UpdateInstanceRequest: {
    backupSameRegion?: boolean;
    backupScheduleFrequency?: number;
    backupScheduleRetention?: number;
    backupScheduleStartHour?: number;
    instanceId: string;
    isBackupScheduleDisabled?: boolean;
    logsPolicy?: RDB.v1.LogsPolicy;
    name?: string;
    region?: Region;
    tags?: string[];

Type declaration

  • OptionalbackupSameRegion?: boolean

    Store logical backups in the same region as the Database Instance.

  • OptionalbackupScheduleFrequency?: number

    In hours.

  • OptionalbackupScheduleRetention?: number

    In days.

  • OptionalbackupScheduleStartHour?: number

    Defines the start time of the autobackup.

  • instanceId: string

    UUID of the Database Instance to update.

  • OptionalisBackupScheduleDisabled?: boolean

    Defines whether or not the backup schedule is disabled.

  • OptionallogsPolicy?: RDB.v1.LogsPolicy

    Logs policy of the Database Instance.

  • Optionalname?: string

    Name of the Database Instance.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • Optionaltags?: string[]

    Tags of a Database Instance.