interface Secret {
    createdAt?: Date;
    deletionRequestedAt?: Date;
    description?: string;
    ephemeralPolicy?: Secret.v1beta1.EphemeralPolicy;
    id: string;
    managed: boolean;
    name: string;
    path: string;
    projectId: string;
    protected: boolean;
    region: Region;
    status: Secret.v1beta1.SecretStatus;
    tags: string[];
    type: Secret.v1beta1.SecretType;
    updatedAt?: Date;
    usedBy: Secret.v1beta1.Product[];
    versionCount: number;


createdAt?: Date

Date and time of the secret's creation.

deletionRequestedAt?: Date

Returns the time at which deletion was requested.

description?: string

Updated description of the secret.

ephemeralPolicy?: Secret.v1beta1.EphemeralPolicy

(Optional.) Policy that defines whether/when a secret's versions expire. By default, the policy is applied to all the secret's versions.

id: string

ID of the secret.

managed: boolean

Returns true for secrets that are managed by another product.

name: string

Name of the secret.

path: string

Location of the secret in the directory structure.

projectId: string

ID of the Project containing the secret.

protected: boolean

Returns true for protected secrets that cannot be deleted.

region: Region

Region of the secret.

  • ready: the secret can be read, modified and deleted. locked: no action can be performed on the secret. This status can only be applied and removed by Scaleway.
tags: string[]

List of the secret's tags.

See the Secret.Type enum for a description of values.

updatedAt?: Date

Last update of the secret.

List of Scaleway resources that can access and manage the secret.

versionCount: number

Number of versions for this secret.