interface Domain {
    administrativeContact?: Contact;
    autoRenewStatus: DomainFeatureStatus;
    dnssec?: DomainDNSSEC;
    dnsZones: DNSZone[];
    domain: string;
    eppCode: string[];
    expiredAt?: Date;
    externalDomainRegistrationStatus?: DomainRegistrationStatusExternalDomain;
    isExternal: boolean;
    linkedProducts: LinkedProduct[];
    organizationId: string;
    ownerContact?: Contact;
    pendingTrade: boolean;
    projectId: string;
    registrar: string;
    status: Domain.v2beta1.DomainStatus;
    technicalContact?: Contact;
    tld?: Tld;
    transferRegistrationStatus?: DomainRegistrationStatusTransfer;
    updatedAt?: Date;


administrativeContact?: Contact

Contact information of the domain's administrative contact.

autoRenewStatus: DomainFeatureStatus

Status of the automatic renewal of the domain.

dnssec?: DomainDNSSEC

Status of the DNSSEC configuration of the domain.

dnsZones: DNSZone[]

List of the domain's DNS zones.

domain: string
eppCode: string[]

List of the domain's EPP codes.

expiredAt?: Date

Date of expiration of the domain.

externalDomainRegistrationStatus?: DomainRegistrationStatusExternalDomain

Registration status of an external domain, if available.

One-of ('registrationStatus'): at most one of 'externalDomainRegistrationStatus', 'transferRegistrationStatus' could be set.

isExternal: boolean

Indicates whether Scaleway is the domain's registrar.

linkedProducts: LinkedProduct[]

List of Scaleway resources linked to the domain.

organizationId: string
ownerContact?: Contact

Contact information of the domain's owner.

pendingTrade: boolean

Indicates if a trade is ongoing.

projectId: string
registrar: string

Status of the domain.

technicalContact?: Contact

Contact information of the domain's technical contact.

tld?: Tld

Domain's TLD information.

transferRegistrationStatus?: DomainRegistrationStatusTransfer

Status of a domain, when available for transfer.

One-of ('registrationStatus'): at most one of 'externalDomainRegistrationStatus', 'transferRegistrationStatus' could be set.

updatedAt?: Date

Domain's last modification date.