]

Volume tags.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Volume type.

zone: str

Zone in which the volume is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeImageUpdateTemplate(id: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str

UUID of the snapshot.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeServer(id: 'str', name: 'Optional[str]', export_uri: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', server: 'Optional[ServerSummary]', size: 'Optional[int]', volume_type: 'VolumeServerVolumeType', boot: 'bool', zone: 'Zone', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', state: 'Optional[VolumeServerState]', project: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

boot: bool
creation_date: Optional[datetime]
export_uri: Optional[str]
id: str
modification_date: Optional[datetime]
name: Optional[str]
organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
server: Optional[ServerSummary]
size: Optional[int]
state: Optional[VolumeServerState]
volume_type: VolumeServerVolumeType
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeServerState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
ERROR = 'error'
FETCHING = 'fetching'
HOTSYNCING = 'hotsyncing'
RESIZING = 'resizing'
SAVING = 'saving'
SNAPSHOTTING = 'snapshotting'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeServerTemplate(volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', id: 'Optional[str]', boot: 'Optional[bool]', name: 'Optional[str]', size: 'Optional[int]', base_snapshot: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_snapshot: Optional[str]

ID of the snapshot on which this volume will be based.

boot: Optional[bool]

Force the Instance to boot on this volume.

id: Optional[str]

UUID of the volume.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the volume.

organization: Optional[str]

Organization ID of the volume.

project: Optional[str]

Project ID of the volume.

size: Optional[int]

Disk size of the volume, must be a multiple of 512.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Type of the volume.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeServerVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
SBS_VOLUME = 'sbs_volume'
SCRATCH = 'scratch'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
ERROR = 'error'
FETCHING = 'fetching'
HOTSYNCING = 'hotsyncing'
RESIZING = 'resizing'
SAVING = 'saving'
SNAPSHOTTING = 'snapshotting'
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeSummary(id: 'str', name: 'str', size: 'int', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
size: int
volume_type: VolumeVolumeType
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeTemplate(id: 'str', name: 'str', size: 'int', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

id: str

UUID of the volume.

name: str

Name of the volume.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
size: int

Disk size of the volume, must be a multiple of 512.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Type of the volume.

class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeType(display_name: 'str', capabilities: 'Optional[VolumeTypeCapabilities]', constraints: 'Optional[VolumeTypeConstraints]')

Bases: object

capabilities: Optional[VolumeTypeCapabilities]
constraints: Optional[VolumeTypeConstraints]
display_name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeTypeCapabilities(snapshot: 'bool')

Bases: object

snapshot: bool
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeTypeConstraints(min: 'int', max: 'int')

Bases: object

max: int
min: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.types.VolumeVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
SBS_SNAPSHOT = 'sbs_snapshot'
SBS_VOLUME = 'sbs_volume'
SCRATCH = 'scratch'
UNIFIED = 'unified'

scaleway.instance.v1.types_private module

Module contents

class scaleway.instance.v1.ApplyBlockMigrationRequest(validation_key: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_id: 'Optional[str]', snapshot_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: Optional[str]
validation_key: str

A value to be retrieved from a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint, to confirm that the volume and/or snapshots specified in said plan should be migrated.

volume_id: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.Arch(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ARM = 'arm'
ARM64 = 'arm64'
UNKNOWN_ARCH = 'unknown_arch'
X86_64 = 'x86_64'
class scaleway.instance.v1.AttachServerVolumeRequest(server_id: 'str', volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_type: 'Optional[AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType]', boot: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

boot: Optional[bool]
server_id: str
volume_id: str
volume_type: Optional[AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
SBS_VOLUME = 'sbs_volume'
UNKNOWN_VOLUME_TYPE = 'unknown_volume_type'
class scaleway.instance.v1.AttachServerVolumeResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.BootType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

BOOTSCRIPT = 'bootscript'
LOCAL = 'local'
RESCUE = 'rescue'
class scaleway.instance.v1.Bootscript(architecture: 'Arch', bootcmdargs: 'str', default: 'bool', dtb: 'str', id: 'str', initrd: 'str', kernel: 'str', organization: 'str', public: 'bool', title: 'str', project: 'str', zone: 'Zone')

Bases: object

architecture: Arch
bootcmdargs: str
default: bool
dtb: str
id: str
initrd: str
kernel: str
organization: str
project: str
public: bool
title: str
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CheckBlockMigrationOrganizationQuotasRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

organization: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateImageRequest(root_volume: 'str', arch: 'Arch', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', extra_volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeTemplate]]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', public: 'Optional[bool]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

arch: Arch

Architecture of the image.

extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeTemplate]]

Additional volumes of the image.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the image.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
public: Optional[bool]

True to create a public image.

root_volume: str

UUID of the snapshot.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the image.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateImageResponse(image: 'Optional[Image]')

Bases: object

image: Optional[Image]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateIpRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', server: 'Optional[str]', type_: 'Optional[IpType]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
server: Optional[str]

UUID of the Instance you want to attach the IP to.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the IP.

type_: Optional[IpType]

IP type to reserve (either ‘routed_ipv4’ or ‘routed_ipv6’, use of ‘nat’ is deprecated).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateIpResponse(ip: 'Optional[Ip]')

Bases: object

ip: Optional[Ip]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreatePlacementGroupRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', policy_mode: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]', policy_type: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the placement group.

organization: Optional[str]
policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]

Operating mode of the placement group.

policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]

Policy type of the placement group.

project: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the placement group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreatePlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreatePrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_network_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', ip_ids: 'Optional[List[str]]', ipam_ip_ids: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

ip_ids: Optional[List[str]]

Ip_ids defined from IPAM.

ipam_ip_ids: Optional[List[str]]

UUID of IPAM ips, to be attached to the instance in the requested private network.

private_network_id: str

UUID of the private network where the private NIC will be attached.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Private NIC tags.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreatePrivateNICResponse(private_nic: 'Optional[PrivateNIC]')

Bases: object

private_nic: Optional[PrivateNIC]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateSecurityGroupRequest(description: 'str', stateful: 'bool', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', inbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', outbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', enable_default_security: 'Optional[bool]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', organization_default: 'Optional[bool]', project_default: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

description: str

Description of the security group.

enable_default_security: Optional[bool]

True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable.

inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default policy for inbound rules.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the security group.

organization: Optional[str]
organization_default: Optional[bool]
outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default policy for outbound rules.

project: Optional[str]
project_default: Optional[bool]
stateful: bool

Whether the security group is stateful or not.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateSecurityGroupResponse(security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', protocol: 'SecurityGroupRuleProtocol', direction: 'SecurityGroupRuleDirection', action: 'SecurityGroupRuleAction', ip_range: 'str', position: 'int', editable: 'bool', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

action: SecurityGroupRuleAction
dest_port_from: Optional[int]

Beginning of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive).

dest_port_to: Optional[int]

End of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive).

direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection
editable: bool

Indicates if this rule is editable (will be ignored).

ip_range: str
position: int

Position of this rule in the security group rules list.

protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol
security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse(rule: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rule: Optional[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateServerRequest(commercial_type: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', dynamic_ip_required: 'Optional[bool]', routed_ip_enabled: 'Optional[bool]', image: 'Optional[str]', volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]', enable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]', public_ip: 'Optional[str]', public_ips: 'Optional[List[str]]', boot_type: 'Optional[BootType]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', security_group: 'Optional[str]', placement_group: 'Optional[str]', admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: Optional[str]

The public_key value of this key is used to encrypt the admin password.

boot_type: Optional[BootType]

Boot type to use.

commercial_type: str

Define the Instance commercial type (i.e. GP1-S).

dynamic_ip_required: Optional[bool]

Define if a dynamic IPv4 is required for the Instance.

enable_ipv6: Optional[bool]

True if IPv6 is enabled on the server (deprecated and always False when routed_ip_enabled is True).

image: Optional[str]

Instance image ID or label.

name: Optional[str]

Instance name.

organization: Optional[str]
placement_group: Optional[str]

Placement group ID if Instance must be part of a placement group.

project: Optional[str]
public_ip: Optional[str]

ID of the reserved IP to attach to the Instance.

public_ips: Optional[List[str]]

A list of reserved IP IDs to attach to the Instance.

routed_ip_enabled: Optional[bool]

If true, configure the Instance so it uses the new routed IP mode.

security_group: Optional[str]

Security group ID.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Instance tags.

volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]

Volumes attached to the server.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateServerResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateSnapshotRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', volume_id: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', volume_type: 'Optional[SnapshotVolumeType]', bucket: 'Optional[str]', key: 'Optional[str]', size: 'Optional[int]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

bucket: Optional[str]

Bucket name for snapshot imports.

key: Optional[str]

Object key for snapshot imports.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the snapshot.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
size: Optional[int]

Imported snapshot size, must be a multiple of 512.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the snapshot.

volume_id: Optional[str]

UUID of the volume.

volume_type: Optional[SnapshotVolumeType]

Overrides the volume_type of the snapshot.

