
  • ZonedAPI
    • ZonedAPI



LOCALITIES: Zone[] = ...

Lists the available zones of the API.


  • Delete a Load Balancer. Delete an existing Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. Deleting a Load Balancer is permanent, and cannot be undone. The Load Balancer's flexible IP address can either be deleted with the Load Balancer, or kept in your account for future use.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • List ACLs for a given frontend. List the ACLs for a given frontend, specified by its frontend ID. The response is an array of ACL objects, each one representing an ACL that denies or allows traffic based on certain conditions.


    Returns Promise<ListAclResponse> & {
        [asyncIterator]: (() => AsyncGenerator<Acl[], void, void>);
        all: (() => Promise<Acl[]>);

    A Promise of ListAclResponse

  • List the backends of a given Load Balancer. List all the backends of a Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. By default, results are returned in ascending order by the creation date of each backend. The response is an array of backend objects, containing full details of each one including their configuration parameters such as protocol, port and forwarding algorithm.


    Returns Promise<ListBackendsResponse> & {
        [asyncIterator]: (() => AsyncGenerator<Backend[], void, void>);
        all: (() => Promise<Backend[]>);

    A Promise of ListBackendsResponse

  • List frontends of a given Load Balancer. List all the frontends of a Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. By default, results are returned in ascending order by the creation date of each frontend. The response is an array of frontend objects, containing full details of each one including the port they listen on and the backend they are attached to.


    Returns Promise<ListFrontendsResponse> & {
        [asyncIterator]: (() => AsyncGenerator<Frontend[], void, void>);
        all: (() => Promise<Frontend[]>);

    A Promise of ListFrontendsResponse

  • List Load Balancers. List all Load Balancers in the specified zone, for a Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the Load Balancers returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


    Returns Promise<ListLbsResponse> & {
        [asyncIterator]: (() => AsyncGenerator<Lb[], void, void>);
        all: (() => Promise<Lb[]>);

    A Promise of ListLbsResponse