CreateLinkRequest: {
    bandwidthMbps: number;
    dedicated?: boolean;
    name: string;
    partnerId?: string;
    popId: string;
    portId?: string;
    projectId?: string;
    region?: Region;
    tags?: string[];

Type declaration

  • bandwidthMbps: number

    Desired bandwidth for the link. Must be compatible with available link bandwidths and remaining bandwidth capacity of the port.

  • Optionaldedicated?: boolean

    If true, a dedicated link (1 link per port, dedicated to one customer) will be crated. It is not necessary to specify a port_id or partner_id. A new port will created and assigned to the link. Note that Scaleway has not yet enabled the creation of dedicated links, this field is reserved for future use.

    One-of ('linkKind'): at most one of 'dedicated', 'portId', 'partnerId' could be set.

  • name: string

    Name of the link.

  • OptionalpartnerId?: string

    If set, a hosted link (N links per port on a partner port) will be created. Specify the ID of the chosen partner, who already has a shareable port with available bandwidth. Note that this is currently the only type of link offered by Scaleway, and therefore this field must be set when creating a link.

    One-of ('linkKind'): at most one of 'dedicated', 'portId', 'partnerId' could be set.

  • popId: string

    PoP (location) where the link will be created.

  • OptionalportId?: string

    If set, a shared link (N links per port, one of which is this customer's port) will be created. As the customer, specify the ID of the port you already have for this link. Note that shared links are not currently available. Note that Scaleway has not yet enabled the creation of shared links, this field is reserved for future use.

    One-of ('linkKind'): at most one of 'dedicated', 'portId', 'partnerId' could be set.

  • OptionalprojectId?: string

    ID of the Project to create the link in.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • Optionaltags?: string[]

    List of tags to apply to the link.