scaleway.tem.v1alpha1 package
scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.api module
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.api.TemV1Alpha1API(client: Client, *, bypass_validation: bool = False)
This API allows you to manage your Transactional Email services.
- cancel_email(*, email_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Email
Cancel an email. You can cancel the sending of an email if it has not been sent yet. You must specify the region and the email_id of the email you want to cancel. :param email_id: ID of the email to cancel. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.cancel_email( email_id="example", )
- check_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Domain DNS check. Perform an immediate DNS check of a domain using the region and domain_id parameters. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to check. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.check_domain( domain_id="example", )
- create_domain(*, domain_name: str, accept_tos: bool, autoconfig: bool, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Register a domain in a project. You must specify the region, project_id and domain_name to register a domain in a specific Project. :param domain_name: Fully qualified domain dame. :param accept_tos: Accept Scaleway’s Terms of Service. :param autoconfig: Activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project to which the domain belongs. :return:
result = api.create_domain( domain_name="example", accept_tos=False, autoconfig=False, )
- create_email(*, from_: CreateEmailRequestAddress, subject: str, text: str, html: str, region: Optional[str] = None, to: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]] = None, cc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]] = None, bcc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, attachments: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAttachment]] = None, send_before: Optional[datetime] = None, additional_headers: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestHeader]] = None) CreateEmailResponse
Send an email. You must specify the region, the sender and the recipient’s information and the project_id to send an email from a checked domain. The subject of the email must contain at least 6 characters. :param from_: Sender information. Must be from a checked domain declared in the Project. :param subject: Subject of the email. :param text: Text content. :param html: HTML content. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param to: An array of the primary recipient’s information. :param cc: An array of the carbon copy recipient’s information. :param bcc: An array of the blind carbon copy recipient’s information. :param project_id: ID of the Project in which to create the email. :param attachments: Array of attachments. :param send_before: Maximum date to deliver the email. :param additional_headers: Array of additional headers as key-value. :return:
result = api.create_email( from=CreateEmailRequestAddress(), subject="example", text="example", html="example", )
- create_webhook(*, domain_id: str, name: str, sns_arn: str, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None) Webhook
Create a Webhook. Create a new Webhook triggered by a list of event types and pushed to a Scaleway SNS ARN. :param domain_id: ID of the Domain to watch for triggering events. :param name: Name of the Webhook. :param sns_arn: Scaleway SNS ARN topic to push the events to. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project to which the Webhook belongs. :param event_types: List of event types that will trigger an event. :return:
result = api.create_webhook( domain_id="example", name="example", sns_arn="example", )
- delete_webhook(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) None
Delete a Webhook. You must specify the Webhook you want to delete by the region and webhook_id. Deleting a Webhook is permanent and cannot be undone. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook to delete. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
result = api.delete_webhook( webhook_id="example", )
- get_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Get information about a domain. Retrieve information about a specific domain using the region and domain_id parameters. Monitor your domain’s reputation and improve average and bad reputation statuses, using your domain’s Email activity tab on the [Scaleway console]( to get a more detailed report. Check out our [dedicated documentation]( to improve your domain’s reputation. :param domain_id: ID of the domain. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_domain( domain_id="example", )
- get_domain_last_status(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) DomainLastStatus
Display SPF and DKIM records status and potential errors. Display SPF and DKIM records status and potential errors, including the found records to make debugging easier. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to delete. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_domain_last_status( domain_id="example", )
- get_email(*, email_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Email
Get an email. Retrieve information about a specific email using the email_id and region parameters. :param email_id: ID of the email to retrieve. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_email( email_id="example", )
- get_project_settings(*, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) ProjectSettings
List project settings. Retrieve the project settings including periodic reports. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project. :return:
result = api.get_project_settings()
- get_statistics(*, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, mail_from: Optional[str] = None) Statistics
Email statuses. Get information on your emails’ statuses. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: (Optional) Number of emails for this Project. :param domain_id: (Optional) Number of emails sent from this domain (must be coherent with the project_id and the organization_id). :param since: (Optional) Number of emails created after this date. :param until: (Optional) Number of emails created before this date. :param mail_from: (Optional) Number of emails sent with this sender’s email address. :return:
result = api.get_statistics()
- get_webhook(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Webhook
Get information about a Webhook. Retrieve information about a specific Webhook using the webhook_id and region parameters. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook to check. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_webhook( webhook_id="example", )
- list_domains(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[List[DomainStatus]] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ListDomainsResponse
List domains. Retrieve domains in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 1000. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the domains. :param status: (Optional) List domains under specific statuses. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization in which to list the domains. :param name: (Optional) Names of the domains to list. :return:
result = api.list_domains()
- list_domains_all(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[List[DomainStatus]] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) List[Domain]
List domains. Retrieve domains in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 1000. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the domains. :param status: (Optional) List domains under specific statuses. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization in which to list the domains. :param name: (Optional) Names of the domains to list. :return:
result = api.list_domains_all()
- list_emails(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None, message_id: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, mail_from: Optional[str] = None, mail_to: Optional[str] = None, mail_rcpt: Optional[str] = None, statuses: Optional[List[EmailStatus]] = None, subject: Optional[str] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy] = None, flags: Optional[List[EmailFlag]] = None) ListEmailsResponse
List emails. Retrieve the list of emails sent from a specific domain or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: :param page_size: :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the emails. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the domain for which to list the emails. :param message_id: (Optional) ID of the message for which to list the emails. :param since: (Optional) List emails created after this date. :param until: (Optional) List emails created before this date. :param mail_from: (Optional) List emails sent with this sender’s email address. :param mail_to: List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param mail_rcpt: (Optional) List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param statuses: (Optional) List emails with any of these statuses. :param subject: (Optional) List emails with this subject. :param search: (Optional) List emails by searching to all fields. :param order_by: (Optional) List emails corresponding to specific criteria. :param flags: (Optional) List emails containing only specific flags. :return:
result = api.list_emails()
- list_emails_all(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None, message_id: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, mail_from: Optional[str] = None, mail_to: Optional[str] = None, mail_rcpt: Optional[str] = None, statuses: Optional[List[EmailStatus]] = None, subject: Optional[str] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy] = None, flags: Optional[List[EmailFlag]] = None) List[Email]
List emails. Retrieve the list of emails sent from a specific domain or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: :param page_size: :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the emails. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the domain for which to list the emails. :param message_id: (Optional) ID of the message for which to list the emails. :param since: (Optional) List emails created after this date. :param until: (Optional) List emails created before this date. :param mail_from: (Optional) List emails sent with this sender’s email address. :param mail_to: List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param mail_rcpt: (Optional) List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param statuses: (Optional) List emails with any of these statuses. :param subject: (Optional) List emails with this subject. :param search: (Optional) List emails by searching to all fields. :param order_by: (Optional) List emails corresponding to specific criteria. :param flags: (Optional) List emails containing only specific flags. :return:
result = api.list_emails_all()
- list_webhook_events(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, email_id: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None, statuses: Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) ListWebhookEventsResponse
List Webhook triggered events. Retrieve the list of Webhook events triggered from a specific Webhook or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook linked to the events. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhook events corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param email_id: ID of the email linked to the events. :param event_types: List of event types linked to the events. :param statuses: List of event statuses. :param project_id: ID of the webhook Project. :param organization_id: ID of the webhook Organization. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to watch for triggering events. :return:
result = api.list_webhook_events( webhook_id="example", )
- list_webhook_events_all(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, email_id: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None, statuses: Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) List[WebhookEvent]