If omitted, the volume type of the original volume will be used.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateSnapshotResponse(snapshot: 'Optional[Snapshot]', task: 'Optional[Task]')

Bases: object

snapshot: Optional[Snapshot]
task: Optional[Task]
class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateVolumeRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', volume_type: 'Optional[VolumeVolumeType]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', size: 'Optional[int]', base_snapshot: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_snapshot: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]

Volume name.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
size: Optional[int]
tags: Optional[List[str]]

Volume tags.

volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType]

Volume type.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.CreateVolumeResponse(volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

volume: Optional[Volume]
class scaleway.instance.v1.Dashboard(volumes_count: 'int', running_servers_count: 'int', servers_by_types: 'Dict[str, int]', images_count: 'int', snapshots_count: 'int', servers_count: 'int', ips_count: 'int', security_groups_count: 'int', ips_unused: 'int', volumes_l_ssd_count: 'int', volumes_l_ssd_total_size: 'int', private_nics_count: 'int', placement_groups_count: 'int', volumes_b_ssd_count: 'Optional[int]', volumes_b_ssd_total_size: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

images_count: int
ips_count: int
ips_unused: int
placement_groups_count: int
private_nics_count: int
running_servers_count: int
security_groups_count: int
servers_by_types: Dict[str, int]
servers_count: int
snapshots_count: int
volumes_b_ssd_count: Optional[int]
volumes_b_ssd_total_size: Optional[int]
volumes_count: int
volumes_l_ssd_count: int
volumes_l_ssd_total_size: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteImageRequest(image_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

image_id: str

UUID of the image you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteIpRequest(ip: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

ip: str

ID or address of the IP to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeletePlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeletePrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_nic_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

private_nic_id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteSecurityGroupRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', security_group_rule_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str
security_group_rule_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteServerRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteServerUserDataRequest(server_id: 'str', key: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

key: str

Key of the user data to delete.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteSnapshotRequest(snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: str

UUID of the snapshot you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DeleteVolumeRequest(volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

volume_id: str

UUID of the volume you want to delete.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DetachServerVolumeRequest(server_id: 'str', volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str
volume_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.DetachServerVolumeResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.ExportSnapshotRequest(bucket: 'str', key: 'str', snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

bucket: str

Object Storage bucket name.

key: str

Object key.

snapshot_id: str

Snapshot ID.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ExportSnapshotResponse(task: 'Optional[Task]')

Bases: object

task: Optional[Task]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetDashboardRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetDashboardResponse(dashboard: 'Optional[Dashboard]')

Bases: object

dashboard: Optional[Dashboard]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetImageRequest(image_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

image_id: str

UUID of the image you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetImageResponse(image: 'Optional[Image]')

Bases: object

image: Optional[Image]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetIpRequest(ip: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

ip: str

IP ID or address to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetIpResponse(ip: 'Optional[Ip]')

Bases: object

ip: Optional[Ip]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetPlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetPlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetPlacementGroupServersRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetPlacementGroupServersResponse(servers: 'List[PlacementGroupServer]')

Bases: object

servers: List[PlacementGroupServer]

Instances attached to the placement group.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetPrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_nic_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

private_nic_id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetPrivateNICResponse(private_nic: 'Optional[PrivateNIC]')

Bases: object

private_nic: Optional[PrivateNIC]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetSecurityGroupRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetSecurityGroupResponse(security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', security_group_rule_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

security_group_id: str
security_group_rule_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse(rule: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rule: Optional[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetServerRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetServerResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetServerTypesAvailabilityRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse(servers: 'Dict[str, GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability]', total_count: 'int')

Bases: object

servers: Dict[str, GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability]

Map of server types.

total_count: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponseAvailability(availability: 'ServerTypesAvailability')

Bases: object

availability: ServerTypesAvailability
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetSnapshotRequest(snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: str

UUID of the snapshot you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetSnapshotResponse(snapshot: 'Optional[Snapshot]')

Bases: object

snapshot: Optional[Snapshot]
class scaleway.instance.v1.GetVolumeRequest(volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

volume_id: str

UUID of the volume you want to get.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.GetVolumeResponse(volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

volume: Optional[Volume]
class scaleway.instance.v1.Image(id: 'str', name: 'str', arch: 'Arch', extra_volumes: 'Dict[str, Volume]', from_server: 'str', organization: 'str', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', default_bootscript: 'Optional[Bootscript]', public: 'bool', state: 'ImageState', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', zone: 'Zone', root_volume: 'Optional[VolumeSummary]')

Bases: object

arch: Arch
creation_date: Optional[datetime]
default_bootscript: Optional[Bootscript]
extra_volumes: Dict[str, Volume]
from_server: str
id: str
modification_date: Optional[datetime]
name: str
organization: str
project: str
public: bool
root_volume: Optional[VolumeSummary]
state: ImageState
tags: List[str]
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ImageState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
CREATING = 'creating'
ERROR = 'error'
class scaleway.instance.v1.InstanceV1API(client: Client, *, bypass_validation: bool = False)

Bases: API

This API allows you to manage your Instances.

apply_block_migration(*, validation_key: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_id: Optional[str] = None, snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None) None

Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS (Scaleway Block Storage). To be used, the call to this endpoint must be preceded by a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint. To migrate all resources mentioned in the migration plan, the validation_key returned in the plan must be provided. :param validation_key: A value to be retrieved from a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint, to confirm that the volume and/or snapshots specified in said plan should be migrated. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_id: The volume to migrate, along with potentially other resources, according to the migration plan generated with a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set. :param snapshot_id: The snapshot to migrate, along with potentially other resources, according to the migration plan generated with a call to the [Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan](#path-volumes-get-a-volume-or-snapshots-migration-plan) endpoint. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set.


result = api.apply_block_migration(
attach_server_volume(*, server_id: str, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[AttachServerVolumeRequestVolumeType] = None, boot: Optional[bool] = None) AttachServerVolumeResponse
  • server_id

  • volume_id

  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

  • volume_type

  • boot




result = api.attach_server_volume(
check_block_migration_organization_quotas(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None) None
  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

  • organization


result = api.check_block_migration_organization_quotas()
create_image(*, root_volume: str, arch: Arch, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeTemplate]] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None) CreateImageResponse

Create an Instance image. Create an Instance image from the specified snapshot ID. :param root_volume: UUID of the snapshot. :param arch: Architecture of the image. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the image. :param extra_volumes: Additional volumes of the image. :param organization: Organization ID of the image. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID of the image. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the image. :param public: True to create a public image. :return: CreateImageResponse


result = api.create_image(
create_ip(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, server: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[IpType] = None) CreateIpResponse

Reserve a flexible IP. Reserve a flexible IP and attach it to the specified Instance. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: Organization ID in which the IP is reserved. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID in which the IP is reserved. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the IP. :param server: UUID of the Instance you want to attach the IP to. :param type_: IP type to reserve (either ‘routed_ipv4’ or ‘routed_ipv6’, use of ‘nat’ is deprecated). :return: CreateIpResponse


result = api.create_ip()
create_placement_group(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode] = None, policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType] = None) CreatePlacementGroupResponse

Create a placement group. Create a new placement group in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the placement group. :param organization: Organization ID of the placement group. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID of the placement group. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the placement group. :param policy_mode: Operating mode of the placement group. :param policy_type: Policy type of the placement group. :return: CreatePlacementGroupResponse


result = api.create_placement_group()
create_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_network_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ip_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ipam_ip_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None) CreatePrivateNICResponse

Create a private NIC connecting an Instance to a Private Network. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to. :param private_network_id: UUID of the private network where the private NIC will be attached. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Private NIC tags. :param ip_ids: Ip_ids defined from IPAM. :param ipam_ip_ids: UUID of IPAM ips, to be attached to the instance in the requested private network. :return: CreatePrivateNICResponse


result = api.create_private_nic(
create_security_group(*, description: str, stateful: bool, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization_default: Optional[bool] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, enable_default_security: Optional[bool] = None) CreateSecurityGroupResponse

Create a security group. Create a security group with a specified name and description. :param description: Description of the security group. :param stateful: Whether the security group is stateful or not. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param organization: Organization ID the security group belongs to. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID the security group belong to. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Tags of the security group. :param organization_default: Defines whether this security group becomes the default security group for new Instances. One-Of (‘default_identifier’): at most one of ‘organization_default’, ‘project_default’ could be set. :param project_default: Whether this security group becomes the default security group for new Instances. One-Of (‘default_identifier’): at most one of ‘organization_default’, ‘project_default’ could be set. :param inbound_default_policy: Default policy for inbound rules. :param outbound_default_policy: Default policy for outbound rules. :param enable_default_security: True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable. :return: CreateSecurityGroupResponse


result = api.create_security_group(
create_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol, direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection, action: SecurityGroupRuleAction, ip_range: str, position: int, editable: bool, zone: Optional[str] = None, dest_port_from: Optional[int] = None, dest_port_to: Optional[int] = None) CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse

Create rule. Create a rule in the specified security group ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param protocol: :param direction: :param action: :param ip_range: :param position: Position of this rule in the security group rules list. :param editable: Indicates if this rule is editable (will be ignored). :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param dest_port_from: Beginning of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive). :param dest_port_to: End of the range of ports to apply this rule to (inclusive). :return: CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse


result = api.create_security_group_rule(
create_snapshot(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, volume_id: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[SnapshotVolumeType] = None, bucket: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, size: Optional[int] = None) CreateSnapshotResponse

Create a snapshot from a specified volume or from a QCOW2 file. Create a snapshot from a specified volume or from a QCOW2 file in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the snapshot. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume. :param tags: Tags of the snapshot. :param organization: Organization ID of the snapshot. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Project ID of the snapshot. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param volume_type: Overrides the volume_type of the snapshot. If omitted, the volume type of the original volume will be used. :param bucket: Bucket name for snapshot imports. :param key: Object key for snapshot imports. :param size: Imported snapshot size, must be a multiple of 512. :return: CreateSnapshotResponse


result = api.create_snapshot()
create_volume(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, base_snapshot: Optional[str] = None) CreateVolumeResponse

