Order a Web Hosting plan. Order a Web Hosting plan, specifying the offer
type required via the offer_id
The request HostingApiCreateHostingRequest
A Promise of Hosting
Create a user session.
The request HostingApiCreateSessionRequest
A Promise of Session
Delete a Web Hosting plan. Delete a Web Hosting plan, specified by its
. Note that deletion is not immediate: it will take place at
the end of the calendar month, after which time your Web Hosting plan and
all its data (files and emails) will be irreversibly lost.
The request HostingApiDeleteHostingRequest
A Promise of Hosting
Get a Web Hosting plan. Get the details of one of your existing Web Hosting
plans, specified by its hosting_id
The request HostingApiGetHostingRequest
A Promise of Hosting
Get the total counts of websites, databases, email accounts, and FTP accounts of a Web Hosting plan.
The request HostingApiGetResourceSummaryRequest
A Promise of ResourceSummary
List all Web Hosting plans. List all of your existing Web Hosting plans. Various filters are available to limit the results, including filtering by domain, status, tag and Project ID.
The request HostingApiListHostingsRequest
A Promise of ListHostingsResponse
Reset a Web Hosting plan password.
The request HostingApiResetHostingPasswordRequest
A Promise of ResetHostingPasswordResponse
Update a Web Hosting plan. Update the details of one of your existing Web
Hosting plans, specified by its hosting_id
. You can update parameters
including the contact email address, tags, options and offer.
The request HostingApiUpdateHostingRequest
A Promise of Hosting
Waits for Hosting to be in a final state.
The request HostingApiGetHostingRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Hosting>>The waiting options
A Promise of Hosting
Web Hosting API.
This API allows you to manage your Web Hosting services.