Add subnets to a Private Network. Add new subnets to an existing Private Network.
The request AddSubnetsRequest
A Promise of AddSubnetsResponse
Create a Private Network. Create a new Private Network. Once created, you can attach Scaleway resources which are in the same region.
The request CreatePrivateNetworkRequest
A Promise of PrivateNetwork
Create a Route. Create a new custom Route.
The request CreateRouteRequest
A Promise of Route
Create a VPC. Create a new VPC in the specified region.
The request CreateVPCRequest
A Promise of VPC
Delete a Private Network. Delete an existing Private Network. Note that you must first detach all resources from the network, in order to delete it.
The request DeletePrivateNetworkRequest
Delete a Route. Delete a Route specified by its Route ID.
The request DeleteRouteRequest
Delete subnets from a Private Network. Delete the specified subnets from a Private Network.
The request DeleteSubnetsRequest
A Promise of DeleteSubnetsResponse
Delete a VPC. Delete a VPC specified by its VPC ID.
The request DeleteVPCRequest
Enable DHCP on a Private Network. Enable DHCP managed on an existing Private Network. Note that you will not be able to deactivate it afterwards.
The request EnableDHCPRequest
A Promise of PrivateNetwork
Enable routing on a VPC. Enable routing on an existing VPC. Note that you will not be able to deactivate it afterwards.
The request EnableRoutingRequest
A Promise of VPC
Get a Private Network. Retrieve information about an existing Private Network, specified by its Private Network ID. Its full details are returned in the response object.
The request GetPrivateNetworkRequest
A Promise of PrivateNetwork
Get a Route. Retrieve details of an existing Route, specified by its Route ID.
The request GetRouteRequest
A Promise of Route
Get a VPC. Retrieve details of an existing VPC, specified by its VPC ID.
The request GetVPCRequest
A Promise of VPC
List Private Networks. List existing Private Networks in the specified region. By default, the Private Networks returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.
The request ListPrivateNetworksRequest
A Promise of ListPrivateNetworksResponse
List subnets. List any Private Network's subnets. See ListPrivateNetworks to list a specific Private Network's subnets.
The request ListSubnetsRequest
A Promise of ListSubnetsResponse
List VPCs. List existing VPCs in the specified region.
The request ListVPCsRequest
A Promise of ListVPCsResponse
Set a Private Network's subnets. Set subnets for an existing Private Network. Note that the method is PUT and not PATCH. Any existing subnets will be removed in favor of the new specified set of subnets.
The request SetSubnetsRequest
A Promise of SetSubnetsResponse
Update Private Network. Update parameters (such as name or tags) of an existing Private Network, specified by its Private Network ID.
The request UpdatePrivateNetworkRequest
A Promise of PrivateNetwork
Update Route. Update parameters of the specified Route.
The request UpdateRouteRequest
A Promise of Route
Update VPC. Update parameters including name and tags of the specified VPC.
The request UpdateVPCRequest
A Promise of VPC
This API allows you to manage your Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and Private Networks.