Create a volume. Create a volume of a specified type in an Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Volume name. :param organization: Volume Organization ID. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param project: Volume Project ID. One-Of (‘project_identifier’): at most one of ‘project’, ‘organization’ could be set. :param tags: Volume tags. :param volume_type: Volume type. :param size: Volume disk size, must be a multiple of 512. One-Of (‘from’): at most one of ‘size’, ‘base_snapshot’ could be set. :param base_snapshot: ID of the snapshot on which this volume will be based. One-Of (‘from’): at most one of ‘size’, ‘base_snapshot’ could be set. :return: CreateVolumeResponse


result = api.create_volume()
delete_image(*, image_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete an Instance image. Delete the image with the specified ID. :param image_id: UUID of the image you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_image(
delete_ip(*, ip: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a flexible IP. Delete the IP with the specified ID. :param ip: ID or address of the IP to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_ip(
delete_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_placement_group(
delete_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_nic_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a private NIC. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param private_nic_id: Private NIC unique ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_private_nic(
delete_security_group(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a security group. Delete a security group with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_security_group(
delete_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, security_group_rule_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete rule. Delete a security group rule with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: :param security_group_rule_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_security_group_rule(
delete_server(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete an Instance. Delete the Instance with the specified ID. :param server_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_server(
delete_server_user_data(*, server_id: str, key: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete user data. Delete the specified key from an Instance’s user data. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance. :param key: Key of the user data to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_server_user_data(
delete_snapshot(*, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a snapshot. Delete the snapshot with the specified ID. :param snapshot_id: UUID of the snapshot you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_snapshot(
delete_volume(*, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) None

Delete a volume. Delete the volume with the specified ID. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume you want to delete. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.


result = api.delete_volume(
detach_server_volume(*, server_id: str, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) DetachServerVolumeResponse
  • server_id

  • volume_id

  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.




result = api.detach_server_volume(
export_snapshot(*, bucket: str, key: str, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) ExportSnapshotResponse

Export a snapshot. Export a snapshot to a specified Object Storage bucket in the same region. :param bucket: Object Storage bucket name. :param key: Object key. :param snapshot_id: Snapshot ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ExportSnapshotResponse


result = api.export_snapshot(
get_dashboard(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None) GetDashboardResponse
  • zone – Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

  • organization

  • project




result = api.get_dashboard()
get_image(*, image_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetImageResponse

Get an Instance image. Get details of an image with the specified ID. :param image_id: UUID of the image you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetImageResponse


result = api.get_image(
get_ip(*, ip: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetIpResponse

Get a flexible IP. Get details of an IP with the specified ID or address. :param ip: IP ID or address to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetIpResponse


result = api.get_ip(
get_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetPlacementGroupResponse

Get a placement group. Get the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetPlacementGroupResponse


result = api.get_placement_group(
get_placement_group_servers(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetPlacementGroupServersResponse

Get placement group servers. Get all Instances belonging to the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetPlacementGroupServersResponse


result = api.get_placement_group_servers(
get_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_nic_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetPrivateNICResponse

Get a private NIC. Get private NIC properties. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param private_nic_id: Private NIC unique ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetPrivateNICResponse


result = api.get_private_nic(
get_security_group(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetSecurityGroupResponse

Get a security group. Get the details of a security group with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetSecurityGroupResponse


result = api.get_security_group(
get_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, security_group_rule_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse

Get rule. Get details of a security group rule with the specified ID. :param security_group_id: :param security_group_rule_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetSecurityGroupRuleResponse


result = api.get_security_group_rule(
get_server(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetServerResponse

Get an Instance. Get the details of a specified Instance. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetServerResponse


result = api.get_server(
get_server_types_availability(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse

Get availability. Get availability for all Instance types. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: GetServerTypesAvailabilityResponse


result = api.get_server_types_availability()
get_snapshot(*, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetSnapshotResponse

Get a snapshot. Get details of a snapshot with the specified ID. :param snapshot_id: UUID of the snapshot you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetSnapshotResponse


result = api.get_snapshot(
get_volume(*, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) GetVolumeResponse

Get a volume. Get details of a volume with the specified ID. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume you want to get. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: GetVolumeResponse


result = api.get_volume(
list_default_security_group_rules(*, zone: Optional[str] = None) ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse

Get default rules. Lists the default rules applied to all the security groups. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse


result = api.list_default_security_group_rules()
list_images(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None) ListImagesResponse

List Instance images. List all existing Instance images. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: :param per_page: :param page: :param name: :param public: :param arch: :param project: :param tags: :return: ListImagesResponse


result = api.list_images()
list_images_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None) List[Image]

List Instance images. List all existing Instance images. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: :param per_page: :param page: :param name: :param public: :param arch: :param project: :param tags: :return: List[Image]


result = api.list_images_all()
list_ips(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, type_: Optional[str] = None) ListIpsResponse

List all flexible IPs. List all flexible IPs in a specified zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param project: Project ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param organization: Organization ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param tags: Filter IPs with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter on the IP address (Works as a LIKE operation on the IP address). :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param type_: Filter on the IP Mobility IP type (whose value should be either ‘routed_ipv4’, ‘routed_ipv6’ or ‘nat’). :return: ListIpsResponse


result = api.list_ips()
list_ips_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, type_: Optional[str] = None) List[Ip]

List all flexible IPs. List all flexible IPs in a specified zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param project: Project ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param organization: Organization ID in which the IPs are reserved. :param tags: Filter IPs with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter on the IP address (Works as a LIKE operation on the IP address). :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param type_: Filter on the IP Mobility IP type (whose value should be either ‘routed_ipv4’, ‘routed_ipv6’ or ‘nat’). :return: List[Ip]


result = api.list_ips_all()
list_placement_groups(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ListPlacementGroupsResponse

List placement groups. List all placement groups in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only placement groups of this Organization ID. :param project: List only placement groups of this Project ID. :param tags: List placement groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter placement groups by name (for eg. “cluster1” will return “cluster100” and “cluster1” but not “foo”). :return: ListPlacementGroupsResponse


result = api.list_placement_groups()
list_placement_groups_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) List[PlacementGroup]

List placement groups. List all placement groups in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only placement groups of this Organization ID. :param project: List only placement groups of this Project ID. :param tags: List placement groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter placement groups by name (for eg. “cluster1” will return “cluster100” and “cluster1” but not “foo”). :return: List[PlacementGroup]


result = api.list_placement_groups_all()
list_private_ni_cs(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListPrivateNICsResponse

List all private NICs. List all private NICs of a specified Instance. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Private NIC tags. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: ListPrivateNICsResponse


result = api.list_private_ni_cs(
list_private_ni_cs_all(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) List[PrivateNIC]

List all private NICs. List all private NICs of a specified Instance. :param server_id: Instance to which the private NIC is attached. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Private NIC tags. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: List[PrivateNIC]


result = api.list_private_ni_cs_all(
list_security_group_rules(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse

List rules. List the rules of the a specified security group ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse


result = api.list_security_group_rules(
list_security_group_rules_all(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) List[SecurityGroupRule]

List rules. List the rules of the a specified security group ID. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: List[SecurityGroupRule]


result = api.list_security_group_rules_all(
list_security_groups(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListSecurityGroupsResponse

List security groups. List all existing security groups. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param organization: Security group Organization ID. :param project: Security group Project ID. :param tags: List security groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param project_default: Filter security groups with this value for project_default. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: ListSecurityGroupsResponse


result = api.list_security_groups()
list_security_groups_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) List[SecurityGroup]

List security groups. List all existing security groups. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param organization: Security group Organization ID. :param project: Security group Project ID. :param tags: List security groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param project_default: Filter security groups with this value for project_default. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :return: List[SecurityGroup]


result = api.list_security_groups_all()
list_server_actions(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) ListServerActionsResponse

List Instance actions. List all actions (e.g. power on, power off, reboot) that can currently be performed on an Instance. :param server_id: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ListServerActionsResponse


result = api.list_server_actions(
list_server_user_data(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None) ListServerUserDataResponse

List user data. List all user data keys registered on a specified Instance. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: ListServerUserDataResponse


result = api.list_server_user_data(
list_servers(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, private_ip: Optional[str] = None, without_ip: Optional[bool] = None, with_ip: Optional[str] = None, commercial_type: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[ServerState] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_network: Optional[str] = None, order: Optional[ListServersRequestOrder] = None, private_networks: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_nic_mac_address: Optional[str] = None, servers: Optional[List[str]] = None) ListServersResponse

List all Instances. List all Instances in a specified Availability Zone, e.g. fr-par-1. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only Instances of this Organization ID. :param project: List only Instances of this Project ID. :param name: Filter Instances by name (eg. “server1” will return “server100” and “server1” but not “foo”). :param private_ip: List Instances by private_ip. :param without_ip: List Instances that are not attached to a public IP. :param with_ip: List Instances by IP (both private_ip and public_ip are supported). :param commercial_type: List Instances of this commercial type. :param state: List Instances in this state. :param tags: List Instances with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param private_network: List Instances in this Private Network. :param order: Define the order of the returned servers. :param private_networks: List Instances from the given Private Networks (use commas to separate them). :param private_nic_mac_address: List Instances associated with the given private NIC MAC address. :param servers: List Instances from these server ids (use commas to separate them). :return: ListServersResponse


result = api.list_servers()
list_servers_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, private_ip: Optional[str] = None, without_ip: Optional[bool] = None, with_ip: Optional[str] = None, commercial_type: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[ServerState] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_network: Optional[str] = None, order: Optional[ListServersRequestOrder] = None, private_networks: Optional[List[str]] = None, private_nic_mac_address: Optional[str] = None, servers: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Server]

