Add server option. Add an option, such as Private Networks, to a specific server.
The request AddOptionServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Create an Elastic Metal server. Create a new Elastic Metal server. Once the server is created, proceed with the installation of an OS.
The request CreateServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Delete server option. Delete an option from a specific server.
The request DeleteOptionServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Delete an Elastic Metal server. Delete the server associated with the ID.
The request DeleteServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Get BMC access. Get the BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) access associated with the ID, including the URL and login information needed to connect.
The request GetBMCAccessRequest
A Promise of BMCAccess
Get default partitioning schema. Get the default partitioning schema for the given offer ID and OS ID.
The request GetDefaultPartitioningSchemaRequest
A Promise of Schema
Get offer. Get details of an offer identified by its offer ID.
The request GetOfferRequest
A Promise of Offer
Get option. Return specific option for the ID.
The request GetOptionRequest
A Promise of Option
Get OS with an ID. Return the specific OS for the ID.
The request GetOSRequest
A Promise of OS
Get a specific Elastic Metal server. Get full details of an existing Elastic Metal server associated with the ID.
The request GetServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Return server metrics. Get the ping status of the server associated with the ID.
The request GetServerMetricsRequest
A Promise of GetServerMetricsResponse
Install an Elastic Metal server. Install an Operating System (OS) on the Elastic Metal server with a specific ID.
The request InstallServerRequest
A Promise of Server
List offers. List all available Elastic Metal server configurations.
The request ListOffersRequest
A Promise of ListOffersResponse
List options. List all options matching with filters.
The request ListOptionsRequest
A Promise of ListOptionsResponse
List available OSes. List all OSes that are available for installation on Elastic Metal servers.
The request ListOSRequest
A Promise of ListOSResponse
List server events. List event (i.e. start/stop/reboot) associated to the server ID.
The request ListServerEventsRequest
A Promise of ListServerEventsResponse
List Elastic Metal servers for an Organization. List Elastic Metal servers for a specific Organization.
The request ListServersRequest
A Promise of ListServersResponse
List all settings. Return all settings for a Project ID.
The request ListSettingsRequest
A Promise of ListSettingsResponse
Migrate server offer. Migrate server with hourly offer to monthly offer.
The request MigrateServerToMonthlyOfferRequest
A Promise of Server
Reboot an Elastic Metal server. Reboot the Elastic Metal server associated
with the ID, use the boot_type
to reboot the server in rescue
The request RebootServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Start BMC access. Start BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) access associated with the ID. The BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) access is available one hour after the installation of the server. You need first to create an option Remote Access. You will find the ID and the price with a call to listOffers ( Then add the option After adding the BMC option, you need to Get Remote Access to get the login/password Do not forget to delete the Option after use.
The request StartBMCAccessRequest
A Promise of BMCAccess
Start an Elastic Metal server. Start the server associated with the ID.
The request StartServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Stop BMC access. Stop BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) access associated with the ID.
The request StopBMCAccessRequest
Stop an Elastic Metal server. Stop the server associated with the ID. The server remains allocated to your account and all data remains on the local storage of the server.
The request StopServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Update IP. Configure the IP address associated with the server ID and IP ID. You can use this method to set a reverse DNS for an IP address.
The request UpdateIPRequest
A Promise of IP
Update an Elastic Metal server. Update the server associated with the ID. You can update parameters such as the server's name, tags and description. Any parameters left null in the request body are not updated.
The request UpdateServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Update setting. Update a setting for a Project ID (enable or disable).
The request UpdateSettingRequest
A Promise of Setting
Validate client partitioning schema. Validate the incoming partitioning schema from a user before installing the server. Return default ErrorCode if invalid.
The request ValidatePartitioningSchemaRequest
Waits for Server to be in a final state.
The request GetServerRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<BareMetal.v1.Server>>The waiting options
A Promise of Server
Waits for ServerInstall to be in a final state.
The request GetServerRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<BareMetal.v1.ServerInstall>>The waiting options
A Promise of ServerInstall
Lists the available zones of the API.