interface PurgeRequest {
    all?: boolean;
    assets?: string[];
    createdAt?: Date;
    id: string;
    pipelineId: string;
    status: EdgeServices.v1beta1.PurgeRequestStatus;
    updatedAt?: Date;


all?: boolean

Defines whether to purge all content.

One-of ('target'): at most one of 'assets', 'all' could be set.

assets?: string[]

List of asserts to purge.

One-of ('target'): at most one of 'assets', 'all' could be set.

createdAt?: Date

Date the purge request was created.

id: string

ID of the purge request.

pipelineId: string

Pipeline ID the purge request belongs to.

Status of the purge request.

updatedAt?: Date

Date the purge request was last updated.