interface SecretVersion {
    createdAt?: Date;
    deletedAt?: Date;
    deletionRequestedAt?: Date;
    description?: string;
    ephemeralProperties?: Secret.v1beta1.EphemeralProperties;
    latest: boolean;
    revision: number;
    secretId: string;
    status: Secret.v1beta1.SecretVersionStatus;
    updatedAt?: Date;


createdAt?: Date

Date and time of the version's creation.

deletedAt?: Date

Date and time of the version's deletion.

deletionRequestedAt?: Date

Returns the time at which deletion was requested.

description?: string

Description of the version.

ephemeralProperties?: Secret.v1beta1.EphemeralProperties

Returns the version's expiration date, whether it expires after being accessed once, and the action to perform (disable or delete) once the version expires.

latest: boolean

Returns true if the version is the latest.

revision: number

The first version of the secret is numbered 1, and all subsequent revisions augment by 1.

secretId: string

ID of the secret.

  • unknown_status: the version is in an invalid state. enabled: the version is accessible. disabled: the version is not accessible but can be enabled. scheduled_for_deletion: the version is scheduled for deletion. It will be deleted in 7 days. deleted: the version is permanently deleted. It is not possible to recover it.
updatedAt?: Date

Last update of the version.