Create a DHCP configuration. Create a new DHCP configuration object,
containing settings for the assignment of IP addresses to devices on a
Private Network attached to a Public Gateway. The response object includes
the ID of the DHCP configuration object. You can use this ID as part of a
call to Create a Public Gateway connection to a Private Network
Update a Public Gateway connection to a Private Network
to directly apply
this DHCP configuration.
The request CreateDHCPRequest
A Promise of DHCP
Create a DHCP entry. Create a static DHCP reservation, specifying the Gateway Network for the reservation, the MAC address of the target device and the IP address to assign this device. The response is a DHCP entry object, confirming the ID and configuration details of the static DHCP reservation.
The request CreateDHCPEntryRequest
A Promise of DHCPEntry
Create a Public Gateway. Create a new Public Gateway in the specified Scaleway Project, defining its name, type and other configuration details such as whether to enable SSH bastion.
The request CreateGatewayRequest
A Promise of Gateway
Attach a Public Gateway to a Private Network. Attach a specific Public Gateway to a specific Private Network (create a GatewayNetwork). You can configure parameters for the connection including DHCP settings, whether to enable masquerade (dynamic NAT), and more.
The request CreateGatewayNetworkRequest
A Promise of GatewayNetwork
Reserve an IP. Create (reserve) a new flexible IP address that can be used for a Public Gateway in a specified Scaleway Project.
The request CreateIPRequest
A Promise of IP
Create a PAT rule. Create a new PAT rule on a specified Public Gateway, defining the protocol to use, public port to listen on, and private port / IP address to map to.
The request CreatePATRuleRequest
A Promise of PATRule
Delete a DHCP configuration. Delete a DHCP configuration object, identified by its DHCP ID. Note that you cannot delete a DHCP configuration object that is currently being used by a Gateway Network.
The request DeleteDHCPRequest
Delete a DHCP entry. Delete a static DHCP reservation, identified by its
DHCP entry ID. Note that you cannot delete DHCP entries of type lease
these are deleted automatically when their time-to-live expires.
The request DeleteDHCPEntryRequest
Delete a Public Gateway. Delete an existing Public Gateway, specified by its gateway ID. This action is irreversible.
The request DeleteGatewayRequest
Detach a Public Gateway from a Private Network. Detach a given Public Gateway from a given Private Network, i.e. delete a GatewayNetwork specified by a gateway_network_id.
The request DeleteGatewayNetworkRequest
Delete an IP. Delete a flexible IP address from your account. This action is irreversible.
The request DeleteIPRequest
Delete a PAT rule. Delete a PAT rule, identified by its PAT rule ID. This action is irreversible.
The request DeletePATRuleRequest
Upgrade a Public Gateway to IP mobility. Upgrade a Public Gateway to IP mobility (move from NAT IP to routed IP). This is idempotent: repeated calls after the first will return no error but have no effect.
The request EnableIPMobilityRequest
Get a DHCP configuration. Get a DHCP configuration object, identified by
its DHCP ID. The response object contains configuration settings for the
assignment of IP addresses to devices on a Private Network attached to a
Public Gateway. Note that the response does not contain the IDs of any
Private Network / Public Gateway the configuration is attached to. Use the
List Public Gateway connections to Private Networks
method for that
purpose, filtering on DHCP ID.
The request GetDHCPRequest
A Promise of DHCP
Get a DHCP entry. Get a DHCP entry, specified by its DHCP entry ID.
The request GetDHCPEntryRequest
A Promise of DHCPEntry
Get a Public Gateway. Get details of a Public Gateway, specified by its gateway ID. The response object contains full details of the gateway, including its name, type, status and more.
The request GetGatewayRequest
A Promise of Gateway
Get a Public Gateway connection to a Private Network. Get details of a
given connection between a Public Gateway and a Private Network (this
connection = a GatewayNetwork), specified by its gateway_network_id
. The
response object contains details of the connection including the IDs of the
Public Gateway and Private Network, the dates the connection was
created/updated and its configuration settings.
The request GetGatewayNetworkRequest
A Promise of GatewayNetwork
Get an IP. Get details of a Public Gateway flexible IP address, identified by its IP ID. The response object contains information including which (if any) Public Gateway using this IP address, the reverse and various other metadata.
The request GetIPRequest
A Promise of IP
Get a PAT rule. Get a PAT rule, specified by its PAT rule ID. The response object gives full details of the PAT rule, including the Public Gateway it belongs to and the configuration settings in terms of public / private ports, private IP and protocol.
The request GetPATRuleRequest
A Promise of PATRule
List DHCP entries. List DHCP entries, whether dynamically assigned and/or statically reserved. DHCP entries can be filtered by the Gateway Network they are on, their MAC address, IP address, type or hostname.
