Add a set of backend servers to a given backend. For a given backend specified by its backend ID, add a set of backend servers (identified by their IP addresses) it should forward traffic to. These will be appended to any existing set of backend servers for this backend.
The request ZonedApiAddBackendServersRequest
A Promise of Backend
Attach a Load Balancer to a Private Network. Attach a specified Load Balancer to a specified Private Network, defining a static or DHCP configuration for the Load Balancer on the network.
The request ZonedApiAttachPrivateNetworkRequest
A Promise of PrivateNetwork
Create an ACL for a given frontend. Create a new ACL for a given frontend. Each ACL must have a name, an action to perform (allow or deny), and a match rule (the action is carried out when the incoming traffic matches the rule).
The request ZonedApiCreateAclRequest
A Promise of Acl
Create a backend for a given Load Balancer. Create a new backend for a given Load Balancer, specifying its full configuration including protocol, port and forwarding algorithm.
The request ZonedApiCreateBackendRequest
A Promise of Backend
Create an SSL/TLS certificate. Generate a new SSL/TLS certificate for a given Load Balancer. You can choose to create a Let's Encrypt certificate, or import a custom certificate.
The request ZonedApiCreateCertificateRequest
A Promise of Certificate
Create a frontend in a given Load Balancer. Create a new frontend for a given Load Balancer, specifying its configuration including the port it should listen on and the backend to attach it to.
The request ZonedApiCreateFrontendRequest
A Promise of Frontend
Create an IP address. Create a new Load Balancer flexible IP address, in the specified Scaleway Project. This can be attached to new Load Balancers created in the future.
The request ZonedApiCreateIpRequest
A Promise of Ip
Create a Load Balancer. Create a new Load Balancer. Note that the Load Balancer will be created without frontends or backends; these must be created separately via the dedicated endpoints.
The request ZonedApiCreateLbRequest
A Promise of Lb
Create a route. Create a new route on a given frontend. To configure a route, specify the backend to direct to if a certain condition is matched (based on the value of the SNI field or HTTP Host header).
The request ZonedApiCreateRouteRequest
A Promise of Route
Create a subscriber. Create a new subscriber, either with an email configuration or a webhook configuration, for a specified Scaleway Project.
The request ZonedApiCreateSubscriberRequest
A Promise of Subscriber
Delete an ACL. Delete an ACL, specified by its ACL ID. Deleting an ACL is irreversible and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiDeleteAclRequest
Delete a backend of a given Load Balancer. Delete a backend of a given Load Balancer, specified by its backend ID. This action is irreversible and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiDeleteBackendRequest
Delete an SSL/TLS certificate. Delete an SSL/TLS certificate, specified by its certificate ID. Deleting a certificate is irreversible and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiDeleteCertificateRequest
Delete a frontend. Delete a given frontend, specified by its frontend ID. This action is irreversible and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiDeleteFrontendRequest
Delete a Load Balancer. Delete an existing Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. Deleting a Load Balancer is permanent, and cannot be undone. The Load Balancer's flexible IP address can either be deleted with the Load Balancer, or kept in your account for future use.
The request ZonedApiDeleteLbRequest
Delete a route. Delete an existing route, specified by its route ID. Deleting a route is permanent, and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiDeleteRouteRequest
Delete a subscriber. Delete an existing subscriber, specified by its subscriber ID. Deleting a subscriber is permanent, and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiDeleteSubscriberRequest
Detach Load Balancer from Private Network. Detach a specified Load Balancer from a specified Private Network.
The request ZonedApiDetachPrivateNetworkRequest
Get an ACL. Get information for a particular ACL, specified by its ACL ID. The response returns full details of the ACL, including its name, action, match rule and frontend.
The request ZonedApiGetAclRequest
A Promise of Acl
Get a backend of a given Load Balancer. Get the full details of a given backend, specified by its backend ID. The response contains the backend's full configuration parameters including protocol, port and forwarding algorithm.
The request ZonedApiGetBackendRequest
A Promise of Backend
Get an SSL/TLS certificate. Get information for a particular SSL/TLS certificate, specified by its certificate ID. The response returns full details of the certificate, including its type, main domain name, and alternative domain names.