List Webhook triggered events. Retrieve the list of Webhook events triggered from a specific Webhook or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook linked to the events. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhook events corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param email_id: ID of the email linked to the events. :param event_types: List of event types linked to the events. :param statuses: List of event statuses. :param project_id: ID of the webhook Project. :param organization_id: ID of the webhook Organization. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to watch for triggering events. :return:
result = api.list_webhook_events_all( webhook_id="example", )
- list_webhooks(*, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) ListWebhooksResponse
List Webhooks. Retrieve Webhooks in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhooks corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: (Optional) Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: (Optional) Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project for which to list the Webhooks. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization for which to list the Webhooks. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the Domain for which to list the Webhooks. :return:
result = api.list_webhooks()
- list_webhooks_all(*, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) List[Webhook]
List Webhooks. Retrieve Webhooks in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhooks corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: (Optional) Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: (Optional) Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project for which to list the Webhooks. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization for which to list the Webhooks. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the Domain for which to list the Webhooks. :return:
result = api.list_webhooks_all()
- revoke_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Delete a domain. You must specify the domain you want to delete by the region and domain_id. Deleting a domain is permanent and cannot be undone. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to delete. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.revoke_domain( domain_id="example", )
- update_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, autoconfig: Optional[bool] = None) Domain
Update a domain. Update a domain auto-configuration. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to update. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param autoconfig: (Optional) If set to true, activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone. :return:
result = api.update_domain( domain_id="example", )
- update_project_settings(*, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, periodic_report: Optional[UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport] = None) ProjectSettings
Update project settings. Update the project settings including periodic reports. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project. :param periodic_report: Periodic report update details - all fields are optional. :return:
result = api.update_project_settings()
- update_webhook(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None, sns_arn: Optional[str] = None) Webhook
Update a Webhook. Update a Webhook events type, SNS ARN or name. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook to update. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param name: Name of the Webhook to update. :param event_types: List of event types to update. :param sns_arn: Scaleway SNS ARN topic to update. :return:
result = api.update_webhook( webhook_id="example", )
- wait_for_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[Domain, bool]] = None) Domain
Get information about a domain. Retrieve information about a specific domain using the region and domain_id parameters. Monitor your domain’s reputation and improve average and bad reputation statuses, using your domain’s Email activity tab on the [Scaleway console]( to get a more detailed report. Check out our [dedicated documentation]( to improve your domain’s reputation. :param domain_id: ID of the domain. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_domain( domain_id="example", )
- wait_for_email(*, email_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[Email, bool]] = None) Email
Get an email. Retrieve information about a specific email using the email_id and region parameters. :param email_id: ID of the email to retrieve. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_email( email_id="example", )
scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.content module
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.content.DOMAIN_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[DomainStatus] = [<DomainStatus.PENDING: 'pending'>, <DomainStatus.AUTOCONFIGURING: 'autoconfiguring'>]
Lists transient statutes of the enum
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.content.EMAIL_TRANSIENT_STATUSES: List[EmailStatus] = [<EmailStatus.NEW: 'new'>, <EmailStatus.SENDING: 'sending'>]
Lists transient statutes of the enum
scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling module
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateDomainRequest(request: CreateDomainRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateEmailRequest(request: CreateEmailRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateEmailRequestAddress(request: CreateEmailRequestAddress, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateEmailRequestAttachment(request: CreateEmailRequestAttachment, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateEmailRequestHeader(request: CreateEmailRequestHeader, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_CreateWebhookRequest(request: CreateWebhookRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateDomainRequest(request: UpdateDomainRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateProjectSettingsRequest(request: UpdateProjectSettingsRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport(request: UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.marshal_UpdateWebhookRequest(request: UpdateWebhookRequest, defaults: ProfileDefaults) Dict[str, Any]
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_CreateEmailResponse(data: Any) CreateEmailResponse
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainLastStatus(data: Any) DomainLastStatus
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState(data: Any) DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainLastStatusDkimRecord(data: Any) DomainLastStatusDkimRecord
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord(data: Any) DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainLastStatusSpfRecord(data: Any) DomainLastStatusSpfRecord
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainRecords(data: Any) DomainRecords
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainRecordsDMARC(data: Any) DomainRecordsDMARC
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainReputation(data: Any) DomainReputation
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_DomainStatistics(data: Any) DomainStatistics
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListDomainsResponse(data: Any) ListDomainsResponse
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListEmailsResponse(data: Any) ListEmailsResponse
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListWebhookEventsResponse(data: Any) ListWebhookEventsResponse
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ListWebhooksResponse(data: Any) ListWebhooksResponse
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ProjectSettings(data: Any) ProjectSettings
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport(data: Any) ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_Statistics(data: Any) Statistics
- scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.marshalling.unmarshal_WebhookEvent(data: Any) WebhookEvent
scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types module
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CancelEmailRequest(email_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- email_id: str
ID of the email to cancel.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CheckDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to check.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateDomainRequest(domain_name: 'str', accept_tos: 'bool', autoconfig: 'bool', region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- accept_tos: bool
Accept Scaleway’s Terms of Service.
- autoconfig: bool
Activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone.
- domain_name: str
Fully qualified domain dame.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project to which the domain belongs.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateEmailRequest(from_: 'CreateEmailRequestAddress', subject: 'str', text: 'str', html: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', to: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]', cc: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]', bcc: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', attachments: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAttachment]]', send_before: 'Optional[datetime]', additional_headers: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestHeader]]')
- additional_headers: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestHeader]]
Array of additional headers as key-value.
- attachments: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAttachment]]
Array of attachments.
- bcc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]
An array of the blind carbon copy recipient’s information.
- cc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]
An array of the carbon copy recipient’s information.
- from_: CreateEmailRequestAddress
Sender information. Must be from a checked domain declared in the Project.
- html: str
HTML content.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the Project in which to create the email.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- send_before: Optional[datetime]
Maximum date to deliver the email.
- subject: str
Subject of the email.
- text: str
Text content.
- to: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]
An array of the primary recipient’s information.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateEmailRequestAddress(email: 'str', name: 'Optional[str]')
- email: str
Email address.
- name: Optional[str]
(Optional) Name displayed.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateEmailRequestAttachment(name: 'str', type_: 'str', content: 'str')
- content: str
Content of the attachment encoded in base64.
- name: str
Filename of the attachment.
- type_: str
MIME type of the attachment.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateEmailRequestHeader(key: 'str', value: 'str')
- key: str
Email header key.
- value: str
Email header value.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateEmailResponse(emails: 'List[Email]')
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.CreateWebhookRequest(domain_id: 'str', name: 'str', sns_arn: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', event_types: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the Domain to watch for triggering events.
- event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]
List of event types that will trigger an event.
- name: str
Name of the Webhook.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project to which the Webhook belongs.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- sns_arn: str
Scaleway SNS ARN topic to push the events to.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DeleteWebhookRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook to delete.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.Domain(id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', name: 'str', status: 'DomainStatus', spf_config: 'str', dkim_config: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', next_check_at: 'Optional[datetime]', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', autoconfig: 'bool', region: 'Region', revoked_at: 'Optional[datetime]', last_error: 'Optional[str]', statistics: 'Optional[DomainStatistics]', reputation: 'Optional[DomainReputation]', records: 'Optional[DomainRecords]')
- autoconfig: bool
Status of auto-configuration for the domain’s DNS zone.
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of domain creation.
- dkim_config: str
DKIM public key to record in the DNS zone.
