Create IPv6 block for baremetal server. Create IPv6 block associated with the given project ID.
The request IPv6BlockApiCreateIPv6BlockRequest
A Promise of IPv6Block
Create IPv6 block subnet. Create IPv6 block subnet for the given IP ID. /48 could create subnet in /56 (quota link to your number of server). /56 could create subnet in /64 (quota link to your number of failover IP).
The request IPv6BlockApiCreateIPv6BlockSubnetRequest
A Promise of IPv6Block
Delete IPv6 block. Delete IPv6 block subnet with the given ID.
The request IPv6BlockApiDeleteIPv6BlockRequest
Get a specific IPv6 block. Get the IPv6 block associated with the given ID.
The request IPv6BlockApiGetIPv6BlockRequest
A Promise of IPv6Block
Get IPv6 block quota. Get IPv6 block quota with the given project ID. /48 one per organization. /56 link to your number of server. /64 link to your number of failover IP.
The request IPv6BlockApiGetIPv6BlockQuotasRequest
A Promise of GetIPv6BlockQuotasResponse
List available IPv6 block subnets. List all available IPv6 block subnets for given IP ID.
The request IPv6BlockApiListIPv6BlockSubnetsAvailableRequest
A Promise of ListIPv6BlockSubnetsAvailableResponse
Update IPv6 block. Update DNS associated to IPv6 block. If DNS is used, minimum of 2 is necessary and maximum of 5 (no duplicate).
The request IPv6BlockApiUpdateIPv6BlockRequest
A Promise of IPv6Block
Dedibox Phoenix IPv6 Block API.