deletionReturns the time at which deletion was requested.
descriptionUpdated description of the secret.
ephemeral(Optional.) Policy that defines whether/when a secret's versions expire. By default, the policy is applied to all the secret's versions.
ID of the secret.
Returns true
for secrets that are managed by another product.
Name of the secret.
Location of the secret in the directory structure.
ID of the Project containing the secret.
Returns true
for protected secrets that cannot be deleted.
Region of the secret.
: the secret can be read, modified and deleted. locked
: no action
can be performed on the secret. This status can only be applied and
removed by Scaleway.List of the secret's tags.
See the Secret.Type
enum for a description of values.
updatedLast update of the secret.
List of Scaleway resources that can access and manage the secret.
Number of versions for this secret.
Date and time of the secret's creation.