The request ZonedApiGetCertificateRequest
A Promise of Certificate
Get a frontend. Get the full details of a given frontend, specified by its frontend ID. The response contains the frontend's full configuration parameters including the backend it is attached to, the port it listens on, and any certificates it has.
The request ZonedApiGetFrontendRequest
A Promise of Frontend
Get an IP address. Retrieve the full details of a Load Balancer flexible IP address.
The request ZonedApiGetIpRequest
A Promise of Ip
Get a Load Balancer. Retrieve information about an existing Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. Its full details, including name, status and IP address, are returned in the response object.
The request ZonedApiGetLbRequest
A Promise of Lb
Get usage statistics of a given Load Balancer.
The request ZonedApiGetLbStatsRequest
A Promise of LbStats
Get a route. Retrieve information about an existing route, specified by its route ID. Its full details, origin frontend, target backend and match condition, are returned in the response object.
The request ZonedApiGetRouteRequest
A Promise of Route
Get a subscriber. Retrieve information about an existing subscriber, specified by its subscriber ID. Its full details, including name and email/webhook configuration, are returned in the response object.
The request ZonedApiGetSubscriberRequest
A Promise of Subscriber
List ACLs for a given frontend. List the ACLs for a given frontend, specified by its frontend ID. The response is an array of ACL objects, each one representing an ACL that denies or allows traffic based on certain conditions.
The request ZonedApiListAclsRequest
A Promise of ListAclResponse
List the backends of a given Load Balancer. List all the backends of a Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. By default, results are returned in ascending order by the creation date of each backend. The response is an array of backend objects, containing full details of each one including their configuration parameters such as protocol, port and forwarding algorithm.
The request ZonedApiListBackendsRequest
A Promise of ListBackendsResponse
List backend server statistics. List information about your backend servers, including their state and the result of their last health check.
The request ZonedApiListBackendStatsRequest
A Promise of ListBackendStatsResponse
List all SSL/TLS certificates on a given Load Balancer. List all the SSL/TLS certificates on a given Load Balancer. The response is an array of certificate objects, which are by default listed in ascending order of creation date.
The request ZonedApiListCertificatesRequest
A Promise of ListCertificatesResponse
List frontends of a given Load Balancer. List all the frontends of a Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. By default, results are returned in ascending order by the creation date of each frontend. The response is an array of frontend objects, containing full details of each one including the port they listen on and the backend they are attached to.
The request ZonedApiListFrontendsRequest
A Promise of ListFrontendsResponse
List IP addresses. List the Load Balancer flexible IP addresses held in the account (filtered by Organization ID or Project ID). It is also possible to search for a specific IP address.
The request ZonedApiListIPsRequest
A Promise of ListIpsResponse
List Private Networks attached to a Load Balancer. List the Private Networks attached to a given Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. The response is an array of Private Network objects, giving information including the status, configuration, name and creation date of each Private Network.
The request ZonedApiListLbPrivateNetworksRequest
A Promise of ListLbPrivateNetworksResponse
List Load Balancers. List all Load Balancers in the specified zone, for a
Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the Load Balancers
returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order,
though this can be modified via the order_by
The request ZonedApiListLbsRequest
A Promise of ListLbsResponse
List all Load Balancer offer types. List all the different commercial Load Balancer types. The response includes an array of offer types, each with a name, description, and information about its stock availability.
The request ZonedApiListLbTypesRequest
A Promise of ListLbTypesResponse
List all routes. List all routes for a given frontend. The response is an array of routes, each one with a specified backend to direct to if a certain condition is matched (based on the value of the SNI field or HTTP Host header).
The request ZonedApiListRoutesRequest
A Promise of ListRoutesResponse
List all subscribers. List all subscribers to Load Balancer alerts. By default, returns all subscribers to Load Balancer alerts for the Organization associated with the authentication token used for the request.
The request ZonedApiListSubscriberRequest
A Promise of ListSubscriberResponse
Migrate a Load Balancer. Migrate an existing Load Balancer from one commercial type to another. Allows you to scale your Load Balancer up or down in terms of bandwidth or multi-cloud provision.
