interface Cluster {
    aclAvailable?: boolean;
    admissionPlugins: string[];
    apiserverCertSans: string[];
    autoscalerConfig?: ClusterAutoscalerConfig;
    autoUpgrade?: ClusterAutoUpgrade;
    clusterUrl: string;
    cni: CNI;
    commitmentEndsAt?: Date;
    createdAt?: Date;
    description: string;
    dnsWildcard: string;
    featureGates: string[];
    id: string;
    name: string;
    openIdConnectConfig?: ClusterOpenIDConnectConfig;
    organizationId: string;
    privateNetworkId?: string;
    projectId: string;
    region: Region;
    sbsCsiEnabled?: boolean;
    status: K8s.v1.ClusterStatus;
    tags: string[];
    type: string;
    updatedAt?: Date;
    upgradeAvailable: boolean;
    version: string;


aclAvailable?: boolean

Defines whether ACL is available on the cluster.

admissionPlugins: string[]

List of enabled admission plugins.

apiserverCertSans: string[]

Additional Subject Alternative Names for the Kubernetes API server certificate.

autoscalerConfig?: ClusterAutoscalerConfig

Autoscaler config for the cluster.

autoUpgrade?: ClusterAutoUpgrade

Auto upgrade Kubernetes version of the cluster.

clusterUrl: string

Kubernetes API server URL of the cluster.

cni: CNI

Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin running in the cluster.

commitmentEndsAt?: Date

Date on which it will be possible to switch to a smaller offer.

createdAt?: Date

Date on which the cluster was created.

description: string

Cluster description.

dnsWildcard: string

Wildcard DNS resolving all the ready cluster nodes.

featureGates: string[]

List of enabled feature gates.

id: string

Cluster ID.

name: string

Cluster name.

openIdConnectConfig?: ClusterOpenIDConnectConfig

This configuration enables to update the OpenID Connect configuration of the Kubernetes API server.

organizationId: string

ID of the Organization owning the cluster.

privateNetworkId?: string

Private network ID for internal cluster communication.

projectId: string

ID of the Project owning the cluster.

region: Region

Region in which the cluster is deployed.

sbsCsiEnabled?: boolean

Defines whether the SBS-enabled CSI starting from v0.3 is installed on the cluster.

Status of the cluster.

tags: string[]

Tags associated with the cluster.

type: string

Cluster type.

updatedAt?: Date

Date on which the cluster was last updated.

upgradeAvailable: boolean

Defines whether a new Kubernetes version is available.

version: string

Kubernetes version of the cluster.