Check whether you own this domain or not.. Check whether you own this domain or not.
The request DnsApiCheckUserOwnsDomainRequest
A Promise of CheckUserOwnsDomainResponse
Retrieve detailed information about a specific domain, including its status, DNS configuration, and ownership.. Retrieve detailed information about a specific domain, including its status, DNS configuration, and ownership.
The request DnsApiGetDomainRequest
A Promise of Domain
Get DNS records. Get the set of DNS records of a specified domain associated with a Web Hosting plan's domain.
The request DnsApiGetDomainDnsRecordsRequest
A Promise of DnsRecords
Search for available domains based on domain name.. Search for available domains based on domain name.
The request DnsApiSearchDomainsRequest
A Promise of SearchDomainsResponse
Synchronize your DNS records on the Elements Console and on cPanel.. Synchronize your DNS records on the Elements Console and on cPanel.
The request DnsApiSyncDomainDnsRecordsRequest
A Promise of DnsRecords
Waits for Domain to be in a final state.
The request DnsApiGetDomainRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Webhosting.v1.Domain>>The waiting options
A Promise of Domain
Web Hosting Dns API.
This API allows you to manage your Web Hosting services.