True if the OS allow file systems.
True if the OS allow SSH Keys.
Architecture of the OS.
Display name of the OS.
Hostname max length.
hostnameIf both requires_valid_hostname & hostname_regex are set, it means that at least one of the criterias must be valid.
ID of the OS.
License offers available with the OS.
maxMaximum number of partitions which can be created.
Name of the OS.
panelRegex used to validate the panel installation password.
Regex used to validate the installation passwords.
releasedOS release date.
True if the OS requires admin password.
True if the OS requires license.
True if the OS requires panel password.
True if the OS requires user.
requiresIf both requires_valid_hostname & hostname_regex are set, it means that at least one of the criterias must be valid.
Type of the OS.
Version of the OS.
True if the OS allow custom partitioning.