- id: str
ID of the domain.
- last_error: Optional[str]
Error message returned if the last check failed.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time the domain was last valid.
- name: str
Domain name (
- next_check_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the next scheduled check.
- organization_id: str
ID of the domain’s Organization.
- project_id: str
ID of the domain’s Project.
- records: Optional[DomainRecords]
List of records to configure to validate a domain.
- region: str
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- reputation: Optional[DomainReputation]
The domain’s reputation is available when your domain is checked and has sent enough emails.
- revoked_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the domain’s deletion.
- spf_config: str
Snippet of the SPF record to register in the DNS zone.
- statistics: Optional[DomainStatistics]
Domain’s statistics.
- status: DomainStatus
Status of the domain.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatus(domain_id: 'str', domain_name: 'str', spf_record: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusSpfRecord]', dkim_record: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusDkimRecord]', dmarc_record: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord]', autoconfig_state: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState]')
- autoconfig_state: Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState]
The verification state of domain auto-configuration.
- dkim_record: Optional[DomainLastStatusDkimRecord]
The DKIM record verification data.
- dmarc_record: Optional[DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord]
The DMARC record verification data.
- domain_id: str
The ID of the domain.
- domain_name: str
The domain name (
- spf_record: Optional[DomainLastStatusSpfRecord]
The SPF record verification data.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState(enabled: 'bool', autoconfigurable: 'bool', reason: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigStateReason]')
- autoconfigurable: bool
Whether the domain can be auto-configured or not.
- enabled: bool
Enable or disable the auto-configuration of domain DNS records.
- reason: Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigStateReason]
The reason that the domain cannot be auto-configurable.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatusAutoconfigStateReason(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND = 'domain_not_found'
- PERMISSION_DENIED = 'permission_denied'
- UNKNOWN_REASON = 'unknown_reason'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatusDkimRecord(status: 'DomainLastStatusRecordStatus', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', error: 'Optional[str]')
- error: Optional[str]
An error text displays in case the record is not valid.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the DKIM record was last valid.
- status: DomainLastStatusRecordStatus
Status of the DKIM record’s configuration.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord(status: 'DomainLastStatusRecordStatus', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', error: 'Optional[str]')
- error: Optional[str]
An error text displays in case the record is not valid.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the DMARC record was last valid.
- status: DomainLastStatusRecordStatus
Status of the DMARC record’s configuration.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatusRecordStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- INVALID = 'invalid'
- NOT_FOUND = 'not_found'
- UNKNOWN_RECORD_STATUS = 'unknown_record_status'
- VALID = 'valid'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainLastStatusSpfRecord(status: 'DomainLastStatusRecordStatus', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', error: 'Optional[str]')
- error: Optional[str]
An error text displays in case the record is not valid.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the SPF record was last valid.
- status: DomainLastStatusRecordStatus
Status of the SPF record’s configuration.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainRecords(dmarc: 'Optional[DomainRecordsDMARC]')
- dmarc: Optional[DomainRecordsDMARC]
DMARC TXT record specification.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainRecordsDMARC(name: 'str', value: 'str')
- name: str
Name of the DMARC TXT record.
- value: str
Value of the DMARC TXT record.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainReputation(status: 'DomainReputationStatus', score: 'int', scored_at: 'Optional[datetime]', previous_score: 'Optional[int]', previous_scored_at: 'Optional[datetime]')
- previous_score: Optional[int]
The previously-calculated domain’s reputation score.
- previous_scored_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the previous reputation score was calculated.
- score: int
A range from 0 to 100 that determines your domain’s reputation score. A score of 0 means a bad domain reputation and a score of 100 means an excellent domain reputation.
- scored_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the score was calculated.
- status: DomainReputationStatus
Status of your domain’s reputation.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainReputationStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- AVERAGE = 'average'
- BAD = 'bad'
- EXCELLENT = 'excellent'
- GOOD = 'good'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainStatistics(total_count: 'int', sent_count: 'int', failed_count: 'int', canceled_count: 'int')
- canceled_count: int
- failed_count: int
- sent_count: int
- total_count: int
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.DomainStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- AUTOCONFIGURING = 'autoconfiguring'
- CHECKED = 'checked'
- INVALID = 'invalid'
- LOCKED = 'locked'
- PENDING = 'pending'
- REVOKED = 'revoked'
- UNCHECKED = 'unchecked'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.Email(id: 'str', message_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', mail_from: 'str', mail_rcpt: 'str', rcpt_to: 'Optional[str]', rcpt_type: 'EmailRcptType', subject: 'str', status: 'EmailStatus', try_count: 'int', last_tries: 'List[EmailTry]', flags: 'List[EmailFlag]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', status_details: 'Optional[str]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Creation date of the email object.
- flags: List[EmailFlag]
Flags categorize emails. They allow you to obtain more information about recurring errors, for example.
- id: str
Technical ID of the email.
- mail_from: str
Email address of the sender.
- mail_rcpt: str
Email address of the recipient.
- message_id: str
Message ID of the email.
- project_id: str
ID of the Project to which the email belongs.
- rcpt_to: Optional[str]
Email address of the recipient.
- rcpt_type: EmailRcptType
Type of recipient.
- status: EmailStatus
Status of the email.
- status_details: Optional[str]
Additional status information.
- subject: str
Subject of the email.
- try_count: int
Number of attempts to send the email.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Last update of the email object.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.EmailFlag(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- GREYLISTED = 'greylisted'
- HARD_BOUNCE = 'hard_bounce'
- MAILBOX_FULL = 'mailbox_full'
- MAILBOX_NOT_FOUND = 'mailbox_not_found'
- SEND_BEFORE_EXPIRATION = 'send_before_expiration'
- SOFT_BOUNCE = 'soft_bounce'
- SPAM = 'spam'
- UNKNOWN_FLAG = 'unknown_flag'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.EmailRcptType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- BCC = 'bcc'
- CC = 'cc'
- TO = 'to'
- UNKNOWN_RCPT_TYPE = 'unknown_rcpt_type'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.EmailStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CANCELED = 'canceled'
- FAILED = 'failed'
- NEW = 'new'
- SENDING = 'sending'
- SENT = 'sent'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.EmailTry(rank: 'int', code: 'int', message: 'str', tried_at: 'Optional[datetime]')
- code: int
The SMTP status code received after the attempt. 0 if the attempt did not reach an SMTP server.
- message: str
The SMTP message received. If the attempt did not reach an SMTP server, the message returned explains what happened.
- rank: int
Rank number of this attempt to send the email.
- tried_at: Optional[datetime]
Date of the attempt to send the email.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.GetDomainLastStatusRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to delete.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.GetDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.GetEmailRequest(email_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- email_id: str
ID of the email to retrieve.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.GetProjectSettingsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.GetStatisticsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]', since: 'Optional[datetime]', until: 'Optional[datetime]', mail_from: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) Number of emails sent from this domain (must be coherent with the project_id and the organization_id).
- mail_from: Optional[str]
(Optional) Number of emails sent with this sender’s email address.
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) Number of emails for this Project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- since: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) Number of emails created after this date.
- until: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) Number of emails created before this date.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.GetWebhookRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook to check.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListDomainsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', status: 'Optional[List[DomainStatus]]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', name: 'Optional[str]')
- name: Optional[str]
(Optional) Names of the domains to list.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Organization in which to list the domains.
- page: Optional[int]
Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 1000.
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the domains.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- status: Optional[List[DomainStatus]]
(Optional) List domains under specific statuses.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListDomainsResponse(total_count: 'int', domains: 'List[Domain]')
- total_count: int
Number of domains that match the request (without pagination).
