This API allows you to manage your Scaleway IP addresses with our IP Address Management tool.


  • API
    • API



LOCALITIES: Region[] = ...

Lists the available regions of the API.


  • Attach IP to custom resource. Attach an existing reserved IP from a Private Network subnet to a custom, named resource via its MAC address. An example of a custom resource is a virtual machine hosted on an Elastic Metal server. Do not use this method for attaching IP addresses to standard Scaleway resources as it will fail - see the relevant product API for an equivalent method.


    Returns Promise<IPAM.v1.IP>

    A Promise of IP

  • Detach IP from a custom resource. Detach a private IP from a custom resource. An example of a custom resource is a virtual machine hosted on an Elastic Metal server. Do not use this method for detaching IP addresses from standard Scaleway resources (e.g. Instances, Load Balancers) as it will fail - see the relevant product API for an equivalent method.


    Returns Promise<IPAM.v1.IP>

    A Promise of IP

  • List existing IPs. List existing IPs in the specified region using various filters. For example, you can filter for IPs within a specified Private Network, or for public IPs within a specified Project. By default, the IPs returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


    Returns Promise<IPAM.v1.ListIPsResponse> & {
        "[asyncIterator]": () => AsyncGenerator<IPAM.v1.IP[], void, void>;
        all: () => Promise<IPAM.v1.IP[]>;

    A Promise of ListIPsResponse

  • Move IP to a custom resource. Move an existing reserved private IP from one custom resource (e.g. a virtual machine hosted on an Elastic Metal server) to another custom resource. This will detach it from the first resource, and attach it to the second. Do not use this method for moving IP addresses between standard Scaleway resources (e.g. Instances, Load Balancers) as it will fail - see the relevant product API for an equivalent method.


    Returns Promise<IPAM.v1.IP>

    A Promise of IP