UpdateGatewayNetworkRequest: {
    address?: string;
    dhcpId?: string;
    enableDhcp?: boolean;
    enableMasquerade?: boolean;
    gatewayNetworkId: string;
    ipamConfig?: UpdateGatewayNetworkRequestIpamConfig;
    zone?: Zone;

Type declaration

  • Optionaladdress?: string

    New static IP address.

    One-of ('ipConfig'): at most one of 'dhcpId', 'address', 'ipamConfig' could be set.

  • OptionaldhcpId?: string

    ID of the new DHCP configuration object to use with this GatewayNetwork.

    One-of ('ipConfig'): at most one of 'dhcpId', 'address', 'ipamConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalenableDhcp?: boolean

    Defaults to true if dhcp_id is present. If set to true, dhcp_id must be present. Note: this setting is ignored when passing ipam_config.

  • OptionalenableMasquerade?: boolean

    Note: this setting is ignored when passing ipam_config.

  • gatewayNetworkId: string

    ID of the GatewayNetwork to update.

  • OptionalipamConfig?: UpdateGatewayNetworkRequestIpamConfig

    Note: all or none of the GatewayNetworks for a single gateway can use the IPAM. DHCP and IPAM configurations cannot be mixed. Some products may require that the Public Gateway uses the IPAM, to ensure correct functionality.

    One-of ('ipConfig'): at most one of 'dhcpId', 'address', 'ipamConfig' could be set.

  • Optionalzone?: Zone

    Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.