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListEmailsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]', message_id: 'Optional[str]', since: 'Optional[datetime]', until: 'Optional[datetime]', mail_from: 'Optional[str]', mail_to: 'Optional[str]', mail_rcpt: 'Optional[str]', statuses: 'Optional[List[EmailStatus]]', subject: 'Optional[str]', search: 'Optional[str]', order_by: 'Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy]', flags: 'Optional[List[EmailFlag]]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the domain for which to list the emails.
- mail_from: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails sent with this sender’s email address.
- mail_rcpt: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails sent to this recipient’s email address.
- mail_to: Optional[str]
List emails sent to this recipient’s email address.
- message_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the message for which to list the emails.
- order_by: Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy]
(Optional) List emails corresponding to specific criteria.
- page: Optional[int]
- page_size: Optional[int]
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the emails.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- search: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails by searching to all fields.
- since: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) List emails created after this date.
- statuses: Optional[List[EmailStatus]]
(Optional) List emails with any of these statuses.
- subject: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails with this subject.
- until: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) List emails created before this date.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListEmailsRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- MAIL_FROM_ASC = 'mail_from_asc'
- MAIL_FROM_DESC = 'mail_from_desc'
- MAIL_RCPT_ASC = 'mail_rcpt_asc'
- MAIL_RCPT_DESC = 'mail_rcpt_desc'
- STATUS_ASC = 'status_asc'
- STATUS_DESC = 'status_desc'
- SUBJECT_ASC = 'subject_asc'
- SUBJECT_DESC = 'subject_desc'
- UPDATED_AT_ASC = 'updated_at_asc'
- UPDATED_AT_DESC = 'updated_at_desc'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListEmailsResponse(total_count: 'int', emails: 'List[Email]')
- total_count: int
Number of emails matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListWebhookEventsRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', order_by: 'Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', email_id: 'Optional[str]', event_types: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]', statuses: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
ID of the domain to watch for triggering events.
- email_id: Optional[str]
ID of the email linked to the events.
- event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]
List of event types linked to the events.
- order_by: Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy]
(Optional) List Webhook events corresponding to specific criteria.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
ID of the webhook Organization.
- page: Optional[int]
Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the webhook Project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- statuses: Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]]
List of event statuses.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook linked to the events.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListWebhookEventsResponse(total_count: 'int', webhook_events: 'List[WebhookEvent]')
- total_count: int
Number of Webhook events matching the requested criteria.
- webhook_events: List[WebhookEvent]
Single page of Webhook events matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListWebhooksRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', order_by: 'Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Domain for which to list the Webhooks.
- order_by: Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy]
(Optional) List Webhooks corresponding to specific criteria.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Organization for which to list the Webhooks.
- page: Optional[int]
(Optional) Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1.
- page_size: Optional[int]
(Optional) Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100.
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Project for which to list the Webhooks.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ListWebhooksResponse(total_count: 'int', webhooks: 'List[Webhook]')
- total_count: int
Number of Webhooks matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ProjectSettings(periodic_report: 'Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport]')
- periodic_report: Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport]
Information about your periodic report.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport(enabled: 'bool', frequency: 'ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency', sending_hour: 'int', sending_day: 'int')
- enabled: bool
Enable or disable periodic report notifications.
- frequency: ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency
At which frequency you receive periodic report notifications.
- sending_day: int
On which day you receive periodic report notifications (1-7 weekly, 1-28 monthly).
- sending_hour: int
At which hour you receive periodic report notifications.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DAILY = 'daily'
- MONTHLY = 'monthly'
- UNKNOWN_FREQUENCY = 'unknown_frequency'
- WEEKLY = 'weekly'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.RevokeDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to delete.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.Statistics(total_count: 'int', new_count: 'int', sending_count: 'int', sent_count: 'int', failed_count: 'int', canceled_count: 'int')
- canceled_count: int
Number of emails in the final canceled state. This means emails that have been canceled upon request.
- failed_count: int
Number of emails in the final failed state. This means emails that have been refused by the target mail system with a final error status.
- new_count: int
Number of emails still in the new transient state. This means emails received from the API but not yet processed.
- sending_count: int
Number of emails still in the sending transient state. This means emails received from the API but not yet in their final status.
- sent_count: int
Number of emails in the final sent state. This means emails that have been delivered to the target mail system.
- total_count: int
Total number of emails matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.UpdateDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', autoconfig: 'Optional[bool]')
- autoconfig: Optional[bool]
(Optional) If set to true, activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone.
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to update.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.UpdateProjectSettingsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', periodic_report: 'Optional[UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport]')
- periodic_report: Optional[UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport]
Periodic report update details - all fields are optional.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport(enabled: 'Optional[bool]', frequency: 'Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency]', sending_hour: 'Optional[int]', sending_day: 'Optional[int]')
- enabled: Optional[bool]
(Optional) Enable or disable periodic report notifications.
- frequency: Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency]
(Optional) Frequency at which you receive periodic report notifications.
- sending_day: Optional[int]
(Optional) On which day you receive periodic report notifications (1-7 weekly, 1-28 monthly).
- sending_hour: Optional[int]
(Optional) Hour at which you receive periodic report notifications.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.UpdateWebhookRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', name: 'Optional[str]', event_types: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]', sns_arn: 'Optional[str]')
- event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]
List of event types to update.
- name: Optional[str]
Name of the Webhook to update.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- sns_arn: Optional[str]
Scaleway SNS ARN topic to update.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook to update.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.Webhook(id: 'str', domain_id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', name: 'str', event_types: 'List[WebhookEventType]', sns_arn: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the Webhook creation.
- domain_id: str
ID of the Domain to watch for triggering events.
- event_types: List[WebhookEventType]
List of event types that will trigger a Webhook Event.
- id: str
ID of the Webhook.
- name: str
Name of the Webhook.
- organization_id: str
ID of the Webhook Organization.
- project_id: str
ID of the Webhook Project.
- sns_arn: str
Scaleway SNS ARN topic to push the events to.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of last Webhook updates.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.WebhookEvent(id: 'str', webhook_id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', domain_id: 'str', type_: 'WebhookEventType', status: 'WebhookEventStatus', data: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', email_id: 'Optional[str]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the Webhook Event creation.
- data: str
Data sent to the Webhook destination.
- domain_id: str
ID of the webhook event domain.
- email_id: Optional[str]
Optional Email ID if the event is triggered by an Email resource.
- id: str
ID of the Webhook Event.
- organization_id: str
ID of the Webhook Event Organization.
- project_id: str
ID of the Webhook Event Project.
- status: WebhookEventStatus
Status of the Webhook Event.
- type_: WebhookEventType
Type of the Webhook Event.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of last Webhook Event updates.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook that triggers the Event.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.WebhookEventStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- FAILED = 'failed'
- SENDING = 'sending'
- SENT = 'sent'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.types.WebhookEventType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- BLOCKLIST_CREATED = 'blocklist_created'
- EMAIL_BLOCKLISTED = 'email_blocklisted'
- EMAIL_DEFERRED = 'email_deferred'
- EMAIL_DELIVERED = 'email_delivered'
- EMAIL_DROPPED = 'email_dropped'
- EMAIL_MAILBOX_NOT_FOUND = 'email_mailbox_not_found'
- EMAIL_QUEUED = 'email_queued'
- EMAIL_SPAM = 'email_spam'
- UNKNOWN_TYPE = 'unknown_type'
Module contents
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CancelEmailRequest(email_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- email_id: str
ID of the email to cancel.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CheckDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to check.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateDomainRequest(domain_name: 'str', accept_tos: 'bool', autoconfig: 'bool', region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- accept_tos: bool
Accept Scaleway’s Terms of Service.
