ApplyBlockMigrationRequest: {
    snapshotId?: string;
    validationKey: string;
    volumeId?: string;
    zone?: Zone;

Type declaration

  • OptionalsnapshotId?: string

    The snapshot to migrate, along with potentially other resources, according to the migration plan generated with a call to the Get a volume or snapshot's migration plan endpoint.

    One-of ('resource'): at most one of 'volumeId', 'snapshotId' could be set.

  • validationKey: string

    A value to be retrieved from a call to the Get a volume or snapshot's migration plan endpoint, to confirm that the volume and/or snapshots specified in said plan should be migrated.

  • OptionalvolumeId?: string

    The volume to migrate, along with potentially other resources, according to the migration plan generated with a call to the Get a volume or snapshot's migration plan endpoint.

    One-of ('resource'): at most one of 'volumeId', 'snapshotId' could be set.

  • Optionalzone?: Zone

    Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.