CreateServerRequest: {
    commitmentType?: CommitmentType;
    enableVpc: boolean;
    name?: string;
    osId?: string;
    projectId?: string;
    type: string;
    zone?: Zone;

Type declaration

  • OptionalcommitmentType?: CommitmentType

    Activate commitment for this server. If not specified, there is a 24h commitment due to Apple licensing. It can be updated with the Update Server request. Available commitment depends on server type.

  • enableVpc: boolean

    Activate the Private Network feature for this server. This feature is configured through the Apple Silicon - Private Networks API.

  • Optionalname?: string

    Create a server with this given name.

  • OptionalosId?: string

    Create a server & install the given os_id, when no os_id provided the default OS for this server type is chosen. Requesting a non-default OS will induce an extended delivery time.

  • OptionalprojectId?: string

    Create a server in the given project ID.

  • type: string

    Create a server of the given type.

  • Optionalzone?: Zone

    Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.