- autoconfig: bool
Activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone.
- domain_name: str
Fully qualified domain dame.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project to which the domain belongs.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateEmailRequest(from_: 'CreateEmailRequestAddress', subject: 'str', text: 'str', html: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', to: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]', cc: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]', bcc: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', attachments: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAttachment]]', send_before: 'Optional[datetime]', additional_headers: 'Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestHeader]]')
- additional_headers: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestHeader]]
Array of additional headers as key-value.
- attachments: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAttachment]]
Array of attachments.
- bcc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]
An array of the blind carbon copy recipient’s information.
- cc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]
An array of the carbon copy recipient’s information.
- from_: CreateEmailRequestAddress
Sender information. Must be from a checked domain declared in the Project.
- html: str
HTML content.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the Project in which to create the email.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- send_before: Optional[datetime]
Maximum date to deliver the email.
- subject: str
Subject of the email.
- text: str
Text content.
- to: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]]
An array of the primary recipient’s information.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateEmailRequestAddress(email: 'str', name: 'Optional[str]')
- email: str
Email address.
- name: Optional[str]
(Optional) Name displayed.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateEmailRequestAttachment(name: 'str', type_: 'str', content: 'str')
- content: str
Content of the attachment encoded in base64.
- name: str
Filename of the attachment.
- type_: str
MIME type of the attachment.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateEmailRequestHeader(key: 'str', value: 'str')
- key: str
Email header key.
- value: str
Email header value.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateEmailResponse(emails: 'List[Email]')
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.CreateWebhookRequest(domain_id: 'str', name: 'str', sns_arn: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', event_types: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the Domain to watch for triggering events.
- event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]
List of event types that will trigger an event.
- name: str
Name of the Webhook.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project to which the Webhook belongs.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- sns_arn: str
Scaleway SNS ARN topic to push the events to.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DeleteWebhookRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook to delete.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.Domain(id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', name: 'str', status: 'DomainStatus', spf_config: 'str', dkim_config: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', next_check_at: 'Optional[datetime]', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', autoconfig: 'bool', region: 'Region', revoked_at: 'Optional[datetime]', last_error: 'Optional[str]', statistics: 'Optional[DomainStatistics]', reputation: 'Optional[DomainReputation]', records: 'Optional[DomainRecords]')
- autoconfig: bool
Status of auto-configuration for the domain’s DNS zone.
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of domain creation.
- dkim_config: str
DKIM public key to record in the DNS zone.
- id: str
ID of the domain.
- last_error: Optional[str]
Error message returned if the last check failed.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time the domain was last valid.
- name: str
Domain name (
- next_check_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the next scheduled check.
- organization_id: str
ID of the domain’s Organization.
- project_id: str
ID of the domain’s Project.
- records: Optional[DomainRecords]
List of records to configure to validate a domain.
- region: str
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- reputation: Optional[DomainReputation]
The domain’s reputation is available when your domain is checked and has sent enough emails.
- revoked_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the domain’s deletion.
- spf_config: str
Snippet of the SPF record to register in the DNS zone.
- statistics: Optional[DomainStatistics]
Domain’s statistics.
- status: DomainStatus
Status of the domain.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatus(domain_id: 'str', domain_name: 'str', spf_record: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusSpfRecord]', dkim_record: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusDkimRecord]', dmarc_record: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord]', autoconfig_state: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState]')
- autoconfig_state: Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState]
The verification state of domain auto-configuration.
- dkim_record: Optional[DomainLastStatusDkimRecord]
The DKIM record verification data.
- dmarc_record: Optional[DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord]
The DMARC record verification data.
- domain_id: str
The ID of the domain.
- domain_name: str
The domain name (
- spf_record: Optional[DomainLastStatusSpfRecord]
The SPF record verification data.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatusAutoconfigState(enabled: 'bool', autoconfigurable: 'bool', reason: 'Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigStateReason]')
- autoconfigurable: bool
Whether the domain can be auto-configured or not.
- enabled: bool
Enable or disable the auto-configuration of domain DNS records.
- reason: Optional[DomainLastStatusAutoconfigStateReason]
The reason that the domain cannot be auto-configurable.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatusAutoconfigStateReason(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND = 'domain_not_found'
- PERMISSION_DENIED = 'permission_denied'
- UNKNOWN_REASON = 'unknown_reason'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatusDkimRecord(status: 'DomainLastStatusRecordStatus', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', error: 'Optional[str]')
- error: Optional[str]
An error text displays in case the record is not valid.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the DKIM record was last valid.
- status: DomainLastStatusRecordStatus
Status of the DKIM record’s configuration.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatusDmarcRecord(status: 'DomainLastStatusRecordStatus', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', error: 'Optional[str]')
- error: Optional[str]
An error text displays in case the record is not valid.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the DMARC record was last valid.
- status: DomainLastStatusRecordStatus
Status of the DMARC record’s configuration.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatusRecordStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- INVALID = 'invalid'
- NOT_FOUND = 'not_found'
- UNKNOWN_RECORD_STATUS = 'unknown_record_status'
- VALID = 'valid'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainLastStatusSpfRecord(status: 'DomainLastStatusRecordStatus', last_valid_at: 'Optional[datetime]', error: 'Optional[str]')
- error: Optional[str]
An error text displays in case the record is not valid.
- last_valid_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the SPF record was last valid.
- status: DomainLastStatusRecordStatus
Status of the SPF record’s configuration.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainRecords(dmarc: 'Optional[DomainRecordsDMARC]')
- dmarc: Optional[DomainRecordsDMARC]
DMARC TXT record specification.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainRecordsDMARC(name: 'str', value: 'str')
- name: str
Name of the DMARC TXT record.
- value: str
Value of the DMARC TXT record.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainReputation(status: 'DomainReputationStatus', score: 'int', scored_at: 'Optional[datetime]', previous_score: 'Optional[int]', previous_scored_at: 'Optional[datetime]')
- previous_score: Optional[int]
The previously-calculated domain’s reputation score.
- previous_scored_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the previous reputation score was calculated.
- score: int
A range from 0 to 100 that determines your domain’s reputation score. A score of 0 means a bad domain reputation and a score of 100 means an excellent domain reputation.
- scored_at: Optional[datetime]
Time and date the score was calculated.
- status: DomainReputationStatus
Status of your domain’s reputation.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainReputationStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- AVERAGE = 'average'
- BAD = 'bad'
- EXCELLENT = 'excellent'
- GOOD = 'good'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainStatistics(total_count: 'int', sent_count: 'int', failed_count: 'int', canceled_count: 'int')
- canceled_count: int
- failed_count: int
- sent_count: int
- total_count: int
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.DomainStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- AUTOCONFIGURING = 'autoconfiguring'
- CHECKED = 'checked'
- INVALID = 'invalid'
- LOCKED = 'locked'
- PENDING = 'pending'
- REVOKED = 'revoked'
- UNCHECKED = 'unchecked'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.Email(id: 'str', message_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', mail_from: 'str', mail_rcpt: 'str', rcpt_to: 'Optional[str]', rcpt_type: 'EmailRcptType', subject: 'str', status: 'EmailStatus', try_count: 'int', last_tries: 'List[EmailTry]', flags: 'List[EmailFlag]', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', status_details: 'Optional[str]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Creation date of the email object.
