Create a server. Create a new server in the targeted zone, specifying its configuration including name and type.
The request CreateServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Delete a server. Delete an existing Apple silicon server, specified by its server ID. Deleting a server is permanent, and cannot be undone. Note that the minimum allocation period for Apple silicon-as-a-service is 24 hours, meaning you cannot delete your server prior to that.
The request DeleteServerRequest
Get an Operating System (OS). Get an Operating System (OS). The response will include the OS's unique ID as well as its name and label.
The request GetOSRequest
A Promise of OS
Get a server. Retrieve information about an existing Apple silicon server, specified by its server ID. Its full details, including name, status and IP address, are returned in the response object.
The request GetServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Get a server type. Get technical details (CPU, disk size etc.) of a server type.
The request GetServerTypeRequest
A Promise of ServerType
List all Operating Systems (OS). List all Operating Systems (OS). The response will include the total number of OS as well as their associated IDs, names and labels.
The request ListOSRequest
A Promise of ListOSResponse
List all servers. List all servers in the specified zone. By default,
returned servers in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending
order, though this can be modified via the order_by
The request ListServersRequest
A Promise of ListServersResponse
List server types. List all technical details about Apple silicon server
types available in the specified zone. Since there is only one Availability
Zone for Apple silicon servers, the targeted value is fr-par-3
The request ListServerTypesRequest
A Promise of ListServerTypesResponse
Reboot a server. Reboot an existing Apple silicon server, specified by its server ID.
The request RebootServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Reinstall a server. Reinstall an existing Apple silicon server (specified by its server ID) from a new image (OS). All the data on the disk is deleted and all configuration is reset to the defailt configuration values of the image (OS).
The request ReinstallServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Update a server. Update the parameters of an existing Apple silicon server, specified by its server ID.
The request UpdateServerRequest
A Promise of Server
Waits for Server to be in a final state.
The request GetServerRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<AppleSilicon.v1alpha1.Server>>The waiting options
A Promise of Server
Apple silicon API.
This API allows you to manage your Apple silicon machines.