Attach a routing policy. Attach a routing policy to an existing link. As all routes across the link are blocked by default, you must attach a routing policy to set IP prefix filters for allowed routes, facilitating traffic flow.
The request AttachRoutingPolicyRequest
A Promise of Link
Attach a VPC. Attach a VPC to an existing link. This facilitates communication between the resources in your Scaleway VPC, and your on-premises infrastructure.
The request AttachVpcRequest
A Promise of Link
Create a link. Create a link (InterLink connection) in a given PoP, specifying its various configuration details. For the moment only hosted links (faciliated by partners) are available, though in the future dedicated and shared links will also be possible.
The request CreateLinkRequest
A Promise of Link
Create a routing policy. Create a routing policy. Routing policies allow you to set IP prefix filters to define the incoming route announcements to accept from the peer, and the outgoing routes to announce to the peer.
The request CreateRoutingPolicyRequest
A Promise of RoutingPolicy
Delete a link. Delete an existing link, specified by its link ID. Note that as well as deleting the link here on the Scaleway side, it is also necessary to request deletion from the partner on their side. Only when this action has been carried out on both sides will the resource be completely deleted.
The request DeleteLinkRequest
A Promise of Link
Delete a routing policy. Delete an existing routing policy, specified by its routing policy ID.
The request DeleteRoutingPolicyRequest
Detach a routing policy. Detach a routing policy from an existing link. Without a routing policy, all routes across the link are blocked by default.
The request DetachRoutingPolicyRequest
A Promise of Link
Detach a VPC. Detach a VPC from an existing link.
The request DetachVpcRequest
A Promise of Link
Disable route propagation. Prevent any prefixes from being announced in the BGP session. Traffic will not be able to flow over the InterLink until route propagation is re-enabled.
The request DisableRoutePropagationRequest
A Promise of Link
Enable route propagation. Enable all allowed prefixes (defined in a routing policy) to be announced in the BGP session. This allows traffic to flow between the attached VPC and the on-premises infrastructure along the announced routes. Note that by default, even when route propagation is enabled, all routes are blocked. It is essential to attach a routing policy to define the ranges of routes to announce.
The request EnableRoutePropagationRequest
A Promise of Link
Get a link. Get a link (InterLink connection) for the given link ID. The response object includes information about the link's various configuration details.
The request GetLinkRequest
A Promise of Link
Get a partner. Get a partner for the given partner IP. The response object includes information such as the partner's name, email address and portal URL.
The request GetPartnerRequest
A Promise of Partner
Get a PoP. Get a PoP for the given PoP ID. The response object includes the PoP's name and information about its physical location.
The request GetPopRequest
A Promise of Pop
Get routing policy. Get a routing policy for the given routing policy ID. The response object gives information including the policy's name, tags and prefix filters.
The request GetRoutingPolicyRequest
A Promise of RoutingPolicy
List links. List all your links (InterLink connections). A number of filters are available, including Project ID, name, tags and status.
The request ListLinksRequest
A Promise of ListLinksResponse
List available partners. List all available partners. By default, the
partners returned in the list are ordered by name in ascending order,
though this can be modified via the order_by
The request ListPartnersRequest
A Promise of ListPartnersResponse
List PoPs. List all available PoPs (locations) for a given region. By default, the results are returned in ascending alphabetical order by name.
The request ListPopsRequest
A Promise of ListPopsResponse
List routing policies. List all routing policies in a given region. A routing policy can be attached to one or multiple links (InterLink connections).
The request ListRoutingPoliciesRequest
A Promise of ListRoutingPoliciesResponse
Update a link. Update an existing link, specified by its link ID. Only its name and tags can be updated.
The request UpdateLinkRequest
A Promise of Link
Update a routing policy. Update an existing routing policy, specified by its routing policy ID. Its name, tags and incoming/outgoing prefix filters can be updated.
The request UpdateRoutingPolicyRequest
A Promise of RoutingPolicy
InterLink API.
This API allows you to manage your Scaleway InterLink, to connect your on-premises infrastructure with your Scaleway VPC.