ImportRawDNSZoneRequest: {
    axfrSource?: ImportRawDNSZoneRequestAXFRSource;
    bindSource?: ImportRawDNSZoneRequestBindSource;
    content?: string;
    dnsZone: string;
    format?: RawFormat;
    projectId?: string;

Type declaration

  • OptionalaxfrSource?: ImportRawDNSZoneRequestAXFRSource

    Import from the name server given with TSIG, to use or not.

    One-of ('source'): at most one of 'bindSource', 'axfrSource' could be set.

  • OptionalbindSource?: ImportRawDNSZoneRequestBindSource

    Import a bind file format.

    One-of ('source'): at most one of 'bindSource', 'axfrSource' could be set.

  • Optionalcontent?: string
  • dnsZone: string

    DNS zone to import.

  • Optionalformat?: RawFormat
  • OptionalprojectId?: string