List all Instances. List all Instances in a specified Availability Zone, e.g. fr-par-1. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: List only Instances of this Organization ID. :param project: List only Instances of this Project ID. :param name: Filter Instances by name (eg. “server1” will return “server100” and “server1” but not “foo”). :param private_ip: List Instances by private_ip. :param without_ip: List Instances that are not attached to a public IP. :param with_ip: List Instances by IP (both private_ip and public_ip are supported). :param commercial_type: List Instances of this commercial type. :param state: List Instances in this state. :param tags: List Instances with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param private_network: List Instances in this Private Network. :param order: Define the order of the returned servers. :param private_networks: List Instances from the given Private Networks (use commas to separate them). :param private_nic_mac_address: List Instances associated with the given private NIC MAC address. :param servers: List Instances from these server ids (use commas to separate them). :return: List[Server]


result = api.list_servers_all()
list_servers_types(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListServersTypesResponse

List Instance types. List available Instance types and their technical details. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: :param page: :return: ListServersTypesResponse


result = api.list_servers_types()
list_snapshots(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None, base_volume_id: Optional[str] = None) ListSnapshotsResponse

List snapshots. List all snapshots of an Organization in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: List snapshots only for this Organization ID. :param project: List snapshots only for this Project ID. :param per_page: Number of snapshots returned per page (positive integer lower or equal to 100). :param page: Page to be returned. :param name: List snapshots of the requested name. :param tags: List snapshots that have the requested tag. :param base_volume_id: List snapshots originating only from this volume. :return: ListSnapshotsResponse


result = api.list_snapshots()
list_snapshots_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None, base_volume_id: Optional[str] = None) List[Snapshot]

List snapshots. List all snapshots of an Organization in a specified Availability Zone. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: List snapshots only for this Organization ID. :param project: List snapshots only for this Project ID. :param per_page: Number of snapshots returned per page (positive integer lower or equal to 100). :param page: Page to be returned. :param name: List snapshots of the requested name. :param tags: List snapshots that have the requested tag. :param base_volume_id: List snapshots originating only from this volume. :return: List[Snapshot]


result = api.list_snapshots_all()
list_volumes(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ListVolumesResponse

List volumes. List volumes in the specified Availability Zone. You can filter the output by volume type. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_type: Filter by volume type. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: Filter volume by Organization ID. :param project: Filter volume by Project ID. :param tags: Filter volumes with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter volume by name (for eg. “vol” will return “myvolume” but not “data”). :return: ListVolumesResponse


result = api.list_volumes()
list_volumes_all(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) List[Volume]

List volumes. List volumes in the specified Availability Zone. You can filter the output by volume type. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_type: Filter by volume type. :param per_page: A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return. :param page: A positive integer to choose the page to return. :param organization: Filter volume by Organization ID. :param project: Filter volume by Project ID. :param tags: Filter volumes with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them). :param name: Filter volume by name (for eg. “vol” will return “myvolume” but not “data”). :return: List[Volume]


result = api.list_volumes_all()
list_volumes_types(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None) ListVolumesTypesResponse

List volume types. List all volume types and their technical details. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param per_page: :param page: :return: ListVolumesTypesResponse


result = api.list_volumes_types()
plan_block_migration(*, zone: Optional[str] = None, volume_id: Optional[str] = None, snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None) MigrationPlan

Get a volume or snapshot’s migration plan. Given a volume or snapshot, returns the migration plan but does not perform the actual migration. To perform the migration, you have to call the [Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS](#path-volumes-migrate-a-volume-andor-snapshots-to-sbs-scaleway-block-storage) endpoint afterward. The endpoint returns the resources that should be migrated together: - the volume and any snapshots created from the volume, if the call was made to plan a volume migration. - the base volume of the snapshot (if the volume is not deleted) and its related snapshots, if the call was made to plan a snapshot migration. The endpoint also returns the validation_key, which must be provided to the [Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS](#path-volumes-migrate-a-volume-andor-snapshots-to-sbs-scaleway-block-storage) endpoint to confirm that all resources listed in the plan should be migrated. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param volume_id: The volume for which the migration plan will be generated. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set. :param snapshot_id: The snapshot for which the migration plan will be generated. One-Of (‘resource’): at most one of ‘volume_id’, ‘snapshot_id’ could be set. :return: MigrationPlan


result = api.plan_block_migration()
server_action(*, server_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, action: Optional[ServerAction] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, volumes: Optional[Dict[str, ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate]] = None, disable_ipv6: Optional[bool] = None) ServerActionResponse

Perform action. Perform an action on an Instance. Available actions are: * poweron: Start a stopped Instance. * poweroff: Fully stop the Instance and release the hypervisor slot. * stop_in_place: Stop the Instance, but keep the slot on the hypervisor. * reboot: Stop the instance and restart it. * backup: Create an image with all the volumes of an Instance. * terminate: Delete the Instance along with its attached volumes, except for SBS volumes. * enable_routed_ip: Migrate the Instance to the new network stack.

The terminate action will result in the deletion of l_ssd, b_ssd and scratch volumes types, sbs_volume volumes type will only be detached. If you want to preserve your volumes, you should detach them before the Instance deletion or terminate action.

The backup action can be done with: * No volumes key in the body: an image is created with snapshots of all the server volumes, except for the scratch volumes types. * volumes key in the body with a dictionary as value, in this dictionary volumes UUID as keys and empty dictionaries as values : an image is created with the snapshots of the volumes in volumes key. scratch volumes types can’t be shapshotted. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param action: Action to perform on the Instance. :param name: Name of the backup you want to create. This field should only be specified when performing a backup action. :param volumes: For each volume UUID, the snapshot parameters of the volume. This field should only be specified when performing a backup action. :param disable_ipv6: Disable IPv6 on the Instance while performing migration to routed IPs. This field should only be specified when performing a enable_routed_ip action. :return: ServerActionResponse


result = api.server_action(
set_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, name: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode] = None, policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) SetPlacementGroupResponse

Set placement group. Set all parameters of the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: :param name: :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param organization: :param policy_mode: :param policy_type: :param project: :param tags: :return: SetPlacementGroupResponse


result = api.set_placement_group(
set_placement_group_servers(*, placement_group_id: str, servers: List[str], zone: Optional[str] = None) SetPlacementGroupServersResponse

Set placement group servers. Set all Instances belonging to the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to set. :param servers: An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: SetPlacementGroupServersResponse


result = api.set_placement_group_servers(
set_security_group_rules(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, rules: Optional[List[SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule]] = None) SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse

Update all the rules of a security group. Replaces the existing rules of the security group with the rules provided. This endpoint supports the update of existing rules, creation of new rules and deletion of existing rules when they are not passed in the request. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group to update the rules on. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param rules: List of rules to update in the security group. :return: SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse


result = api.set_security_group_rules(
update_image(*, image_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, arch: Optional[Arch] = None, extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeImageUpdateTemplate]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None) UpdateImageResponse

Update image. Update the properties of an image. :param image_id: UUID of the image. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the image. :param arch: Architecture of the image. :param extra_volumes: Additional snapshots of the image, with extra_volumeKey being the position of the snapshot in the image. :param tags: Tags of the image. :param public: True to set the image as public. :return: UpdateImageResponse


result = api.update_image(
update_ip(*, ip: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, reverse: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[IpType] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, server: Optional[str] = None) UpdateIpResponse

Update a flexible IP. Update a flexible IP in the specified zone with the specified ID. :param ip: IP ID or IP address. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param reverse: Reverse domain name. :param type_: Convert a ‘nat’ IP to a ‘routed_ipv4’. :param tags: An array of keywords you want to tag this IP with. :param server: :return: UpdateIpResponse


result = api.update_ip(
update_placement_group(*, placement_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode] = None, policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType] = None) UpdatePlacementGroupResponse

Update a placement group. Update one or more parameter of the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the placement group. :param tags: Tags of the placement group. :param policy_mode: Operating mode of the placement group. :param policy_type: Policy type of the placement group. :return: UpdatePlacementGroupResponse


result = api.update_placement_group(
update_placement_group_servers(*, placement_group_id: str, servers: List[str], zone: Optional[str] = None) UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse

Update placement group servers. Update all Instances belonging to the specified placement group. :param placement_group_id: UUID of the placement group you want to update. :param servers: An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :return: UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse


result = api.update_placement_group_servers(
update_private_nic(*, server_id: str, private_nic_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) PrivateNIC

Update a private NIC. Update one or more parameter(s) of a specified private NIC. :param server_id: UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to. :param private_nic_id: Private NIC unique ID. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param tags: Tags used to select private NIC/s. :return: PrivateNIC


result = api.update_private_nic(
update_security_group(*, security_group_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, enable_default_security: Optional[bool] = None, inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, organization_default: Optional[bool] = None, project_default: Optional[bool] = None, outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy] = None, stateful: Optional[bool] = None) UpdateSecurityGroupResponse

