DatabaseApiCreateDatabaseRequest: {
    databaseName: string;
    existingUsername?: string;
    hostingId: string;
    newUser?: CreateDatabaseRequestUser;
    region?: Region;

Type declaration

  • databaseName: string

    Name of the database to be created.

  • OptionalexistingUsername?: string

    (Optional) Username to link an existing user to the database.

    One-of ('user'): at most one of 'newUser', 'existingUsername' could be set.

  • hostingId: string

    UUID of the hosting plan where the database will be created.

  • OptionalnewUser?: CreateDatabaseRequestUser

    (Optional) Username and password to create a user and link to the database.

    One-of ('user'): at most one of 'newUser', 'existingUsername' could be set.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.