UpdateHealthCheckRequest: {
    backendId: string;
    checkDelay?: string;
    checkMaxRetries: number;
    checkSendProxy: boolean;
    checkTimeout?: string;
    httpConfig?: HealthCheckHttpConfig;
    httpsConfig?: HealthCheckHttpsConfig;
    ldapConfig?: HealthCheckLdapConfig;
    mysqlConfig?: HealthCheckMysqlConfig;
    pgsqlConfig?: HealthCheckPgsqlConfig;
    port: number;
    redisConfig?: HealthCheckRedisConfig;
    region?: Region;
    tcpConfig?: HealthCheckTcpConfig;
    transientCheckDelay?: string;

Type declaration

  • backendId: string

    Backend ID.

  • OptionalcheckDelay?: string

    Time to wait between two consecutive health checks.

  • checkMaxRetries: number

    Number of consecutive unsuccessful health checks after which the server will be considered dead.

  • checkSendProxy: boolean

    Defines whether proxy protocol should be activated for the health check.

  • OptionalcheckTimeout?: string

    Maximum time a backend server has to reply to the health check.

  • OptionalhttpConfig?: HealthCheckHttpConfig

    Object to configure an HTTP health check.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalhttpsConfig?: HealthCheckHttpsConfig

    Object to configure an HTTPS health check.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalldapConfig?: HealthCheckLdapConfig

    Object to configure an LDAP health check. The response is analyzed to find the LDAPv3 response message.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalmysqlConfig?: HealthCheckMysqlConfig

    Object to configure a MySQL health check. The check requires MySQL >=3.22 or <9.0. For older or newer versions, use a TCP health check.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalpgsqlConfig?: HealthCheckPgsqlConfig

    Object to configure a PostgreSQL health check.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • port: number

    Port to use for the backend server health check.

  • OptionalredisConfig?: HealthCheckRedisConfig

    Object to configure a Redis health check. The response is analyzed to find the +PONG response message.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • OptionaltcpConfig?: HealthCheckTcpConfig

    Object to configure a basic TCP health check.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'tcpConfig', 'mysqlConfig', 'pgsqlConfig', 'ldapConfig', 'redisConfig', 'httpConfig', 'httpsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionaltransientCheckDelay?: string

    Time to wait between two consecutive health checks when a backend server is in a transient state (going UP or DOWN).