Create a new human.
The request CreateHumanRequest
A Promise of Human
Delete an existing human. Delete the human associated with the given id.
The request DeleteHumanRequest
A Promise of Human
Get human details. Get the human details associated with the given id.
The request GetHumanRequest
A Promise of Human
List all your humans.
The request ListHumansRequest
A Promise of ListHumansResponse
Register a user. Register a human and return a access-key and a secret-key that must be used in all other commands.
Hint: you can use other test commands by setting the SCW_SECRET_KEY env variable.
The request RegisterRequest
A Promise of RegisterResponse
Start a 1h running for the given human. Start a one hour running for the given human.
The request RunHumanRequest
A Promise of Human
Make a human smoke.
The request SmokeHumanRequest
A Promise of Human
Update an existing human. Update the human associated with the given id.
The request UpdateHumanRequest
A Promise of Human
Waits for Human to be in a final state.
The request GetHumanRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Human>>The waiting options
A Promise of Human
Fake API.
No Auth Service for end-to-end testing.