ListPopsRequest: {
    hostingProviderName?: string;
    linkBandwidthMbps?: number;
    name?: string;
    orderBy?: ListPopsRequestOrderBy;
    page?: number;
    pageSize?: number;
    partnerId?: string;
    region?: Region;

Type declaration

  • OptionalhostingProviderName?: string

    Hosting provider name to filter for.

  • OptionallinkBandwidthMbps?: number

    Filter for PoPs with a shared port allowing this bandwidth size. Note that we cannot guarantee that PoPs returned will have available capacity.

  • Optionalname?: string

    PoP name to filter for.

  • OptionalorderBy?: ListPopsRequestOrderBy

    Order in which to return results.

  • Optionalpage?: number

    Page number to return.

  • OptionalpageSize?: number

    Maximum number of PoPs to return per page.

  • OptionalpartnerId?: string

    Filter for PoPs hosting an available shared port from this partner.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.