UpdateFrontendRequest: {
    backendId: string;
    certificateId?: string;
    certificateIds?: string[];
    connectionRateLimit?: number;
    enableHttp3: boolean;
    frontendId: string;
    inboundPort: number;
    name: string;
    region?: Region;
    timeoutClient?: string;

Type declaration

  • backendId: string

    Backend ID (ID of the backend the frontend should pass traffic to).

  • OptionalcertificateId?: string

    Certificate ID, deprecated in favor of certificate_ids array.

  • OptionalcertificateIds?: string[]

    List of SSL/TLS certificate IDs to bind to the frontend.

  • OptionalconnectionRateLimit?: number

    Rate limit for new connections established on this frontend. Use 0 value to disable, else value is connections per second.

  • enableHttp3: boolean

    Defines whether to enable HTTP/3 protocol on the frontend.

  • frontendId: string

    Frontend ID.

  • inboundPort: number

    Port the frontend should listen on.

  • name: string

    Frontend name.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • OptionaltimeoutClient?: string

    Maximum allowed inactivity time on the client side.