Cancel a job. Cancel the job corresponding to the provided job ID.
The request CancelJobRequest
A Promise of Job
Cancel a running process. Cancel a process by its unique ID. Intermediate results are still available.
The request CancelProcessRequest
A Promise of Process
Create a job. Create a job to be executed inside a session.
The request CreateJobRequest
A Promise of Job
Create a process. Create a new process for the specified application on a specified platform.
The request CreateProcessRequest
A Promise of Process
Create a session. Create a dedicated session for the specified platform.
The request CreateSessionRequest
A Promise of Session
Delete a job. Delete the job corresponding to the provided job ID.
The request DeleteJobRequest
Delete an existing process. Delete a process by its unique ID and delete all its data.
The request DeleteProcessRequest
Delete an existing session. Delete a session by its unique ID and delete all its attached jobs.
The request DeleteSessionRequest
Get application information. Retrieve information about the provided applcation ID, such as name, type and compatible platforms.
The request GetApplicationRequest
A Promise of Application
Get job information. Retrieve information about the provided job ID, such as status, payload, and result.
The request GetJobRequest
A Promise of Job
Get a job circuit. Retrieve the circuit of the provided job ID.
The request GetJobCircuitRequest
A Promise of JobCircuit
Get platform information. Retrieve information about the provided platform ID, such as provider name, technology, and type.
The request GetPlatformRequest
A Promise of Platform
Get process infrormation. Retrieve information about the provided process ID, such as name, status and progress.
The request GetProcessRequest
A Promise of Process
Get session infrormation. Retrieve information about the provided session ID, such as name, status, and number of executed jobs.
The request GetSessionRequest
A Promise of Session
List all available applications. Retrieve information about all applications.
The request ListApplicationsRequest
A Promise of ListApplicationsResponse
List all results of a job. Retrieve all intermediate and final results of a job.
The request ListJobResultsRequest
A Promise of ListJobResultsResponse
List all jobs within a project or session. Retrieve information about all jobs within a given project or session.
The request ListJobsRequest
A Promise of ListJobsResponse
List all available platforms. Retrieve information about all platforms.
The request ListPlatformsRequest
A Promise of ListPlatformsResponse
List all processes. Retrieve information about all processes.
The request ListProcessesRequest
A Promise of ListProcessesResponse
List all results of a process. Retrieve all intermediate and final result of a process.
The request ListProcessResultsRequest
A Promise of ListProcessResultsResponse
List all sessions. Retrieve information about all sessions.
The request ListSessionsRequest
A Promise of ListSessionsResponse
Terminate an existing session. Terminate a session by its unique ID and cancel all its attached jobs.
The request TerminateSessionRequest
A Promise of Session
Update job information. Update job information about the provided job ID.
The request UpdateJobRequest
A Promise of Job
Update process information. Update process information of the provided process ID.
The request UpdateProcessRequest
A Promise of Process
Update session information. Update session information of the provided session ID.
The request UpdateSessionRequest
A Promise of Session
Waits for Job to be in a final state.
The request GetJobRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Job>>The waiting options
A Promise of Job
Waits for Process to be in a final state.
The request GetProcessRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Process>>The waiting options
A Promise of Process
Waits for Session to be in a final state.
The request GetSessionRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Qaas.v1alpha1.Session>>The waiting options
A Promise of Session
Quantum as a Service API.
This API allows you to manage Scaleway Quantum as a Service.