- flags: List[EmailFlag]
Flags categorize emails. They allow you to obtain more information about recurring errors, for example.
- id: str
Technical ID of the email.
- mail_from: str
Email address of the sender.
- mail_rcpt: str
Email address of the recipient.
- message_id: str
Message ID of the email.
- project_id: str
ID of the Project to which the email belongs.
- rcpt_to: Optional[str]
Email address of the recipient.
- rcpt_type: EmailRcptType
Type of recipient.
- status: EmailStatus
Status of the email.
- status_details: Optional[str]
Additional status information.
- subject: str
Subject of the email.
- try_count: int
Number of attempts to send the email.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Last update of the email object.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.EmailFlag(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- GREYLISTED = 'greylisted'
- HARD_BOUNCE = 'hard_bounce'
- MAILBOX_FULL = 'mailbox_full'
- MAILBOX_NOT_FOUND = 'mailbox_not_found'
- SEND_BEFORE_EXPIRATION = 'send_before_expiration'
- SOFT_BOUNCE = 'soft_bounce'
- SPAM = 'spam'
- UNKNOWN_FLAG = 'unknown_flag'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.EmailRcptType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- BCC = 'bcc'
- CC = 'cc'
- TO = 'to'
- UNKNOWN_RCPT_TYPE = 'unknown_rcpt_type'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.EmailStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CANCELED = 'canceled'
- FAILED = 'failed'
- NEW = 'new'
- SENDING = 'sending'
- SENT = 'sent'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.EmailTry(rank: 'int', code: 'int', message: 'str', tried_at: 'Optional[datetime]')
- code: int
The SMTP status code received after the attempt. 0 if the attempt did not reach an SMTP server.
- message: str
The SMTP message received. If the attempt did not reach an SMTP server, the message returned explains what happened.
- rank: int
Rank number of this attempt to send the email.
- tried_at: Optional[datetime]
Date of the attempt to send the email.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.GetDomainLastStatusRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to delete.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.GetDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.GetEmailRequest(email_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- email_id: str
ID of the email to retrieve.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.GetProjectSettingsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]')
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.GetStatisticsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]', since: 'Optional[datetime]', until: 'Optional[datetime]', mail_from: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) Number of emails sent from this domain (must be coherent with the project_id and the organization_id).
- mail_from: Optional[str]
(Optional) Number of emails sent with this sender’s email address.
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) Number of emails for this Project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- since: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) Number of emails created after this date.
- until: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) Number of emails created before this date.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.GetWebhookRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook to check.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListDomainsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', status: 'Optional[List[DomainStatus]]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', name: 'Optional[str]')
- name: Optional[str]
(Optional) Names of the domains to list.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Organization in which to list the domains.
- page: Optional[int]
Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 1000.
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the domains.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- status: Optional[List[DomainStatus]]
(Optional) List domains under specific statuses.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListDomainsResponse(total_count: 'int', domains: 'List[Domain]')
- total_count: int
Number of domains that match the request (without pagination).
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListEmailsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]', message_id: 'Optional[str]', since: 'Optional[datetime]', until: 'Optional[datetime]', mail_from: 'Optional[str]', mail_to: 'Optional[str]', mail_rcpt: 'Optional[str]', statuses: 'Optional[List[EmailStatus]]', subject: 'Optional[str]', search: 'Optional[str]', order_by: 'Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy]', flags: 'Optional[List[EmailFlag]]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the domain for which to list the emails.
- mail_from: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails sent with this sender’s email address.
- mail_rcpt: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails sent to this recipient’s email address.
- mail_to: Optional[str]
List emails sent to this recipient’s email address.
- message_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the message for which to list the emails.
- order_by: Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy]
(Optional) List emails corresponding to specific criteria.
- page: Optional[int]
- page_size: Optional[int]
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the emails.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- search: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails by searching to all fields.
- since: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) List emails created after this date.
- statuses: Optional[List[EmailStatus]]
(Optional) List emails with any of these statuses.
- subject: Optional[str]
(Optional) List emails with this subject.
- until: Optional[datetime]
(Optional) List emails created before this date.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListEmailsRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- MAIL_FROM_ASC = 'mail_from_asc'
- MAIL_FROM_DESC = 'mail_from_desc'
- MAIL_RCPT_ASC = 'mail_rcpt_asc'
- MAIL_RCPT_DESC = 'mail_rcpt_desc'
- STATUS_ASC = 'status_asc'
- STATUS_DESC = 'status_desc'
- SUBJECT_ASC = 'subject_asc'
- SUBJECT_DESC = 'subject_desc'
- UPDATED_AT_ASC = 'updated_at_asc'
- UPDATED_AT_DESC = 'updated_at_desc'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListEmailsResponse(total_count: 'int', emails: 'List[Email]')
- total_count: int
Number of emails matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListWebhookEventsRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', order_by: 'Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', email_id: 'Optional[str]', event_types: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]', statuses: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
ID of the domain to watch for triggering events.
- email_id: Optional[str]
ID of the email linked to the events.
- event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]
List of event types linked to the events.
- order_by: Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy]
(Optional) List Webhook events corresponding to specific criteria.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
ID of the webhook Organization.
- page: Optional[int]
Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1.
- page_size: Optional[int]
Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the webhook Project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- statuses: Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]]
List of event statuses.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook linked to the events.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListWebhookEventsResponse(total_count: 'int', webhook_events: 'List[WebhookEvent]')
- total_count: int
Number of Webhook events matching the requested criteria.
- webhook_events: List[WebhookEvent]
Single page of Webhook events matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListWebhooksRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', order_by: 'Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy]', page: 'Optional[int]', page_size: 'Optional[int]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', organization_id: 'Optional[str]', domain_id: 'Optional[str]')
- domain_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Domain for which to list the Webhooks.
- order_by: Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy]
(Optional) List Webhooks corresponding to specific criteria.
- organization_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Organization for which to list the Webhooks.
- page: Optional[int]
(Optional) Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1.
- page_size: Optional[int]
(Optional) Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100.
- project_id: Optional[str]
(Optional) ID of the Project for which to list the Webhooks.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- CREATED_AT_ASC = 'created_at_asc'
- CREATED_AT_DESC = 'created_at_desc'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ListWebhooksResponse(total_count: 'int', webhooks: 'List[Webhook]')
- total_count: int
Number of Webhooks matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ProjectSettings(periodic_report: 'Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport]')
- periodic_report: Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport]
Information about your periodic report.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ProjectSettingsPeriodicReport(enabled: 'bool', frequency: 'ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency', sending_hour: 'int', sending_day: 'int')
- enabled: bool
Enable or disable periodic report notifications.
- frequency: ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency
At which frequency you receive periodic report notifications.
- sending_day: int
On which day you receive periodic report notifications (1-7 weekly, 1-28 monthly).
- sending_hour: int
At which hour you receive periodic report notifications.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- DAILY = 'daily'
- MONTHLY = 'monthly'
- UNKNOWN_FREQUENCY = 'unknown_frequency'
- WEEKLY = 'weekly'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.RevokeDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]')
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to delete.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.Statistics(total_count: 'int', new_count: 'int', sending_count: 'int', sent_count: 'int', failed_count: 'int', canceled_count: 'int')
- canceled_count: int
Number of emails in the final canceled state. This means emails that have been canceled upon request.
- failed_count: int
Number of emails in the final failed state. This means emails that have been refused by the target mail system with a final error status.
- new_count: int
Number of emails still in the new transient state. This means emails received from the API but not yet processed.
