Download an invoice. Download a specific invoice, specified by its ID.
The request DownloadInvoiceRequest
A Promise of Blob
Export invoices. Export invoices in a CSV file.
The request ExportInvoicesRequest
A Promise of Blob
Get an invoice. Get a specific invoice, specified by its ID.
The request GetInvoiceRequest
A Promise of Invoice
Get monthly consumption. Consumption allows you to retrieve your past or current consumption cost, by project or category.
The request ListConsumptionsRequest
A Promise of ListConsumptionsResponse
List discounts. List all discounts for your Organization and usable categories, products, offers, references, regions and zones where the discount can be applied. As a reseller:
you will list the discounts
applied to your own Organization and your customersorganization_id
you will list only the discounts
applied to your Organizationthe organization_id
of one of your customers, you will
list the discounts applied to their Organization.The request ListDiscountsRequest
A Promise of ListDiscountsResponse
List invoices. List all your invoices, filtering by start_date
. Each invoice has its own ID.
The request ListInvoicesRequest
A Promise of ListInvoicesResponse
Get monthly consumption taxes. Consumption Tax allows you to retrieve your past or current tax charges, by project or category.
The request ListTaxesRequest
A Promise of ListTaxesResponse
Billing API.
This API allows you to manage and query your Scaleway billing and consumption.