UpdateGatewayRequest: {
    bastionPort?: number;
    enableBastion?: boolean;
    enableSmtp?: boolean;
    gatewayId: string;
    name?: string;
    tags?: string[];
    zone?: Zone;

Type declaration

  • OptionalbastionPort?: number

    Port of the SSH bastion.

  • OptionalenableBastion?: boolean

    Defines whether SSH bastion should be enabled the gateway.

  • OptionalenableSmtp?: boolean

    Defines whether SMTP traffic should be allowed to pass through the gateway.

  • gatewayId: string

    ID of the gateway to update.

  • Optionalname?: string

    Name for the gateway.

  • Optionaltags?: string[]

    Tags for the gateway.

  • Optionalzone?: Zone

    Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config.