CreateInstanceRequest: {
    backupSameRegion: boolean;
    disableBackup: boolean;
    encryption?: EncryptionAtRest;
    engine: string;
    initEndpoints?: RDB.v1.EndpointSpec[];
    initSettings?: RDB.v1.InstanceSetting[];
    isHaCluster: boolean;
    name?: string;
    nodeType: string;
    organizationId?: string;
    password: string;
    projectId?: string;
    region?: Region;
    tags?: string[];
    userName: string;
    volumeSize: number;
    volumeType?: RDB.v1.VolumeType;

Type declaration

  • backupSameRegion: boolean

    Defines whether to or not to store logical backups in the same region as the Database Instance.

  • disableBackup: boolean

    Defines whether or not backups are disabled.

  • Optionalencryption?: EncryptionAtRest

    Encryption at rest settings for your Database Instance.

  • engine: string

    Database engine of the Database Instance (PostgreSQL, MySQL, ...).

  • OptionalinitEndpoints?: RDB.v1.EndpointSpec[]

    One or multiple EndpointSpec used to expose your Database Instance. A load_balancer public endpoint is systematically created.

  • OptionalinitSettings?: RDB.v1.InstanceSetting[]

    List of engine settings to be set upon Database Instance initialization.

  • isHaCluster: boolean

    Defines whether or not High-Availability is enabled.

  • Optionalname?: string

    Name of the Database Instance.

  • nodeType: string

    Type of node to use for the Database Instance.

  • OptionalorganizationId?: string

    Please use project_id instead.

    One-of ('projectIdentifier'): at most one of 'projectId', 'organizationId' could be set.

  • password: string

    Password of the user. Password must be between 8 and 128 characters, contain at least one digit, one uppercase, one lowercase and one special character.

  • OptionalprojectId?: string

    The Project ID on which the Database Instance will be created.

    One-of ('projectIdentifier'): at most one of 'projectId', 'organizationId' could be set.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • Optionaltags?: string[]

    Tags to apply to the Database Instance.

  • userName: string

    Username created when the Database Instance is created.

  • volumeSize: number

    Volume size when volume_type is not lssd.

  • OptionalvolumeType?: RDB.v1.VolumeType

    Type of volume where data is stored (lssd, bssd, ...).