- sending_count: int
Number of emails still in the sending transient state. This means emails received from the API but not yet in their final status.
- sent_count: int
Number of emails in the final sent state. This means emails that have been delivered to the target mail system.
- total_count: int
Total number of emails matching the requested criteria.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.TemV1Alpha1API(client: Client, *, bypass_validation: bool = False)
This API allows you to manage your Transactional Email services.
- cancel_email(*, email_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Email
Cancel an email. You can cancel the sending of an email if it has not been sent yet. You must specify the region and the email_id of the email you want to cancel. :param email_id: ID of the email to cancel. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.cancel_email( email_id="example", )
- check_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Domain DNS check. Perform an immediate DNS check of a domain using the region and domain_id parameters. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to check. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.check_domain( domain_id="example", )
- create_domain(*, domain_name: str, accept_tos: bool, autoconfig: bool, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Register a domain in a project. You must specify the region, project_id and domain_name to register a domain in a specific Project. :param domain_name: Fully qualified domain dame. :param accept_tos: Accept Scaleway’s Terms of Service. :param autoconfig: Activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project to which the domain belongs. :return:
result = api.create_domain( domain_name="example", accept_tos=False, autoconfig=False, )
- create_email(*, from_: CreateEmailRequestAddress, subject: str, text: str, html: str, region: Optional[str] = None, to: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]] = None, cc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]] = None, bcc: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAddress]] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, attachments: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestAttachment]] = None, send_before: Optional[datetime] = None, additional_headers: Optional[List[CreateEmailRequestHeader]] = None) CreateEmailResponse
Send an email. You must specify the region, the sender and the recipient’s information and the project_id to send an email from a checked domain. The subject of the email must contain at least 6 characters. :param from_: Sender information. Must be from a checked domain declared in the Project. :param subject: Subject of the email. :param text: Text content. :param html: HTML content. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param to: An array of the primary recipient’s information. :param cc: An array of the carbon copy recipient’s information. :param bcc: An array of the blind carbon copy recipient’s information. :param project_id: ID of the Project in which to create the email. :param attachments: Array of attachments. :param send_before: Maximum date to deliver the email. :param additional_headers: Array of additional headers as key-value. :return:
result = api.create_email( from=CreateEmailRequestAddress(), subject="example", text="example", html="example", )
- create_webhook(*, domain_id: str, name: str, sns_arn: str, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None) Webhook
Create a Webhook. Create a new Webhook triggered by a list of event types and pushed to a Scaleway SNS ARN. :param domain_id: ID of the Domain to watch for triggering events. :param name: Name of the Webhook. :param sns_arn: Scaleway SNS ARN topic to push the events to. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project to which the Webhook belongs. :param event_types: List of event types that will trigger an event. :return:
result = api.create_webhook( domain_id="example", name="example", sns_arn="example", )
- delete_webhook(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) None
Delete a Webhook. You must specify the Webhook you want to delete by the region and webhook_id. Deleting a Webhook is permanent and cannot be undone. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook to delete. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
result = api.delete_webhook( webhook_id="example", )
- get_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Get information about a domain. Retrieve information about a specific domain using the region and domain_id parameters. Monitor your domain’s reputation and improve average and bad reputation statuses, using your domain’s Email activity tab on the [Scaleway console]( to get a more detailed report. Check out our [dedicated documentation]( to improve your domain’s reputation. :param domain_id: ID of the domain. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_domain( domain_id="example", )
- get_domain_last_status(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) DomainLastStatus
Display SPF and DKIM records status and potential errors. Display SPF and DKIM records status and potential errors, including the found records to make debugging easier. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to delete. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_domain_last_status( domain_id="example", )
- get_email(*, email_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Email
Get an email. Retrieve information about a specific email using the email_id and region parameters. :param email_id: ID of the email to retrieve. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_email( email_id="example", )
- get_project_settings(*, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None) ProjectSettings
List project settings. Retrieve the project settings including periodic reports. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project. :return:
result = api.get_project_settings()
- get_statistics(*, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, mail_from: Optional[str] = None) Statistics
Email statuses. Get information on your emails’ statuses. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: (Optional) Number of emails for this Project. :param domain_id: (Optional) Number of emails sent from this domain (must be coherent with the project_id and the organization_id). :param since: (Optional) Number of emails created after this date. :param until: (Optional) Number of emails created before this date. :param mail_from: (Optional) Number of emails sent with this sender’s email address. :return:
result = api.get_statistics()
- get_webhook(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Webhook
Get information about a Webhook. Retrieve information about a specific Webhook using the webhook_id and region parameters. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook to check. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_webhook( webhook_id="example", )
- list_domains(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[List[DomainStatus]] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ListDomainsResponse
List domains. Retrieve domains in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 1000. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the domains. :param status: (Optional) List domains under specific statuses. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization in which to list the domains. :param name: (Optional) Names of the domains to list. :return:
result = api.list_domains()
- list_domains_all(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[List[DomainStatus]] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) List[Domain]
List domains. Retrieve domains in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 1000. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the domains. :param status: (Optional) List domains under specific statuses. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization in which to list the domains. :param name: (Optional) Names of the domains to list. :return:
result = api.list_domains_all()
- list_emails(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None, message_id: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, mail_from: Optional[str] = None, mail_to: Optional[str] = None, mail_rcpt: Optional[str] = None, statuses: Optional[List[EmailStatus]] = None, subject: Optional[str] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy] = None, flags: Optional[List[EmailFlag]] = None) ListEmailsResponse
List emails. Retrieve the list of emails sent from a specific domain or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: :param page_size: :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the emails. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the domain for which to list the emails. :param message_id: (Optional) ID of the message for which to list the emails. :param since: (Optional) List emails created after this date. :param until: (Optional) List emails created before this date. :param mail_from: (Optional) List emails sent with this sender’s email address. :param mail_to: List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param mail_rcpt: (Optional) List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param statuses: (Optional) List emails with any of these statuses. :param subject: (Optional) List emails with this subject. :param search: (Optional) List emails by searching to all fields. :param order_by: (Optional) List emails corresponding to specific criteria. :param flags: (Optional) List emails containing only specific flags. :return:
result = api.list_emails()
- list_emails_all(*, region: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None, message_id: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, mail_from: Optional[str] = None, mail_to: Optional[str] = None, mail_rcpt: Optional[str] = None, statuses: Optional[List[EmailStatus]] = None, subject: Optional[str] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListEmailsRequestOrderBy] = None, flags: Optional[List[EmailFlag]] = None) List[Email]
List emails. Retrieve the list of emails sent from a specific domain or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param page: :param page_size: :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project in which to list the emails. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the domain for which to list the emails. :param message_id: (Optional) ID of the message for which to list the emails. :param since: (Optional) List emails created after this date. :param until: (Optional) List emails created before this date. :param mail_from: (Optional) List emails sent with this sender’s email address. :param mail_to: List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param mail_rcpt: (Optional) List emails sent to this recipient’s email address. :param statuses: (Optional) List emails with any of these statuses. :param subject: (Optional) List emails with this subject. :param search: (Optional) List emails by searching to all fields. :param order_by: (Optional) List emails corresponding to specific criteria. :param flags: (Optional) List emails containing only specific flags. :return:
