createdCreation date of the container.
descriptionDescription of the container.
Domain name attributed to the contaioner.
Environment variables of the container.
errorLast error message of the container.
healthHealth check configuration of the container.
Possible values:
UUID of the container.
Local storage limit of the container (in MB).
Number of maximum concurrent executions of the container.
Maximum number of instances to scale the container to.
Memory limit of the container in MB.
Minimum number of instances to scale the container to.
Name of the container.
UUID of the namespace the container belongs to.
Port the container listens on.
Privacy setting of the container.
Protocol the container uses.
readyLast date when the container was successfully deployed and set to ready.
Region in which the container will be deployed.
Name of the registry image (e.g. "rg.fr-par.scw.cloud/something/image:tag").
Execution environment of the container.
scalingPossible values:
Secret environment variables of the container.
Status of the container.
timeoutProcessing time limit for the container.
updatedLast update date of the container.
CPU limit of the container in mvCPU.