Create a contact point. Contact points are email addresses associated with the default receiver, that the Alert manager sends alerts to. The source of the alerts are data sources within the same Project and region as the Alert manager. If you need to receive alerts for other receivers, you can create additional contact points and receivers in Grafana. Make sure that you select the Scaleway Alert manager.
The request RegionalApiCreateContactPointRequest
A Promise of ContactPoint
Create a data source. You must specify the data source type upon creation. Available data source types include:
The request RegionalApiCreateDataSourceRequest
A Promise of DataSource
Create a token. Give your token the relevant scopes to ensure it has the right permissions to interact with your data sources and the Alert manager. Make sure that you create your token in the same regions as the data sources you want to use it for. Upon creation, your token's secret key display only once. Make sure that you save it.
The request RegionalApiCreateTokenRequest
A Promise of Token
Delete a contact point. Delete a contact point associated with the default receiver.
The request RegionalApiDeleteContactPointRequest
Delete a data source. Delete a given data source, specified by the data source ID. Note that deleting a data source is irreversible, and cannot be undone.
The request RegionalApiDeleteDataSourceRequest
Delete a token. Delete a given token, specified by the token ID. Deleting a token is irreversible and cannot be undone.
The request RegionalApiDeleteTokenRequest
Disable the Alert manager. Disabling the Alert manager deletes the contact points you have created and disables managed alerts in the specified Project and region.
The request RegionalApiDisableAlertManagerRequest
A Promise of AlertManager
Disable managed alerts. Disable the sending of managed alerts for the specified Project.
The request RegionalApiDisableManagedAlertsRequest
A Promise of AlertManager
Enable the Alert manager. Enabling the Alert manager allows you to enable managed alerts and create contact points in the specified Project and region, to be notified when your Scaleway resources may require your attention.
The request RegionalApiEnableAlertManagerRequest
A Promise of AlertManager
Enable managed alerts. Enable the sending of managed alerts for the specified Project. Managed alerts are predefined alerts that apply to Scaleway recources integrated with Cockpit by default.
The request RegionalApiEnableManagedAlertsRequest
A Promise of AlertManager
Get the Alert manager. Retrieve information about the Alert manager which is unique per Project and region. By default the Alert manager is disabled. The output returned displays a URL to access the Alert manager, and whether the Alert manager and managed alerts are enabled.
The request RegionalApiGetAlertManagerRequest
A Promise of AlertManager
Get the Cockpit configuration.
The request RegionalApiGetConfigRequest
A Promise of GetConfigResponse
Get a data source. Retrieve information about a given data source, specified by the data source ID. The data source's information such as its name, type, URL, origin, and retention period, is returned.
The request RegionalApiGetDataSourceRequest
A Promise of DataSource
Get a token. Retrieve information about a given token, specified by the token ID. The token's information such as its scopes, is returned.
The request RegionalApiGetTokenRequest
A Promise of Token
Get data source usage overview. Retrieve the data source usage overview per type for the specified Project.
The request RegionalApiGetUsageOverviewRequest
A Promise of UsageOverview
List alerts. List preconfigured and/or custom alerts for the specified Project.
The request RegionalApiListAlertsRequest
A Promise of ListAlertsResponse
List contact points. Retrieve a list of contact points for the specified Project. The response lists all contact points and receivers created in Grafana or via the API.
The request RegionalApiListContactPointsRequest
A Promise of ListContactPointsResponse
List data sources. Retrieve the list of data sources available in the specified region. By default, the data sources returned in the list are ordered by creation date, in ascending order. You can list data sources by Project, type and origin.
The request RegionalApiListDataSourcesRequest
A Promise of ListDataSourcesResponse
List tokens. Retrieve a list of all tokens in the specified region. By default, tokens returned in the list are ordered by creation date, in ascending order. You can filter tokens by Project ID and token scopes.
The request RegionalApiListTokensRequest
A Promise of ListTokensResponse
Trigger a test alert. Send a test alert to the Alert manager to make sure your contact points get notified.
The request RegionalApiTriggerTestAlertRequest
Update a data source. Update a given data source name, specified by the data source ID.
The request RegionalApiUpdateDataSourceRequest
A Promise of DataSource
Cockpit Regional API.
The Cockpit Regional API allows you to create data sources and tokens to store and query data types such as metrics, logs, and traces. You can also push your data into Cockpit, and send alerts to your contact points when your resources may require your attention, using the regional Alert manager.