result = api.list_emails_all()
- list_webhook_events(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, email_id: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None, statuses: Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) ListWebhookEventsResponse
List Webhook triggered events. Retrieve the list of Webhook events triggered from a specific Webhook or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook linked to the events. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhook events corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param email_id: ID of the email linked to the events. :param event_types: List of event types linked to the events. :param statuses: List of event statuses. :param project_id: ID of the webhook Project. :param organization_id: ID of the webhook Organization. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to watch for triggering events. :return:
result = api.list_webhook_events( webhook_id="example", )
- list_webhook_events_all(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhookEventsRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, email_id: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None, statuses: Optional[List[WebhookEventStatus]] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) List[WebhookEvent]
List Webhook triggered events. Retrieve the list of Webhook events triggered from a specific Webhook or for a specific Project or Organization. You must specify the region. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook linked to the events. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhook events corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param email_id: ID of the email linked to the events. :param event_types: List of event types linked to the events. :param statuses: List of event statuses. :param project_id: ID of the webhook Project. :param organization_id: ID of the webhook Organization. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to watch for triggering events. :return:
result = api.list_webhook_events_all( webhook_id="example", )
- list_webhooks(*, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) ListWebhooksResponse
List Webhooks. Retrieve Webhooks in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhooks corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: (Optional) Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: (Optional) Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project for which to list the Webhooks. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization for which to list the Webhooks. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the Domain for which to list the Webhooks. :return:
result = api.list_webhooks()
- list_webhooks_all(*, region: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[ListWebhooksRequestOrderBy] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, organization_id: Optional[str] = None, domain_id: Optional[str] = None) List[Webhook]
List Webhooks. Retrieve Webhooks in a specific Project or in a specific Organization using the region parameter. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param order_by: (Optional) List Webhooks corresponding to specific criteria. :param page: (Optional) Requested page number. Value must be greater or equal to 1. :param page_size: (Optional) Requested page size. Value must be between 1 and 100. :param project_id: (Optional) ID of the Project for which to list the Webhooks. :param organization_id: (Optional) ID of the Organization for which to list the Webhooks. :param domain_id: (Optional) ID of the Domain for which to list the Webhooks. :return:
result = api.list_webhooks_all()
- revoke_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Domain
Delete a domain. You must specify the domain you want to delete by the region and domain_id. Deleting a domain is permanent and cannot be undone. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to delete. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.revoke_domain( domain_id="example", )
- update_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, autoconfig: Optional[bool] = None) Domain
Update a domain. Update a domain auto-configuration. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to update. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param autoconfig: (Optional) If set to true, activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone. :return:
result = api.update_domain( domain_id="example", )
- update_project_settings(*, region: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, periodic_report: Optional[UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport] = None) ProjectSettings
Update project settings. Update the project settings including periodic reports. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param project_id: ID of the project. :param periodic_report: Periodic report update details - all fields are optional. :return:
result = api.update_project_settings()
- update_webhook(*, webhook_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]] = None, sns_arn: Optional[str] = None) Webhook
Update a Webhook. Update a Webhook events type, SNS ARN or name. :param webhook_id: ID of the Webhook to update. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :param name: Name of the Webhook to update. :param event_types: List of event types to update. :param sns_arn: Scaleway SNS ARN topic to update. :return:
result = api.update_webhook( webhook_id="example", )
- wait_for_domain(*, domain_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[Domain, bool]] = None) Domain
Get information about a domain. Retrieve information about a specific domain using the region and domain_id parameters. Monitor your domain’s reputation and improve average and bad reputation statuses, using your domain’s Email activity tab on the [Scaleway console]( to get a more detailed report. Check out our [dedicated documentation]( to improve your domain’s reputation. :param domain_id: ID of the domain. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_domain( domain_id="example", )
- wait_for_email(*, email_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[WaitForOptions[Email, bool]] = None) Email
Get an email. Retrieve information about a specific email using the email_id and region parameters. :param email_id: ID of the email to retrieve. :param region: Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config. :return:
result = api.get_email( email_id="example", )
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.UpdateDomainRequest(domain_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', autoconfig: 'Optional[bool]')
- autoconfig: Optional[bool]
(Optional) If set to true, activate auto-configuration of the domain’s DNS zone.
- domain_id: str
ID of the domain to update.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.UpdateProjectSettingsRequest(region: 'Optional[Region]', project_id: 'Optional[str]', periodic_report: 'Optional[UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport]')
- periodic_report: Optional[UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport]
Periodic report update details - all fields are optional.
- project_id: Optional[str]
ID of the project.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.UpdateProjectSettingsRequestUpdatePeriodicReport(enabled: 'Optional[bool]', frequency: 'Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency]', sending_hour: 'Optional[int]', sending_day: 'Optional[int]')
- enabled: Optional[bool]
(Optional) Enable or disable periodic report notifications.
- frequency: Optional[ProjectSettingsPeriodicReportFrequency]
(Optional) Frequency at which you receive periodic report notifications.
- sending_day: Optional[int]
(Optional) On which day you receive periodic report notifications (1-7 weekly, 1-28 monthly).
- sending_hour: Optional[int]
(Optional) Hour at which you receive periodic report notifications.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.UpdateWebhookRequest(webhook_id: 'str', region: 'Optional[Region]', name: 'Optional[str]', event_types: 'Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]', sns_arn: 'Optional[str]')
- event_types: Optional[List[WebhookEventType]]
List of event types to update.
- name: Optional[str]
Name of the Webhook to update.
- region: Optional[str]
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.
- sns_arn: Optional[str]
Scaleway SNS ARN topic to update.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook to update.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.Webhook(id: 'str', domain_id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', name: 'str', event_types: 'List[WebhookEventType]', sns_arn: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the Webhook creation.
- domain_id: str
ID of the Domain to watch for triggering events.
- event_types: List[WebhookEventType]
List of event types that will trigger a Webhook Event.
- id: str
ID of the Webhook.
- name: str
Name of the Webhook.
- organization_id: str
ID of the Webhook Organization.
- project_id: str
ID of the Webhook Project.
- sns_arn: str
Scaleway SNS ARN topic to push the events to.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of last Webhook updates.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.WebhookEvent(id: 'str', webhook_id: 'str', organization_id: 'str', project_id: 'str', domain_id: 'str', type_: 'WebhookEventType', status: 'WebhookEventStatus', data: 'str', created_at: 'Optional[datetime]', updated_at: 'Optional[datetime]', email_id: 'Optional[str]')
- created_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of the Webhook Event creation.
- data: str
Data sent to the Webhook destination.
- domain_id: str
ID of the webhook event domain.
- email_id: Optional[str]
Optional Email ID if the event is triggered by an Email resource.
- id: str
ID of the Webhook Event.
- organization_id: str
ID of the Webhook Event Organization.
- project_id: str
ID of the Webhook Event Project.
- status: WebhookEventStatus
Status of the Webhook Event.
- type_: WebhookEventType
Type of the Webhook Event.
- updated_at: Optional[datetime]
Date and time of last Webhook Event updates.
- webhook_id: str
ID of the Webhook that triggers the Event.
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.WebhookEventStatus(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- FAILED = 'failed'
- SENDING = 'sending'
- SENT = 'sent'
- UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown_status'
- class scaleway.tem.v1alpha1.WebhookEventType(value: str, names: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An enumeration.
- BLOCKLIST_CREATED = 'blocklist_created'
- EMAIL_BLOCKLISTED = 'email_blocklisted'
- EMAIL_DEFERRED = 'email_deferred'
- EMAIL_DELIVERED = 'email_delivered'
- EMAIL_DROPPED = 'email_dropped'
- EMAIL_MAILBOX_NOT_FOUND = 'email_mailbox_not_found'
- EMAIL_QUEUED = 'email_queued'
- EMAIL_SPAM = 'email_spam'
- UNKNOWN_TYPE = 'unknown_type'