interface GatewayNetwork {
    address?: string;
    createdAt?: Date;
    dhcp?: DHCP;
    enableDhcp: boolean;
    enableMasquerade: boolean;
    gatewayId: string;
    id: string;
    ipamConfig?: IpamConfig;
    macAddress?: string;
    privateNetworkId: string;
    status: VPCGW.v1.GatewayNetworkStatus;
    updatedAt?: Date;
    zone: Zone;


address?: string

Address of the Gateway (in CIDR form) to use when DHCP is not used.

createdAt?: Date

Connection creation date.

dhcp?: DHCP

DHCP configuration for the connected Private Network.

enableDhcp: boolean

Defines whether DHCP is enabled on the connected Private Network.

enableMasquerade: boolean

Defines whether the gateway masquerades traffic for this Private Network (Dynamic NAT).

gatewayId: string

ID of the connected Public Gateway.

id: string

ID of the Public Gateway-Private Network connection.

ipamConfig?: IpamConfig

IPAM IP configuration used.

macAddress?: string

MAC address of the gateway in the Private Network (if the gateway is up and running).

privateNetworkId: string

ID of the connected Private Network.

Current status of the Public Gateway's connection to the Private Network.

updatedAt?: Date

Connection last modification date.

zone: Zone

Zone of the GatewayNetwork connection.