interface Statistics {
    canceledCount: number;
    failedCount: number;
    newCount: number;
    sendingCount: number;
    sentCount: number;
    totalCount: number;


canceledCount: number

Number of emails in the final canceled state. This means emails that have been canceled upon request.

failedCount: number

Number of emails in the final failed state. This means emails that have been refused by the target mail system with a final error status.

newCount: number

Number of emails still in the new transient state. This means emails received from the API but not yet processed.

sendingCount: number

Number of emails still in the sending transient state. This means emails received from the API but not yet in their final status.

sentCount: number

Number of emails in the final sent state. This means emails that have been delivered to the target mail system.

totalCount: number

Total number of emails matching the requested criteria.