The request ZonedApiMigrateLbRequest
A Promise of Lb
Delete an IP address. Delete a Load Balancer flexible IP address. This action is irreversible, and cannot be undone.
The request ZonedApiReleaseIpRequest
Remove a set of servers for a given backend. For a given backend specified by its backend ID, remove the specified backend servers (identified by their IP addresses) so that it no longer forwards traffic to them.
The request ZonedApiRemoveBackendServersRequest
A Promise of Backend
Define all ACLs for a given frontend. For a given frontend specified by its frontend ID, define and add the complete set of ACLS for that frontend. Any existing ACLs on this frontend will be removed.
The request ZonedApiSetAclsRequest
A Promise of SetAclsResponse
Define all backend servers for a given backend. For a given backend specified by its backend ID, define the set of backend servers (identified by their IP addresses) that it should forward traffic to. Any existing backend servers configured for this backend will be removed.
The request ZonedApiSetBackendServersRequest
A Promise of Backend
Subscribe a subscriber to alerts for a given Load Balancer. Subscribe an existing subscriber to alerts for a given Load Balancer.
The request ZonedApiSubscribeToLbRequest
A Promise of Lb
Unsubscribe a subscriber from alerts for a given Load Balancer. Unsubscribe a subscriber from alerts for a given Load Balancer. The subscriber is not deleted, and can be resubscribed in the future if necessary.
The request ZonedApiUnsubscribeFromLbRequest
A Promise of Lb
Update an ACL. Update a particular ACL, specified by its ACL ID. You can update details including its name, action and match rule.
The request ZonedApiUpdateAclRequest
A Promise of Acl
Update a backend of a given Load Balancer. Update a backend of a given Load Balancer, specified by its backend ID. Note that the request type is PUT and not PATCH. You must set all parameters.
The request ZonedApiUpdateBackendRequest
A Promise of Backend
Update an SSL/TLS certificate. Update the name of a particular SSL/TLS certificate, specified by its certificate ID.
The request ZonedApiUpdateCertificateRequest
A Promise of Certificate
Update a frontend. Update a given frontend, specified by its frontend ID. You can update configuration parameters including its name and the port it listens on. Note that the request type is PUT and not PATCH. You must set all parameters.
The request ZonedApiUpdateFrontendRequest
A Promise of Frontend
Update a health check for a given backend. Update the configuration of the health check performed by a given backend to verify the health of its backend servers, identified by its backend ID. Note that the request type is PUT and not PATCH. You must set all parameters.
The request ZonedApiUpdateHealthCheckRequest
A Promise of HealthCheck
Update an IP address. Update the reverse DNS of a Load Balancer flexible IP address.
The request ZonedApiUpdateIpRequest
A Promise of Ip
Update a Load Balancer. Update the parameters of an existing Load Balancer, specified by its Load Balancer ID. Note that the request type is PUT and not PATCH. You must set all parameters.
The request ZonedApiUpdateLbRequest
A Promise of Lb
Update a route. Update the configuration of an existing route, specified by its route ID.
The request ZonedApiUpdateRouteRequest
A Promise of Route
Update a subscriber. Update the parameters of a given subscriber (e.g. name, webhook configuration, email configuration), specified by its subscriber ID.
The request ZonedApiUpdateSubscriberRequest
A Promise of Subscriber
Waits for Certificate to be in a final state.
The request ZonedApiGetCertificateRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<LB.v1.Certificate>>The waiting options
A Promise of Certificate
Waits for Lb to be in a final state.
The request ZonedApiGetLbRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<LB.v1.Lb>>The waiting options
A Promise of Lb
Waits for all instances of a (zoned) load balancer to be in a final state.
The request GetLbRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<LB.v1.Lb>>The waiting options
A Promise of Lb
Waits for all private networks of a (zoned) load balancer to be in a final state.
The request ZonedWaitForLbPrivateNetworksRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<ListLbPrivateNetworksResponse>>The waiting options
A Promise of ListLbPrivateNetworksResponse
Lists the available zones of the API.