The request ListDHCPEntriesRequest
A Promise of ListDHCPEntriesResponse
List DHCP configurations. List DHCP configurations, optionally filtering by
Organization, Project, Public Gateway IP address or more. The response is
an array of DHCP configuration objects, each identified by a DHCP ID and
containing configuration settings for the assignment of IP addresses to
devices on a Private Network attached to a Public Gateway. Note that the
response does not contain the IDs of any Private Network / Public Gateway
the configuration is attached to. Use the List Public Gateway connections to Private Networks
method for that purpose, filtering on DHCP ID.
The request ListDHCPsRequest
A Promise of ListDHCPsResponse
List Public Gateway connections to Private Networks. List the connections
between Public Gateways and Private Networks (a connection = a
GatewayNetwork). You can choose to filter by gateway-id
to list all
Private Networks attached to the specified Public Gateway, or by
to list all Public Gateways attached to the specified
Private Network. Other query parameters are also available. The result is
an array of GatewayNetwork objects, each giving details of the connection
between a given Public Gateway and a given Private Network.
The request ListGatewayNetworksRequest
A Promise of ListGatewayNetworksResponse
List Public Gateways. List Public Gateways in a given Scaleway Organization or Project. By default, results are displayed in ascending order of creation date.
The request ListGatewaysRequest
A Promise of ListGatewaysResponse
List Public Gateway types. List the different Public Gateway commercial offer types available at Scaleway. The response is an array of objects describing the name and technical details of each available gateway type.
The request ListGatewayTypesRequest
A Promise of ListGatewayTypesResponse
List IPs. List Public Gateway flexible IP addresses. A number of filter options are available for limiting results in the response.
The request ListIPsRequest
A Promise of ListIPsResponse
List PAT rules. List PAT rules. You can filter by gateway ID to list all PAT rules for a particular gateway, or filter for PAT rules targeting a specific IP address or using a specific protocol.
The request ListPATRulesRequest
A Promise of ListPATRulesResponse
Put a Public Gateway in IPAM mode. Put a Public Gateway in IPAM mode, so that it can be used with the Public Gateways API v2. This call is idempotent.
The request MigrateToV2Request
Refresh a Public Gateway's SSH keys. Refresh the SSH keys of a given Public Gateway, specified by its gateway ID. This adds any new SSH keys in the gateway's Scaleway Project to the gateway itself.
The request RefreshSSHKeysRequest
A Promise of Gateway
Set all DHCP reservations on a Gateway Network. Set the list of DHCP reservations attached to a Gateway Network. Reservations are identified by their MAC address, and will sync the current DHCP entry list to the given list, creating, updating or deleting DHCP entries accordingly.
The request SetDHCPEntriesRequest
A Promise of SetDHCPEntriesResponse
Set all PAT rules. Set a definitive list of PAT rules attached to a Public Gateway. Each rule is identified by its public port and protocol. This will sync the current PAT rule list on the gateway with the new list, creating, updating or deleting PAT rules accordingly.
The request SetPATRulesRequest
A Promise of SetPATRulesResponse
Update a DHCP configuration. Update a DHCP configuration object, identified by its DHCP ID.
The request UpdateDHCPRequest
A Promise of DHCP
Update a DHCP entry. Update the IP address for a DHCP entry, specified by
its DHCP entry ID. You can update an existing DHCP entry of any type
(static), lease
(dynamic) or unknown
), but in manually
updating the IP address the entry will necessarily be of type reservation
after the update.
The request UpdateDHCPEntryRequest
A Promise of DHCPEntry
Update a Public Gateway. Update the parameters of an existing Public Gateway, for example, its name, tags, SSH bastion configuration, and DNS servers.
The request UpdateGatewayRequest
A Promise of Gateway
Update a Public Gateway's connection to a Private Network. Update the configuration parameters of a connection between a given Public Gateway and Private Network (the connection = a GatewayNetwork). Updatable parameters include DHCP settings and whether to enable traffic masquerade (dynamic NAT).
The request UpdateGatewayNetworkRequest
A Promise of GatewayNetwork
Update an IP. Update details of an existing flexible IP address, including its tags, reverse and the Public Gateway it is assigned to.
The request UpdateIPRequest
A Promise of IP
Update a PAT rule. Update a PAT rule, specified by its PAT rule ID. Configuration settings including private/public port, private IP address and protocol can all be updated.
The request UpdatePATRuleRequest
A Promise of PATRule
Upgrade a Public Gateway to the latest version and/or to a different commercial offer type. Upgrade a given Public Gateway to the newest software version or to a different commercial offer type. This applies the latest bugfixes and features to your Public Gateway. Note that gateway service will be interrupted during the update.
The request UpgradeGatewayRequest
A Promise of Gateway
Waits for Gateway to be in a final state.
The request GetGatewayRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<VPCGW.v1.Gateway>>The waiting options
A Promise of Gateway
Waits for GatewayNetwork to be in a final state.
The request GetGatewayNetworkRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<VPCGW.v1.GatewayNetwork>>The waiting options
A Promise of GatewayNetwork
Public Gateways API.
This API allows you to manage your Public Gateways.