Update a security group. Update the properties of security group. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the security group. :param description: Description of the security group. :param enable_default_security: True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable. :param inbound_default_policy: Default inbound policy. :param tags: Tags of the security group. :param organization_default: Please use project_default instead. :param project_default: True use this security group for future Instances created in this project. :param outbound_default_policy: Default outbound policy. :param stateful: True to set the security group as stateful. :return: UpdateSecurityGroupResponse


result = api.update_security_group(
update_security_group_rule(*, security_group_id: str, security_group_rule_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, protocol: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleProtocol] = None, direction: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleDirection] = None, action: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleAction] = None, ip_range: Optional[str] = None, dest_port_from: Optional[int] = None, dest_port_to: Optional[int] = None, position: Optional[int] = None) UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse

Update security group rule. Update the properties of a rule from a specified security group. :param security_group_id: UUID of the security group. :param security_group_rule_id: UUID of the rule. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param protocol: Protocol family this rule applies to. :param direction: Direction the rule applies to. :param action: Action to apply when the rule matches a packet. :param ip_range: Range of IP addresses these rules apply to. :param dest_port_from: Beginning of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter. :param dest_port_to: End of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter. :param position: Position of this rule in the security group rules list. :return: UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse


result = api.update_security_group_rule(
update_snapshot(*, snapshot_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) UpdateSnapshotResponse

Update a snapshot. Update the properties of a snapshot. :param snapshot_id: UUID of the snapshot. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Name of the snapshot. :param tags: Tags of the snapshot. :return: UpdateSnapshotResponse


result = api.update_snapshot(
update_volume(*, volume_id: str, zone: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, size: Optional[int] = None) UpdateVolumeResponse

Update a volume. Replace the name and/or size properties of a volume specified by its ID, with the specified value(s). Any volume name can be changed, however only b_ssd volumes can currently be increased in size. :param volume_id: UUID of the volume. :param zone: Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config. :param name: Volume name. :param tags: Tags of the volume. :param size: Volume disk size, must be a multiple of 512. :return: UpdateVolumeResponse


result = api.update_volume(
class scaleway.instance.v1.Ip(id: 'str', address: 'str', organization: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', project: 'str', type_: 'IpType', state: 'IpState', prefix: 'str', ipam_id: 'str', zone: 'Zone', reverse: 'Optional[str]', server: 'Optional[ServerSummary]')

Bases: object

address: str
id: str
ipam_id: str
organization: str
prefix: str
project: str
reverse: Optional[str]
server: Optional[ServerSummary]
state: IpState
tags: List[str]
type_: IpType
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.IpState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ATTACHED = 'attached'
DETACHED = 'detached'
ERROR = 'error'
PENDING = 'pending'
UNKNOWN_STATE = 'unknown_state'
class scaleway.instance.v1.IpType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

NAT = 'nat'
ROUTED_IPV4 = 'routed_ipv4'
ROUTED_IPV6 = 'routed_ipv6'
UNKNOWN_IPTYPE = 'unknown_iptype'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ListDefaultSecurityGroupRulesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListImagesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', public: 'Optional[bool]', arch: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

arch: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
organization: Optional[str]
page: Optional[int]
per_page: Optional[int]
project: Optional[str]
public: Optional[bool]
tags: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListImagesResponse(total_count: 'int', images: 'List[Image]')

Bases: object

images: List[Image]

List of images.

total_count: int

Total number of images.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListIpsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', name: 'Optional[str]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', type_: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Filter on the IP address (Works as a LIKE operation on the IP address).

organization: Optional[str]

Organization ID in which the IPs are reserved.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

Project ID in which the IPs are reserved.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Filter IPs with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

type_: Optional[str]

Filter on the IP Mobility IP type (whose value should be either ‘routed_ipv4’, ‘routed_ipv6’ or ‘nat’).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListIpsResponse(total_count: 'int', ips: 'List[Ip]')

Bases: object

ips: List[Ip]

List of ips.

total_count: int

Total number of ips.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListPlacementGroupsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', name: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Filter placement groups by name (for eg. “cluster1” will return “cluster100” and “cluster1” but not “foo”).

organization: Optional[str]

List only placement groups of this Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

List only placement groups of this Project ID.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

List placement groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListPlacementGroupsResponse(total_count: 'int', placement_groups: 'List[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_groups: List[PlacementGroup]

List of placement groups.

total_count: int

Total number of placement groups.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListPrivateNICsRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Private NIC tags.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListPrivateNICsResponse(private_nics: 'List[PrivateNIC]', total_count: 'int')

Bases: object

private_nics: List[PrivateNIC]
total_count: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.ListSecurityGroupRulesRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListSecurityGroupRulesResponse(total_count: 'int', rules: 'List[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rules: List[SecurityGroupRule]

List of security rules.

total_count: int

Total number of security groups.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListSecurityGroupsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', project_default: 'Optional[bool]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the security group.

organization: Optional[str]

Security group Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

Security group Project ID.

project_default: Optional[bool]

Filter security groups with this value for project_default.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

List security groups with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListSecurityGroupsResponse(total_count: 'int', security_groups: 'List[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_groups: List[SecurityGroup]

List of security groups.

total_count: int

Total number of security groups.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServerActionsRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServerActionsResponse(actions: 'List[ServerAction]')

Bases: object

actions: List[ServerAction]
class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServerUserDataRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServerUserDataResponse(user_data: 'List[str]')

Bases: object

user_data: List[str]
class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServersRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', name: 'Optional[str]', private_ip: 'Optional[str]', without_ip: 'Optional[bool]', with_ip: 'Optional[str]', commercial_type: 'Optional[str]', state: 'Optional[ServerState]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', private_network: 'Optional[str]', order: 'Optional[ListServersRequestOrder]', private_networks: 'Optional[List[str]]', private_nic_mac_address: 'Optional[str]', servers: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

commercial_type: Optional[str]

List Instances of this commercial type.

name: Optional[str]

Filter Instances by name (eg. “server1” will return “server100” and “server1” but not “foo”).

order: Optional[ListServersRequestOrder]

Define the order of the returned servers.

organization: Optional[str]

List only Instances of this Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

private_ip: Optional[str]

List Instances by private_ip.

private_network: Optional[str]

List Instances in this Private Network.

private_networks: Optional[List[str]]

List Instances from the given Private Networks (use commas to separate them).

private_nic_mac_address: Optional[str]

List Instances associated with the given private NIC MAC address.

project: Optional[str]

List only Instances of this Project ID.

servers: Optional[List[str]]

List Instances from these server ids (use commas to separate them).

state: Optional[ServerState]

List Instances in this state.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

List Instances with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

with_ip: Optional[str]

List Instances by IP (both private_ip and public_ip are supported).

without_ip: Optional[bool]

List Instances that are not attached to a public IP.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServersRequestOrder(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

CREATION_DATE_ASC = 'creation_date_asc'
CREATION_DATE_DESC = 'creation_date_desc'
MODIFICATION_DATE_ASC = 'modification_date_asc'
MODIFICATION_DATE_DESC = 'modification_date_desc'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServersResponse(total_count: 'int', servers: 'List[Server]')

Bases: object

servers: List[Server]

List of Instances.

total_count: int

Total number of Instances.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServersTypesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]
per_page: Optional[int]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListServersTypesResponse(total_count: 'int', servers: 'Dict[str, ServerType]')

Bases: object

servers: Dict[str, ServerType]

List of Instance types.

total_count: int

Total number of Instance types.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListSnapshotsRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[str]', base_volume_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_volume_id: Optional[str]

List snapshots originating only from this volume.

name: Optional[str]

List snapshots of the requested name.

organization: Optional[str]

List snapshots only for this Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

Page to be returned.

per_page: Optional[int]

Number of snapshots returned per page (positive integer lower or equal to 100).

project: Optional[str]

List snapshots only for this Project ID.

tags: Optional[str]

List snapshots that have the requested tag.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListSnapshotsResponse(total_count: 'int', snapshots: 'List[Snapshot]')

Bases: object

snapshots: List[Snapshot]

List of snapshots.

total_count: int

Total number of snapshots.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListVolumesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_type: 'Optional[VolumeVolumeType]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', name: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Filter volume by name (for eg. “vol” will return “myvolume” but not “data”).

organization: Optional[str]

Filter volume by Organization ID.

page: Optional[int]

A positive integer to choose the page to return.

per_page: Optional[int]

A positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return.

project: Optional[str]

Filter volume by Project ID.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Filter volumes with these exact tags (to filter with several tags, use commas to separate them).

volume_type: Optional[VolumeVolumeType]

Filter by volume type.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListVolumesResponse(total_count: 'int', volumes: 'List[Volume]')

Bases: object

total_count: int

Total number of volumes.

volumes: List[Volume]

List of volumes.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListVolumesTypesRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', per_page: 'Optional[int]', page: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

page: Optional[int]
per_page: Optional[int]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ListVolumesTypesResponse(total_count: 'int', volumes: 'Dict[str, VolumeType]')

Bases: object

total_count: int

Total number of volume types.

volumes: Dict[str, VolumeType]

Map of volume types.

class scaleway.instance.v1.MigrationPlan(snapshots: 'List[Snapshot]', validation_key: 'str', volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

snapshots: List[Snapshot]

A list of snapshots which will be migrated to SBS together and with the volume, if present.

validation_key: str

A value to be passed to the call to the [Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS](#path-volumes-migrate-a-volume-andor-snapshots-to-sbs-scaleway-block-storage) endpoint, to confirm that the execution of the plan is being requested.

volume: Optional[Volume]

A volume which will be migrated to SBS together with the snapshots, if present.

class scaleway.instance.v1.PlacementGroup(id: 'str', name: 'str', organization: 'str', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', policy_mode: 'PlacementGroupPolicyMode', policy_type: 'PlacementGroupPolicyType', policy_respected: 'bool', zone: 'Zone')

