currentTotal amount of data egressed from the cache in gigabytes from the beginning of the month, for the active subscription plan.
Total number of requests processed by the WAF since the beginning of the current month, for the active subscription plan.
extraCost to date (this month) of the data egressed from the cache that is not included in the subscription plans.
Total amount of extra data egressed from cache in gigabytes from the beginning of the month, not included in the subscription plans.
extraCost to date (this month) of pipelines not included in the subscription plans.
extraCost to date (this month) of the extra requests processed by the WAF that were not included in the subscription plans.
Total number of extra requests processed by the WAF from the beginning of the month, not included in the subscription plans.
Total number of pipelines currently configured.
planCost to date (this month) for Edge Service subscription plans. This comprises the pro-rata cost of the current subscription plan, and any previous subscription plans that were active earlier in the month.
Detailed costs and usage for all Edge Services subscription plans that were activated during the month.
totalTotal cost to date (this month) of all Edge Services resources including active subscription plan, previously active plans, extra pipelines and extra egress cache data.
wafCost of activating WAF add-on (where subscription plan does not include WAF).
Information on the currently-selected, active Edge Services subscription plan.