Managed Database for PostgreSQL and MySQL API.

This API allows you to manage your Managed Databases for PostgreSQL and MySQL.


  • API
    • API



LOCALITIES: Region[] = ...

Lists the available regions of the API.


  • List Database Instances. List all Database Instances in the specified region, for a given Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the Database Instances returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. You can define additional parameters for your query, such as tags and name. For the name parameter, the value you include will be checked against the whole name string to see if it includes the string you put in the parameter.


    Returns Promise<RDB.v1.ListInstancesResponse> & {
        "[asyncIterator]": () => AsyncGenerator<RDB.v1.Instance[], void, void>;
        all: () => Promise<RDB.v1.Instance[]>;

    A Promise of ListInstancesResponse