Bases: object

id: str

Placement group unique ID.

name: str

Placement group name.

organization: str

Placement group Organization ID.

policy_mode: PlacementGroupPolicyMode

Select the failure mode when the placement cannot be respected, either optional or enforced.

policy_respected: bool

Returns true if the policy is respected, false otherwise.

policy_type: PlacementGroupPolicyType

Select the behavior of the placement group, either low_latency (group) or max_availability (spread).

project: str

Placement group Project ID.

tags: List[str]

Placement group tags.

zone: str

Zone in which the placement group is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.PlacementGroupPolicyMode(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ENFORCED = 'enforced'
OPTIONAL = 'optional'
class scaleway.instance.v1.PlacementGroupPolicyType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

LOW_LATENCY = 'low_latency'
MAX_AVAILABILITY = 'max_availability'
class scaleway.instance.v1.PlacementGroupServer(id: 'str', name: 'str', policy_respected: 'bool')

Bases: object

id: str

Instance UUID.

name: str

Instance name.

policy_respected: bool

Defines whether the placement group policy is respected (either 1 or 0).

class scaleway.instance.v1.PlanBlockMigrationRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', volume_id: 'Optional[str]', snapshot_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

snapshot_id: Optional[str]
volume_id: Optional[str]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.PrivateNIC(id: 'str', server_id: 'str', private_network_id: 'str', mac_address: 'str', state: 'PrivateNICState', tags: 'List[str]')

Bases: object

id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

mac_address: str

Private NIC MAC address.

private_network_id: str

Private Network the private NIC is attached to.

server_id: str

Instance to which the private NIC is attached.

state: PrivateNICState

Private NIC state.

tags: List[str]

Private NIC tags.

class scaleway.instance.v1.PrivateNICState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
SYNCING = 'syncing'
SYNCING_ERROR = 'syncing_error'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroup(id: 'str', name: 'str', description: 'str', enable_default_security: 'bool', inbound_default_policy: 'SecurityGroupPolicy', outbound_default_policy: 'SecurityGroupPolicy', organization: 'str', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', project_default: 'bool', servers: 'List[ServerSummary]', stateful: 'bool', state: 'SecurityGroupState', zone: 'Zone', organization_default: 'Optional[bool]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]')

Bases: object

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Security group creation date.

description: str

Security group description.

enable_default_security: bool

True if SMTP is blocked on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable.

id: str

Security group unique ID.

inbound_default_policy: SecurityGroupPolicy

Default inbound policy.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Security group modification date.

name: str

Security group name.

organization: str

Security group Organization ID.

organization_default: Optional[bool]

True if it is your default security group for this Organization ID.

outbound_default_policy: SecurityGroupPolicy

Default outbound policy.

project: str

Security group Project ID.

project_default: bool

True if it is your default security group for this Project ID.

servers: List[ServerSummary]

List of Instances attached to this security group.

state: SecurityGroupState

Security group state.

stateful: bool

Defines whether the security group is stateful.

tags: List[str]

Security group tags.

zone: str

Zone in which the security group is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupPolicy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ACCEPT = 'accept'
DROP = 'drop'
UNKNOWN_POLICY = 'unknown_policy'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupRule(id: 'str', protocol: 'SecurityGroupRuleProtocol', direction: 'SecurityGroupRuleDirection', action: 'SecurityGroupRuleAction', ip_range: 'str', position: 'int', editable: 'bool', zone: 'Zone', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

action: SecurityGroupRuleAction
dest_port_from: Optional[int]
dest_port_to: Optional[int]
direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection
editable: bool
id: str
ip_range: str
position: int
protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupRuleAction(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ACCEPT = 'accept'
DROP = 'drop'
UNKNOWN_ACTION = 'unknown_action'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupRuleDirection(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

INBOUND = 'inbound'
OUTBOUND = 'outbound'
UNKNOWN_DIRECTION = 'unknown_direction'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupRuleProtocol(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ANY = 'any'
ICMP = 'icmp'
TCP = 'tcp'
UDP = 'udp'
UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = 'unknown_protocol'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
SYNCING = 'syncing'
SYNCING_ERROR = 'syncing_error'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupSummary(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.SecurityGroupTemplate(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.Server(id: 'str', name: 'str', organization: 'str', project: 'str', allowed_actions: 'List[ServerAction]', tags: 'List[str]', commercial_type: 'str', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', dynamic_ip_required: 'bool', hostname: 'str', protected: 'bool', routed_ip_enabled: 'Optional[bool]', enable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]', image: 'Optional[Image]', private_ip: 'Optional[str]', public_ip: 'Optional[ServerIp]', public_ips: 'List[ServerIp]', mac_address: 'str', state: 'ServerState', boot_type: 'BootType', volumes: 'Dict[str, VolumeServer]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', location: 'Optional[ServerLocation]', ipv6: 'Optional[ServerIpv6]', maintenances: 'List[ServerMaintenance]', state_detail: 'str', arch: 'Arch', private_nics: 'List[PrivateNIC]', zone: 'Zone', security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroupSummary]', placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]', admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: 'Optional[str]', admin_password_encrypted_value: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

admin_password_encrypted_value: Optional[str]

This value is reset when admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id is set to an empty string.

admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: Optional[str]

The public_key value of this key is used to encrypt the admin password. When set to an empty string, reset this value and admin_password_encrypted_value to an empty string so a new password may be generated.

allowed_actions: List[ServerAction]

List of allowed actions on the Instance.

arch: Arch

Instance architecture.

boot_type: BootType

Instance boot type.

commercial_type: str

Instance commercial type (eg. GP1-M).

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Instance creation date.

dynamic_ip_required: bool

True if a dynamic IPv4 is required.

enable_ipv6: Optional[bool]

True if IPv6 is enabled (deprecated and always False when routed_ip_enabled is True).

hostname: str

Instance host name.

id: str

Instance unique ID.

image: Optional[Image]

Information about the Instance image.

ipv6: Optional[ServerIpv6]

Instance IPv6 address (deprecated when routed_ip_enabled is True).

location: Optional[ServerLocation]

Instance location.

mac_address: str

The server’s MAC address.

maintenances: List[ServerMaintenance]

Instance planned maintenance.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Instance modification date.

name: str

Instance name.

organization: str

Instance Organization ID.

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]

Instance placement group.

private_ip: Optional[str]

Private IP address of the Instance (deprecated and always null when routed_ip_enabled is True).

private_nics: List[PrivateNIC]

Instance private NICs.

project: str

Instance Project ID.

protected: bool

Defines whether the Instance protection option is activated.

public_ip: Optional[ServerIp]

Information about the public IP (deprecated in favor of public_ips).

public_ips: List[ServerIp]

Information about all the public IPs attached to the server.

routed_ip_enabled: Optional[bool]

True to configure the instance so it uses the routed IP mode. Use of routed_ip_enabled as False is deprecated.

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroupSummary]

Instance security group.

state: ServerState

Instance state.

state_detail: str

Detailed information about the Instance state.

tags: List[str]

Tags associated with the Instance.

volumes: Dict[str, VolumeServer]

Instance volumes.

zone: str

Zone in which the Instance is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerAction(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

BACKUP = 'backup'
ENABLE_ROUTED_IP = 'enable_routed_ip'
POWEROFF = 'poweroff'
POWERON = 'poweron'
REBOOT = 'reboot'
STOP_IN_PLACE = 'stop_in_place'
TERMINATE = 'terminate'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerActionRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', action: 'Optional[ServerAction]', name: 'Optional[str]', volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate]]', disable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

action: Optional[ServerAction]

Action to perform on the Instance.

disable_ipv6: Optional[bool]

Disable IPv6 on the Instance while performing migration to routed IPs.

This field should only be specified when performing a enable_routed_ip action.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the backup you want to create.

This field should only be specified when performing a backup action.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

volumes: Optional[Dict[str, ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate]]

For each volume UUID, the snapshot parameters of the volume.

This field should only be specified when performing a backup action.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerActionRequestVolumeBackupTemplate(volume_type: 'SnapshotVolumeType')

Bases: object

volume_type: SnapshotVolumeType

Overrides the volume_type of the snapshot for this volume.

