CreateClusterRequest: {
    admissionPlugins?: string[];
    apiserverCertSans?: string[];
    autoscalerConfig?: K8s.v1.CreateClusterRequestAutoscalerConfig;
    autoUpgrade?: CreateClusterRequestAutoUpgrade;
    cni: CNI;
    description: string;
    featureGates?: string[];
    name?: string;
    openIdConnectConfig?: K8s.v1.CreateClusterRequestOpenIDConnectConfig;
    organizationId?: string;
    pools?: K8s.v1.CreateClusterRequestPoolConfig[];
    privateNetworkId?: string;
    projectId?: string;
    region?: Region;
    tags?: string[];
    type: string;
    version: string;

Type declaration

  • OptionaladmissionPlugins?: string[]

    List of admission plugins to enable.

  • OptionalapiserverCertSans?: string[]

    Additional Subject Alternative Names for the Kubernetes API server certificate.

  • OptionalautoscalerConfig?: K8s.v1.CreateClusterRequestAutoscalerConfig

    Autoscaler configuration for the cluster. It allows you to set (to an extent) your preferred autoscaler configuration, which is an implementation of the cluster-autoscaler (

  • OptionalautoUpgrade?: CreateClusterRequestAutoUpgrade

    Auto upgrade configuration of the cluster. This configuration enables to set a specific 2-hour time window in which the cluster can be automatically updated to the latest patch version.

  • cni: CNI

    Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin running in the cluster.

  • description: string

    Cluster description.

  • OptionalfeatureGates?: string[]

    List of feature gates to enable.

  • Optionalname?: string

    Cluster name.

  • OptionalopenIdConnectConfig?: K8s.v1.CreateClusterRequestOpenIDConnectConfig

    OpenID Connect configuration of the cluster. This configuration enables to update the OpenID Connect configuration of the Kubernetes API server.

  • OptionalorganizationId?: string

    Organization ID in which the cluster will be created.

    One-of ('projectIdentifier'): at most one of 'projectId', 'organizationId' could be set.

  • Optionalpools?: K8s.v1.CreateClusterRequestPoolConfig[]

    Pools created along with the cluster.

  • OptionalprivateNetworkId?: string

    Private network ID for internal cluster communication (cannot be changed later).

  • OptionalprojectId?: string

    Project ID in which the cluster will be created.

    One-of ('projectIdentifier'): at most one of 'projectId', 'organizationId' could be set.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • Optionaltags?: string[]

    Tags associated with the cluster.

  • type: string

    Type of the cluster. See list available cluster types for a list of valid types.

  • version: string

    Kubernetes version of the cluster.