TooManyRequestsError error happens when fetching too many times a resource.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



body: JSONObject

The response payload.

cause?: unknown
helpMessage: string
message: string = ...

The augmented message.

name: string
rawMessage: undefined | string

The message originating from the payload.

resetAt?: Date

The timestamp when the quota resets

resetSeconds?: number

The number of seconds until the quota resets

stack?: string
status: number

The response status.

prepareStackTrace?: (err: Error, stackTraces: CallSite[]) => any

Optional override for formatting stack traces

stackTraceLimit: number


  • Create .stack property on a target object


    • targetObject: object
    • OptionalconstructorOpt: Function

    Returns void

  • Create .stack property on a target object


    • targetObject: object
    • OptionalconstructorOpt: Function

    Returns void