If omitted, the volume type of the original volume will be used.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerActionResponse(task: 'Optional[Task]')

Bases: object

task: Optional[Task]
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerIp(id: 'str', address: 'str', gateway: 'str', netmask: 'str', family: 'ServerIpIpFamily', dynamic: 'bool', provisioning_mode: 'ServerIpProvisioningMode', tags: 'List[str]', ipam_id: 'str', state: 'ServerIpState')

Bases: object

address: str

Instance’s public IP-Address.

dynamic: bool

True if the IP address is dynamic.

family: ServerIpIpFamily

IP address family (inet or inet6).

gateway: str

Gateway’s IP address.

id: str

Unique ID of the IP address.

ipam_id: str

The ip_id of an IPAM ip if the ip is created from IPAM, null if not.

netmask: str

CIDR netmask.

provisioning_mode: ServerIpProvisioningMode

Information about this address provisioning mode.

state: ServerIpState

IP address state.

tags: List[str]

Tags associated with the IP.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerIpIpFamily(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

INET = 'inet'
INET6 = 'inet6'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerIpProvisioningMode(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

DHCP = 'dhcp'
MANUAL = 'manual'
SLAAC = 'slaac'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerIpState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

ATTACHED = 'attached'
DETACHED = 'detached'
ERROR = 'error'
PENDING = 'pending'
UNKNOWN_STATE = 'unknown_state'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerIpv6(address: 'str', gateway: 'str', netmask: 'str')

Bases: object

address: str

Instance IPv6 IP-Address.

gateway: str

IPv6 IP-addresses gateway.

netmask: str

IPv6 IP-addresses CIDR netmask.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerLocation(cluster_id: 'str', hypervisor_id: 'str', node_id: 'str', platform_id: 'str', zone_id: 'str')

Bases: object

cluster_id: str
hypervisor_id: str
node_id: str
platform_id: str
zone_id: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerMaintenance(reason: 'str', start_date: 'Optional[datetime]')

Bases: object

reason: str
start_date: Optional[datetime]
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

LOCKED = 'locked'
RUNNING = 'running'
STARTING = 'starting'
STOPPED = 'stopped'
STOPPED_IN_PLACE = 'stopped_in_place'
STOPPING = 'stopping'
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerSummary(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerType(monthly_price: 'Optional[float]', hourly_price: 'float', alt_names: 'List[str]', ncpus: 'int', ram: 'int', arch: 'Arch', baremetal: 'bool', per_volume_constraint: 'Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType]', volumes_constraint: 'Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]', gpu: 'Optional[int]', network: 'Optional[ServerTypeNetwork]', capabilities: 'Optional[ServerTypeCapabilities]', scratch_storage_max_size: 'Optional[int]', block_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

alt_names: List[str]

Alternative Instance name, if any.

arch: Arch

CPU architecture.

baremetal: bool

True if it is a baremetal Instance.

block_bandwidth: Optional[int]

The maximum bandwidth allocated to block storage access (in bytes per second).

capabilities: Optional[ServerTypeCapabilities]


gpu: Optional[int]

Number of GPU.

hourly_price: float

Hourly price in Euro.

monthly_price: Optional[float]

Estimated monthly price, for a 30 days month, in Euro.

ncpus: int

Number of CPU.

network: Optional[ServerTypeNetwork]

Network available for the Instance.

per_volume_constraint: Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType]

Additional volume constraints.

ram: int

Available RAM in bytes.

scratch_storage_max_size: Optional[int]

Maximum available scratch storage.

volumes_constraint: Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]

Initial volume constraints.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerTypeCapabilities(boot_types: 'List[BootType]', block_storage: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

block_storage: Optional[bool]

Defines whether the Instance supports block storage.

boot_types: List[BootType]

List of supported boot types.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerTypeNetwork(interfaces: 'List[ServerTypeNetworkInterface]', ipv6_support: 'bool', sum_internal_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]', sum_internet_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

interfaces: List[ServerTypeNetworkInterface]

List of available network interfaces.

ipv6_support: bool

True if IPv6 is enabled.

sum_internal_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Total maximum internal bandwidth in bits per seconds.

sum_internet_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Total maximum internet bandwidth in bits per seconds.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerTypeNetworkInterface(internal_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]', internet_bandwidth: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

internal_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Maximum internal bandwidth in bits per seconds.

internet_bandwidth: Optional[int]

Maximum internet bandwidth in bits per seconds.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes(min_size: 'int', max_size: 'int')

Bases: object

max_size: int

Maximum volume size in bytes.

min_size: int

Minimum volume size in bytes.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerTypeVolumeConstraintsByType(l_ssd: 'Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]')

Bases: object

l_ssd: Optional[ServerTypeVolumeConstraintSizes]

Local SSD volumes.

class scaleway.instance.v1.ServerTypesAvailability(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
SCARCE = 'scarce'
SHORTAGE = 'shortage'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SetImageRequest(zone: 'Optional[Zone]', id: 'str', name: 'str', arch: 'Optional[Arch]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', from_server: 'str', public: 'bool', default_bootscript: 'Optional[Bootscript]', extra_volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, Volume]]', organization: 'Optional[str]', root_volume: 'Optional[VolumeSummary]', state: 'Optional[ImageState]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

arch: Optional[Arch]
creation_date: Optional[datetime]
default_bootscript: Optional[Bootscript]
extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, Volume]]
from_server: str
id: str
modification_date: Optional[datetime]
name: str
organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
public: bool
root_volume: Optional[VolumeSummary]
state: Optional[ImageState]
tags: Optional[List[str]]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SetPlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', name: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', organization: 'Optional[str]', policy_mode: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]', policy_type: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]', project: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

name: str
organization: Optional[str]
placement_group_id: str
policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]
policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]
project: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[List[str]]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SetPlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.SetPlacementGroupServersRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', servers: 'List[str]', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to set.

servers: List[str]

An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SetPlacementGroupServersResponse(servers: 'List[PlacementGroupServer]')

Bases: object

servers: List[PlacementGroupServer]

Instances attached to the placement group.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SetSecurityGroupRulesRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', rules: 'Optional[List[SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule]]')

Bases: object

rules: Optional[List[SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule]]

List of rules to update in the security group.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group to update the rules on.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SetSecurityGroupRulesRequestRule(action: 'SecurityGroupRuleAction', protocol: 'SecurityGroupRuleProtocol', direction: 'SecurityGroupRuleDirection', ip_range: 'str', position: 'int', id: 'Optional[str]', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]', editable: 'Optional[bool]', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

action: SecurityGroupRuleAction

Action to apply when the rule matches a packet.

dest_port_from: Optional[int]

Beginning of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). This value will be set to null if protocol is ICMP or ANY.

dest_port_to: Optional[int]

End of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). This value will be set to null if protocol is ICMP or ANY, or if it is equal to dest_port_from.

direction: SecurityGroupRuleDirection

Direction the rule applies to.

editable: Optional[bool]

Indicates if this rule is editable. Rules with the value false will be ignored.

id: Optional[str]

UUID of the security rule to update. If no value is provided, a new rule will be created.

ip_range: str

Range of IP addresses these rules apply to.

position: int

Position of this rule in the security group rules list. If several rules are passed with the same position, the resulting order is undefined.

protocol: SecurityGroupRuleProtocol

Protocol family this rule applies to.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone of the rule. This field is ignored.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SetSecurityGroupRulesResponse(rules: 'List[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rules: List[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.Snapshot(id: 'str', name: 'str', organization: 'str', project: 'str', tags: 'List[str]', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', size: 'int', state: 'SnapshotState', zone: 'Zone', base_volume: 'Optional[SnapshotBaseVolume]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', error_reason: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_volume: Optional[SnapshotBaseVolume]

Volume on which the snapshot is based on.

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Snapshot creation date.

error_reason: Optional[str]

Reason for the failed snapshot import.

id: str

Snapshot ID.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Snapshot modification date.

name: str

Snapshot name.

organization: str

Snapshot Organization ID.

project: str

Snapshot Project ID.

size: int

Snapshot size.

state: SnapshotState

Snapshot state.

tags: List[str]

Snapshot tags.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Snapshot volume type.

zone: str

Snapshot zone.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SnapshotBaseVolume(id: 'str', name: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str

Volume ID on which the snapshot is based.

name: str

Volume name on which the snapshot is based on.

class scaleway.instance.v1.SnapshotState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
ERROR = 'error'
EXPORTING = 'exporting'
IMPORTING = 'importing'
INVALID_DATA = 'invalid_data'
SNAPSHOTTING = 'snapshotting'
class scaleway.instance.v1.SnapshotVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
UNIFIED = 'unified'
UNKNOWN_VOLUME_TYPE = 'unknown_volume_type'
class scaleway.instance.v1.Task(id: 'str', description: 'str', progress: 'int', status: 'TaskStatus', href_from: 'str', href_result: 'str', zone: 'Zone', started_at: 'Optional[datetime]', terminated_at: 'Optional[datetime]')

Bases: object

description: str

Description of the task.

href_from: str
href_result: str
id: str

Unique ID of the task.

progress: int

Progress of the task in percent.

started_at: Optional[datetime]

Task start date.

status: TaskStatus

Task status.

terminated_at: Optional[datetime]

Task end date.

zone: str

Zone in which the task is excecuted.

class scaleway.instance.v1.TaskStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

FAILURE = 'failure'
PENDING = 'pending'
RETRY = 'retry'
STARTED = 'started'
SUCCESS = 'success'
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateImageRequest(image_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', arch: 'Optional[Arch]', extra_volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeImageUpdateTemplate]]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', public: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

arch: Optional[Arch]

Architecture of the image.

extra_volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeImageUpdateTemplate]]

Additional snapshots of the image, with extra_volumeKey being the position of the snapshot in the image.

image_id: str

UUID of the image.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the image.

public: Optional[bool]

True to set the image as public.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the image.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateImageResponse(image: 'Optional[Image]')

Bases: object

image: Optional[Image]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateIpRequest(ip: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', reverse: 'Optional[str]', type_: 'Optional[IpType]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', server: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

ip: str

IP ID or IP address.

reverse: Optional[str]

Reverse domain name.

server: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[List[str]]

An array of keywords you want to tag this IP with.

type_: Optional[IpType]

Convert a ‘nat’ IP to a ‘routed_ipv4’.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateIpResponse(ip: 'Optional[Ip]')

Bases: object

ip: Optional[Ip]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdatePlacementGroupRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', policy_mode: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]', policy_type: 'Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the placement group.

