interface Setting {
    defaultValue: string;
    description: string;
    floatMax?: number;
    floatMin?: number;
    hotConfigurable: boolean;
    intMax?: number;
    intMin?: number;
    name: string;
    propertyType: SettingPropertyType;
    stringConstraint?: string;
    unit?: string;


defaultValue: string

Value set when not specified.

description: string

Setting description.

floatMax?: number

Maximum value for float types.

floatMin?: number

Minimum value for float types.

hotConfigurable: boolean

Setting can be applied without restarting.

intMax?: number

Maximum value for int types.

intMin?: number

Minimum value for int types.

name: string

Setting name from the database engine.

propertyType: SettingPropertyType

Setting type.

stringConstraint?: string

Validation regex for string type settings.

unit?: string

Setting base unit.