interface Deployment {
    createdAt?: Date;
    endpoints: Inference.v1beta1.Endpoint[];
    errorMessage?: string;
    id: string;
    maxSize: number;
    minSize: number;
    modelId: string;
    modelName: string;
    name: string;
    nodeType: string;
    projectId: string;
    region: Region;
    size: number;
    status: Inference.v1beta1.DeploymentStatus;
    tags: string[];
    updatedAt?: Date;


createdAt?: Date

Creation date of the deployment.

List of endpoints.

errorMessage?: string

Displays information if your deployment is in error state.

id: string

Unique identifier.

maxSize: number

Defines the maximum size of the pool.

minSize: number

Defines the minimum size of the pool.

modelId: string

ID of the model used for the deployment.

modelName: string

The inference model used for the deployment.

name: string

Name of the deployment.

nodeType: string

Node type of the deployment.

projectId: string

Project ID.

region: Region

Region of the deployment.

size: number

Current size of the pool.

Status of the deployment.

tags: string[]

List of tags applied to the deployment.

updatedAt?: Date

Last modification date of the deployment.