interface Platform {
    availability: PlatformAvailability;
    backendName: string;
    hardware?: PlatformHardware;
    id: string;
    maxQubitCount: number;
    metadata: string;
    name: string;
    pricePerHour?: Money;
    providerName: string;
    technology: PlatformTechnology;
    type: PlatformType;
    version: string;


availability: PlatformAvailability

Availability of the platform.

backendName: string

Name of the running backend over the platform (ascella, qsim, aer...).

hardware?: PlatformHardware

Specifications of the underlying hardware.

id: string

Unique ID of the platform.

maxQubitCount: number

Estimated maximum number of qubits supported by the platform.

metadata: string

Metadata provided by the platform.

name: string

Name of the platform.

pricePerHour?: Money

Price to be payed per hour (excluding free tiers).

providerName: string

Provider name of the platform.

technology: PlatformTechnology

Technology used by the platform.

Type of the platform.

version: string

Verison of the platform.