Purchase domains. Request the registration of domain names. You can provide a domain's already existing contact or a new contact.
The request RegistrarApiBuyDomainsRequest
A Promise of OrderResponse
Check if contacts are compatible with a domain or a TLD. Check whether contacts are compatible with a domain or a TLD. If contacts are not compatible with either the domain or the TLD, the information that needs to be corrected is returned.
The request RegistrarApiCheckContactsCompatibilityRequest
A Promise of CheckContactsCompatibilityResponse
Create a hostname for a domain. Create a hostname for a domain with glue IPs.
The request RegistrarApiCreateDomainHostRequest
A Promise of Host
Delete a domain's hostname.
The request RegistrarApiDeleteDomainHostRequest
A Promise of Host
Delete an external domain. Delete an external domain name.
The request RegistrarApiDeleteExternalDomainRequest
A Promise of DeleteExternalDomainResponse
Disable auto renew. Disable the auto renew
feature for a domain. This
means the domain will not be renewed before its expiry date.
The request RegistrarApiDisableDomainAutoRenewRequest
A Promise of Domain
Disable a domain's DNSSEC. Disable DNSSEC for a domain.
The request RegistrarApiDisableDomainDNSSECRequest
A Promise of Domain
Enable auto renew. Enable the auto renew
feature for a domain. This means
the domain will be automatically renewed before its expiry date.
The request RegistrarApiEnableDomainAutoRenewRequest
A Promise of Domain
Update domain DNSSEC. If your domain uses another registrar and has the default Scaleway NS, you have to update the DS record at your registrar.
The request RegistrarApiEnableDomainDNSSECRequest
A Promise of Domain
Get a contact. Retrieve a contact's details from the registrar using the given contact's ID.
The request RegistrarApiGetContactRequest
A Promise of Contact
Get domain. Retrieve a specific domain and display the domain's information.
The request RegistrarApiGetDomainRequest
A Promise of Domain
Get a domain's authorization code. Retrieve the authorization code to tranfer an unlocked domain. The output returns an error if the domain is locked. Some TLDs may have a different procedure to retrieve the authorization code. In that case, the information displays in the message field.
The request RegistrarApiGetDomainAuthCodeRequest
A Promise of GetDomainAuthCodeResponse
List contacts. Retrieve the list of contacts and their associated domains and roles. You can filter the list by domain name.
The request RegistrarApiListContactsRequest
A Promise of ListContactsResponse
List a domain's hostnames. List a domain's hostnames using their glue IPs.
The request RegistrarApiListDomainHostsRequest
A Promise of ListDomainHostsResponse
List domains. Retrieve the list of domains you own.
The request RegistrarApiListDomainsRequest
A Promise of ListDomainsResponse
List domains that can be renewed. Retrieve the list of domains you own that can be renewed. You can also see the maximum renewal duration in years for your domains that are renewable.
The request RegistrarApiListRenewableDomainsRequest
A Promise of ListRenewableDomainsResponse
List tasks. List all operations performed on the account. You can filter the list of tasks by domain name.
The request RegistrarApiListTasksRequest
A Promise of ListTasksResponse
List TLD offers. Retrieve the list of TLDs and offers associated with them.
The request RegistrarApiListTldsRequest
A Promise of ListTldsResponse
Lock the transfer of a domain. Lock the transfer of a domain. This means that the domain cannot be transferred and the authorization code cannot be requested to your current registrar.
The request RegistrarApiLockDomainTransferRequest
A Promise of Domain
Register an external domain. Request the registration of an external domain name.
The request RegistrarApiRegisterExternalDomainRequest
A Promise of RegisterExternalDomainResponse
Renew domains. Request the renewal of one or more domain names.
The request RegistrarApiRenewDomainsRequest
A Promise of OrderResponse
Search available domains. Search a domain or a maximum of 10 domains that are available.
If the TLD list is empty or not set, the search returns the results from the most popular TLDs.
The request RegistrarApiSearchAvailableDomainsRequest
A Promise of SearchAvailableDomainsResponse
Trade a domain's contact. Request to change a domain's contact owner.
If you specify the organization_id
of the domain's new owner, the contact
will change from the current owner's Scaleway account to the new owner's
Scaleway account.
If the new owner's current contact information is
not available, the first ever contact they have created for previous
domains is taken into account to operate the change.
If the new owner
has never created a contact to register domains before, an error message
The request RegistrarApiTradeDomainRequest
A Promise of OrderResponse
Transfer a domain. Request the transfer of a domain from another registrar to Scaleway Domains and DNS.
The request RegistrarApiTransferInDomainRequest
A Promise of OrderResponse
Unlock the transfer of a domain. Unlock the transfer of a domain. This means that the domain can be transferred and the authorization code can be requested to your current registrar.
The request RegistrarApiUnlockDomainTransferRequest
A Promise of Domain
Update contact. Edit the contact's information.
The request RegistrarApiUpdateContactRequest
A Promise of Contact
Update a domain's contacts. Update contacts for a specific domain or create
a new contact.
If you add the same contact for multiple roles (owner,
administrative, technical), only one ID will be created and used for all of
the roles.
The request RegistrarApiUpdateDomainRequest
A Promise of Domain
Update a domain's hostname. Update a domain's hostname with glue IPs.
The request RegistrarApiUpdateDomainHostRequest
A Promise of Host
Waits for Domain to be in a final state.
The request RegistrarApiGetDomainRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Domain.v2beta1.Domain>>The waiting options
A Promise of Domain
Domains and DNS - Registrar API.
Manage your domains and contacts.