CreateIpRequest: {
    isIpv6: boolean;
    organizationId?: string;
    projectId?: string;
    region?: Region;
    reverse?: string;
    tags?: string[];

Type declaration

  • isIpv6: boolean

    If true, creates a Flexible IP with an ipv6 address.

  • OptionalorganizationId?: string

    Organization ID of the Organization where the IP address should be created.

    One-of ('projectIdentifier'): at most one of 'projectId', 'organizationId' could be set.

  • OptionalprojectId?: string

    Project ID of the Project where the IP address should be created.

    One-of ('projectIdentifier'): at most one of 'projectId', 'organizationId' could be set.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • Optionalreverse?: string

    Reverse DNS (domain name) for the IP address.

  • Optionaltags?: string[]

    List of tags for the IP.