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group.

policy_mode: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyMode]

Operating mode of the placement group.

policy_type: Optional[PlacementGroupPolicyType]

Policy type of the placement group.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the placement group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdatePlacementGroupResponse(placement_group: 'Optional[PlacementGroup]')

Bases: object

placement_group: Optional[PlacementGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdatePlacementGroupServersRequest(placement_group_id: 'str', servers: 'List[str]', zone: 'Optional[Zone]')

Bases: object

placement_group_id: str

UUID of the placement group you want to update.

servers: List[str]

An array of the Instances’ UUIDs you want to configure.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdatePlacementGroupServersResponse(servers: 'List[PlacementGroupServer]')

Bases: object

servers: List[PlacementGroupServer]

Instances attached to the placement group.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdatePrivateNICRequest(server_id: 'str', private_nic_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

private_nic_id: str

Private NIC unique ID.

server_id: str

UUID of the Instance the private NIC will be attached to.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags used to select private NIC/s.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateSecurityGroupRequest(security_group_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', description: 'Optional[str]', enable_default_security: 'Optional[bool]', inbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', organization_default: 'Optional[bool]', project_default: 'Optional[bool]', outbound_default_policy: 'Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]', stateful: 'Optional[bool]')

Bases: object

description: Optional[str]

Description of the security group.

enable_default_security: Optional[bool]

True to block SMTP on IPv4 and IPv6. This feature is read only, please open a support ticket if you need to make it configurable.

inbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default inbound policy.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the security group.

organization_default: Optional[bool]

Please use project_default instead.

outbound_default_policy: Optional[SecurityGroupPolicy]

Default outbound policy.

project_default: Optional[bool]

True use this security group for future Instances created in this project.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

stateful: Optional[bool]

True to set the security group as stateful.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the security group.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateSecurityGroupResponse(security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroup]')

Bases: object

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroup]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateSecurityGroupRuleRequest(security_group_id: 'str', security_group_rule_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', protocol: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRuleProtocol]', direction: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRuleDirection]', action: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRuleAction]', ip_range: 'Optional[str]', dest_port_from: 'Optional[int]', dest_port_to: 'Optional[int]', position: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

action: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleAction]

Action to apply when the rule matches a packet.

dest_port_from: Optional[int]

Beginning of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter.

dest_port_to: Optional[int]

End of the range of ports this rule applies to (inclusive). If 0 is provided, unset the parameter.

direction: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleDirection]

Direction the rule applies to.

ip_range: Optional[str]

Range of IP addresses these rules apply to.

position: Optional[int]

Position of this rule in the security group rules list.

protocol: Optional[SecurityGroupRuleProtocol]

Protocol family this rule applies to.

security_group_id: str

UUID of the security group.

security_group_rule_id: str

UUID of the rule.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateSecurityGroupRuleResponse(rule: 'Optional[SecurityGroupRule]')

Bases: object

rule: Optional[SecurityGroupRule]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateServerRequest(server_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', boot_type: 'Optional[BootType]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', volumes: 'Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]', dynamic_ip_required: 'Optional[bool]', routed_ip_enabled: 'Optional[bool]', public_ips: 'Optional[List[str]]', enable_ipv6: 'Optional[bool]', protected: 'Optional[bool]', security_group: 'Optional[SecurityGroupTemplate]', placement_group: 'Optional[str]', private_nics: 'Optional[List[str]]', commercial_type: 'Optional[str]', admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

admin_password_encryption_ssh_key_id: Optional[str]

The public_key value of this key is used to encrypt the admin password. When set to an empty string, reset this value and admin_password_encrypted_value to an empty string so a new password may be generated.

boot_type: Optional[BootType]
commercial_type: Optional[str]

Warning: This field has some restrictions:

  • Cannot be changed if the Instance is not in stopped state.

  • Cannot be changed if the Instance is in a placement group.

  • Cannot be changed from/to a Windows offer to/from a Linux offer.

  • Local storage requirements of the target commercial_types must be fulfilled (i.e. if an Instance has 80GB of local storage, it can be changed into a GP1-XS, which has a maximum of 150GB, but it cannot be changed into a DEV1-S, which has only 20GB).

dynamic_ip_required: Optional[bool]
enable_ipv6: Optional[bool]
name: Optional[str]

Name of the Instance.

placement_group: Optional[str]

Placement group ID if Instance must be part of a placement group.

private_nics: Optional[List[str]]

Instance private NICs.

protected: Optional[bool]
public_ips: Optional[List[str]]

A list of reserved IP IDs to attach to the Instance.

routed_ip_enabled: Optional[bool]

True to configure the instance so it uses the new routed IP mode (once this is set to True you cannot set it back to False).

security_group: Optional[SecurityGroupTemplate]
server_id: str

UUID of the Instance.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the Instance.

volumes: Optional[Dict[str, VolumeServerTemplate]]
zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateServerResponse(server: 'Optional[Server]')

Bases: object

server: Optional[Server]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateSnapshotRequest(snapshot_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Name of the snapshot.

snapshot_id: str

UUID of the snapshot.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the snapshot.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateSnapshotResponse(snapshot: 'Optional[Snapshot]')

Bases: object

snapshot: Optional[Snapshot]
class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateVolumeRequest(volume_id: 'str', zone: 'Optional[Zone]', name: 'Optional[str]', tags: 'Optional[List[str]]', size: 'Optional[int]')

Bases: object

name: Optional[str]

Volume name.

size: Optional[int]

Volume disk size, must be a multiple of 512.

tags: Optional[List[str]]

Tags of the volume.

volume_id: str

UUID of the volume.

zone: Optional[str]

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.UpdateVolumeResponse(volume: 'Optional[Volume]')

Bases: object

volume: Optional[Volume]
class scaleway.instance.v1.Volume(id: 'str', name: 'str', size: 'int', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', organization: 'str', project: 'str', export_uri: 'Optional[str]', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', tags: 'List[str]', state: 'VolumeState', zone: 'Zone', server: 'Optional[ServerSummary]')

Bases: object

creation_date: Optional[datetime]

Volume creation date.

export_uri: Optional[str]

Show the volume NBD export URI.

id: str

Volume unique ID.

modification_date: Optional[datetime]

Volume modification date.

name: str

Volume name.

organization: str

Volume Organization ID.

project: str

Volume Project ID.

server: Optional[ServerSummary]

Instance attached to the volume.

size: int

Volume disk size.

state: VolumeState

Volume state.

tags: List[str]

Volume tags.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Volume type.

zone: str

Zone in which the volume is located.

class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeImageUpdateTemplate(id: 'str')

Bases: object

id: str

UUID of the snapshot.

class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeServer(id: 'str', name: 'Optional[str]', export_uri: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', server: 'Optional[ServerSummary]', size: 'Optional[int]', volume_type: 'VolumeServerVolumeType', boot: 'bool', zone: 'Zone', creation_date: 'Optional[datetime]', modification_date: 'Optional[datetime]', state: 'Optional[VolumeServerState]', project: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

boot: bool
creation_date: Optional[datetime]
export_uri: Optional[str]
id: str
modification_date: Optional[datetime]
name: Optional[str]
organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
server: Optional[ServerSummary]
size: Optional[int]
state: Optional[VolumeServerState]
volume_type: VolumeServerVolumeType
zone: str

Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.

class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeServerState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
ERROR = 'error'
FETCHING = 'fetching'
HOTSYNCING = 'hotsyncing'
RESIZING = 'resizing'
SAVING = 'saving'
SNAPSHOTTING = 'snapshotting'
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeServerTemplate(volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', id: 'Optional[str]', boot: 'Optional[bool]', name: 'Optional[str]', size: 'Optional[int]', base_snapshot: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]', project: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

base_snapshot: Optional[str]

ID of the snapshot on which this volume will be based.

boot: Optional[bool]

Force the Instance to boot on this volume.

id: Optional[str]

UUID of the volume.

name: Optional[str]

Name of the volume.

organization: Optional[str]

Organization ID of the volume.

project: Optional[str]

Project ID of the volume.

size: Optional[int]

Disk size of the volume, must be a multiple of 512.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Type of the volume.

class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeServerVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
SBS_VOLUME = 'sbs_volume'
SCRATCH = 'scratch'
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeState(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'available'
ERROR = 'error'
FETCHING = 'fetching'
HOTSYNCING = 'hotsyncing'
RESIZING = 'resizing'
SAVING = 'saving'
SNAPSHOTTING = 'snapshotting'
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeSummary(id: 'str', name: 'str', size: 'int', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType')

Bases: object

id: str
name: str
size: int
volume_type: VolumeVolumeType
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeTemplate(id: 'str', name: 'str', size: 'int', volume_type: 'VolumeVolumeType', project: 'Optional[str]', organization: 'Optional[str]')

Bases: object

id: str

UUID of the volume.

name: str

Name of the volume.

organization: Optional[str]
project: Optional[str]
size: int

Disk size of the volume, must be a multiple of 512.

volume_type: VolumeVolumeType

Type of the volume.

class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeType(display_name: 'str', capabilities: 'Optional[VolumeTypeCapabilities]', constraints: 'Optional[VolumeTypeConstraints]')

Bases: object

capabilities: Optional[VolumeTypeCapabilities]
constraints: Optional[VolumeTypeConstraints]
display_name: str
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeTypeCapabilities(snapshot: 'bool')

Bases: object

snapshot: bool
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeTypeConstraints(min: 'int', max: 'int')

Bases: object

max: int
min: int
class scaleway.instance.v1.VolumeVolumeType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

B_SSD = 'b_ssd'
L_SSD = 'l_ssd'
SBS_SNAPSHOT = 'sbs_snapshot'
SBS_VOLUME = 'sbs_volume'
SCRATCH = 'scratch'
UNIFIED = 'unified'