AddRouteRulesRequest: {
    afterPosition?: number;
    beforePosition?: number;
    routeRules?: SetRouteRulesRequestRouteRule[];
    routeStageId: string;

Type declaration

  • OptionalafterPosition?: number

    Add rules after the given position.

    One-of ('position'): at most one of 'afterPosition', 'beforePosition' could be set.

  • OptionalbeforePosition?: number

    Add rules before the given position.

    One-of ('position'): at most one of 'afterPosition', 'beforePosition' could be set.

  • OptionalrouteRules?: SetRouteRulesRequestRouteRule[]

    List of rules to be checked against every HTTP request. The first matching rule will forward the request to its specified backend stage. If no rules are matched, the request is forwarded to the WAF stage defined by waf_stage_id.

  • routeStageId: string

    ID of the route stage to update.