Add new ACLs. Add new ACL rules for a specific cluster.
The request AddClusterACLRulesRequest
A Promise of AddClusterACLRulesResponse
Authenticate Kosmos external node. Creates a newer Kosmos node and returns its token. This method is not intended to be called by end users but rather programmatically by the node-installer.
The request AuthExternalNodeRequest
A Promise of ExternalNodeAuth
Create a new Cluster. Create a new Kubernetes cluster in a Scaleway region.
The request CreateClusterRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Create a Kosmos node. Retrieve metadata for a Kosmos node. This method is not intended to be called by end users but rather programmatically by the kapsule-node-agent.
The request CreateExternalNodeRequest
A Promise of ExternalNode
Create a new Pool in a Cluster. Create a new pool in a specific Kubernetes cluster.
The request CreatePoolRequest
A Promise of Pool
Delete an existing ACL.
The request DeleteACLRuleRequest
Delete a Cluster. Delete a specific Kubernetes cluster and all its associated pools and nodes, and possibly its associated Load Balancers or Block Volumes.
The request DeleteClusterRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Delete a Node in a Cluster. Delete a specific Node. The node will first be drained and pods will be rescheduled onto another node. Note that when there is not enough space to reschedule all the pods (such as in a one-node cluster, or with specific constraints), disruption of your applications may occur.
The request DeleteNodeRequest
A Promise of Node
Delete a Pool in a Cluster. Delete a specific pool from a cluster. Note that all the pool's nodes will also be deleted.
The request DeletePoolRequest
A Promise of Pool
Get a Cluster. Retrieve information about a specific Kubernetes cluster.
The request GetClusterRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Get configuration of a kube cluster.
The request GetClusterKubeConfigRequest
A Promise of Blob
Get a Node in a Cluster. Retrieve details about a specific Kubernetes Node.
The request GetNodeRequest
A Promise of Node
Fetch node metadata. Rerieve metadata to instantiate a Kapsule/Kosmos node. This method is not intended to be called by end users but rather programmatically by the node-installer.
The request GetNodeMetadataRequest
A Promise of NodeMetadata
Get a Pool in a Cluster. Retrieve details about a specific pool in a Kubernetes cluster.
The request GetPoolRequest
A Promise of Pool
Get a Version. Retrieve a specific Kubernetes version and its details.
The request GetVersionRequest
A Promise of Version
List ACLs. List ACLs for a specific cluster.
The request ListClusterACLRulesRequest
A Promise of ListClusterACLRulesResponse
List available cluster types for a cluster. List the cluster types that a specific Kubernetes cluster is allowed to switch to.
The request ListClusterAvailableTypesRequest
A Promise of ListClusterAvailableTypesResponse
List available versions for a Cluster. List the versions that a specific Kubernetes cluster is allowed to upgrade to. Results will include every patch version greater than the current patch, as well as one minor version ahead of the current version. Any upgrade skipping a minor version will not work.
The request ListClusterAvailableVersionsRequest
A Promise of ListClusterAvailableVersionsResponse
List Clusters. List all existing Kubernetes clusters in a specific region.
The request ListClustersRequest
A Promise of ListClustersResponse
List cluster types. List available cluster types and their technical details.
The request ListClusterTypesRequest
A Promise of ListClusterTypesResponse
List Nodes in a Cluster. List all the existing nodes for a specific Kubernetes cluster.
The request ListNodesRequest
A Promise of ListNodesResponse
List Pools in a Cluster. List all the existing pools for a specific Kubernetes cluster.
The request ListPoolsRequest
A Promise of ListPoolsResponse
List all available Versions. List all available versions for the creation of a new Kubernetes cluster.
The request ListVersionsRequest
A Promise of ListVersionsResponse
Migrate a cluster to SBS CSI. Enable the latest CSI compatible with Scaleway Block Storage (SBS) and migrate all existing PersistentVolumes/VolumeSnapshotContents to SBS. Make sure to have the necessary Quota before running this command.
The request MigrateClusterToSBSCSIRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Reboot a Node in a Cluster. Reboot a specific Node. The node will first be drained and pods will be rescheduled onto another node. Note that when there is not enough space to reschedule all the pods (such as in a one-node cluster, or with specific constraints), disruption of your applications may occur.
The request RebootNodeRequest
A Promise of Node
Replace a Node in a Cluster. Replace a specific Node. The node will first be drained and pods will be rescheduled onto another node. Note that when there is not enough space to reschedule all the pods (such as in a one-node cluster, or with specific constraints), disruption of your applications may occur.
The request ReplaceNodeRequest
A Promise of Node
Reset the admin token of a Cluster. Reset the admin token for a specific Kubernetes cluster. This will revoke the old admin token (which will not be usable afterwards) and create a new one. Note that you will need to download the kubeconfig again to keep interacting with the cluster.
The request ResetClusterAdminTokenRequest
Set new ACLs. Set new ACL rules for a specific cluster.
The request SetClusterACLRulesRequest
A Promise of SetClusterACLRulesResponse
Change the Cluster type. Change the type of a specific Kubernetes cluster.
To see the possible values you can enter for the type
field, list
available cluster types.
The request SetClusterTypeRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Update a Cluster. Update information on a specific Kubernetes cluster. You can update details such as its name, description, tags and configuration. To upgrade a cluster, you will need to use the dedicated endpoint.
The request UpdateClusterRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Update a Pool in a Cluster. Update the attributes of a specific pool, such as its desired size, autoscaling settings, and tags. To upgrade a pool, you will need to use the dedicated endpoint.
The request UpdatePoolRequest
A Promise of Pool
Upgrade a Cluster. Upgrade a specific Kubernetes cluster and possibly its associated pools to a specific and supported Kubernetes version.
The request UpgradeClusterRequest
A Promise of Cluster
Upgrade a Pool in a Cluster. Upgrade the Kubernetes version of a specific pool. Note that it only works if the targeted version matches the cluster's version. This will drain and replace the nodes in that pool.
The request UpgradePoolRequest
A Promise of Pool
Waits for Cluster to be in a final state.
The request GetClusterRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<K8s.v1.Cluster>>The waiting options
A Promise of Cluster
Waits for Node to be in a final state.
The request GetNodeRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Node>>The waiting options
A Promise of Node
Waits for Pool to be in a final state.
The request GetPoolRequest
options: Readonly<WaitForOptions<Pool>>The waiting options
A Promise of Pool
Lists the available regions of the API.